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1、Unit 6 I am watching TV.,Section A 1a-1c,learning Aims,1. Master the key words and phrases;2. Present Progressive Tense 现在进行时态的肯定句形式。,Guessing game,Please guess what people are doing?,Lead-in,T: What is she doing?S: She is,She is drawing.,T: What is he doing?S: He is,He is eating.,T: What are they d

2、oing?S: They are,They are dancing.,想一想: 这是什么时态?,你发现了什么?,现在进行时,What is she doing? She is doing homework.What are you doing? I am running.What are they doing? They are making soup.,He is talking on the phone,talk talking,He is using the computer,use using,Look! What is he doing?,t:ki,watch watching,Lo

3、ok!What are they doing?,They are watching TV,soupHe is making soup,make making,Look! What is he doing?,I listen toa CD.,ing,What are you doing?,am,Its 6:30 now.,listen - listening,listening to a CD,/:i/,What are they doing?,Its 4 oclock.,swim-swimming,clean-cleaning,They are swimming.,They are clean

4、ing.,I read a newspaper.,What are you doing?,am,ing,Its 8:30 now.,read - reading,/ri:di/,Its 10 oclock.,What are they doing?,run-running,dance-dancing,They are dancing,They running,Its 7 oclock.,exercising,What is Lily doing?,she is exercis,ing.,Lily,exercise,Lets learn the words!,play -playing danc

5、e-dancing swim -swimming sing -singing run -running,动词原形,v-ing,practice playing the guitar,practice playing basketball,play the guitar,play basketball,ing,ing,ing,ing,swim,practice swimming,draw,ing,ing,practice draw,ing,ming,ing,ctivities,walk,run,watch TV,ing,ning,ing,ctivities,sing,dance,write to

6、 sb.,ing,ing,ing,read a newspaper,wash the dishes,ing,ing,use the computer,clean her room,ing,ing,1a Match the activities with the pictures.,1. watching TV _2. cleaning _3. reading a newspaper _4. talking on the phone _5. listening to a CD _6. using the computer _7. making soup _8. washing the dishe

7、s _9. exercising _,a,g,d,i,h,e,c,b,f,观察思考,仔细观察1a中的九个短语,它们的共同特点是以什么结尾?其中第6、7、9是怎样变的?你会读吗?大声读出来吧!1a中的九个短语,它们的动词原形是什么?写一写吧。,1a Match the activities with the pictures.,1. watch TV _2. clean _3. read a newspaper _4. talk on the phone _5. listen to a CD _6. use the computer _7. make soup _8. wash the dish

8、es _9. exercise _,a,g,d,i,h,e,c,b,f,watch TV,clean,talk on the phone,use the computer,1.看电视2.打扫卫生3.看报纸4.通过电话交谈 5.听CD 6.用电脑7.做汤8.洗碗9.锻炼,listen to a CD,read a newspaper,wash the dishes,exercise,make the soup,a. Jenny _ b. John _ c. Dave and Mary _,1b Listen. Write the numbers from 1a.,1,8,5,Tips :List

9、en to key wordsnames and activities.,Ask and answer questions about what people are doing in the picture above.,1c. Pairwork,A: Whats he doing? B: Hes using the computer. A: What are they doing? B: Theyre listening to a CD.,现在进行时,What is she doing? She is doing homework.What are you doing? I am runn

10、ing.What are they doing? They are making soup.,playing doing cleaning,writing giving having,swimming gettingshopping,Can you add -ing to the words?,1.一般在动词原形后加 ing,2.以不发音字母e 结尾的动词,去e 加ing,3.以“辅元辅”结尾的动词,且是重读音节的单词,双写辅音字母+ing.,找规律,现在进行时的特征词,now(现在)right now(现在)look(看)listen(听),例如:1、The music teacher _

11、(dance) in the classroom now. 2、Look, the kid_(swim) in the river 3、Listen, the girl _(sing) in her room.,is dancing,is swimming,is singing,thesedays(这些天),注意:,1. Its 6:30.pm . My family _ (watch) TV.2. Dont be noisy. My son _(sleep)3.- Where is Tom? -Oh, he _(play) outside.,are watching,is sleeping,

12、is playing,下面的句子要根据具体的上下文情景来判断时态。,writetakehavemakecome arrivedanceleave,动词现在分词变变变,writing,taking,having,making,coming,arriving,sitshopcutstopputgetbeginswimrun,动词现在分词变变变,sitting,shopping,cutting,stopping,putting,getting,beginning,swimming,running,What doing ?,is he is sheis itare youare they,eating

13、 in the room.,I amHe isShe isIt isWe areYou areThey are,Hi, Li Xue. What _ you _? Im _. What _ your dad _? Hes _ his car. What _ your mom _? She is _ in the kitchen. What about your sister? Shes _ my mom.,are doing,exercising,看图补全对话。,Exercise,is doing,cleaning,is doing,cooking,helping,总结一、核心词汇。1报纸ne

14、wspaper2.使用use 3汤soup 4.洗wash二、核心词组。5看报纸read_a_newspaper 6做汤make_soup7打电话交谈talk_on_the_phone8听一张CDlisten_to_a_CD9看电视watch_TV,三、核心句型。10他在做什么? 他在使用电脑。Whats_he_doing?Hes_using_the_computer.11他们在做什么 他们在听CD。What_are_they_doing?Theyre_listening_to_a_CD.,四、根据句意及提示写单词。12My mother usually makes soup(汤)for dinner.13Can you_wash(洗)your clothes?Yes,I can.14What are you doing,Tom?Im using(使用)my computer.15I exercise(锻炼)for thirty minutes every morning.16My father is reading a_newspaper(报纸),Thanks !,


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