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1、衡铁一中第三高级中学高三英语第六单元词汇教案 新课标 人教版江苏省泰兴市第三高级中学高三英语第六单元词汇教案 高三年级 英语学科 教学案一体化(6) 备课组长 申继忠 Words and expressions 预习:根据要求写出相应的词。 1.apply n._2.survival v._ 3.ox pl. _4.salty n_ 5.thirst adj._6.anxiety adj._ 7assessment v._8.starvation v. _用法: Warming up listening and speaking: 1.Failure happens when you quit

2、. ?quit vt. (quitted/quit, quitted/quit, quitting) (1)从离去,离开; 停止;辞职 (to eave; to give up; to stop) +n./doing Ive quit my job. 我辞职了. Quit_ in this room, please.请不要在这个房间吸烟 Quit_ around! 别胡闹了! (2)to rid oneself of by paying 偿清 quit a debt (3)举止;以一种特定的方式表现(自己) Quit yourself like adults. (4) be quit of s

3、b./sth: 摆脱某人/某物 I was glad to _ the troublesome job. 2. I can quickly adapt myself to new circumstances. ? circumstances n.情况,环境;情势 _ I would have resigned immediately.在正常情况下,我本会马上辞职的。 under no circumstances ,in no circumstances,无论如何不;决不 词组:under the circumstances或in the circumstances 在这些情况下;情况既然如此

4、The circumstances forced me to accept. _ Maybe _we may say that man can conquer nature. 也许在这样的情况下我们可以说人定胜天。 It depends on upon circumstances. 这要视情况而定。 Under no circumstances_ out of the house. 3.Imagine that you are cast away on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean like Robinson Crusoe. ?cast away (

5、 通常用于被动语态) ReadingGoing west Read the text and finish the following questions: Scan the passage and decide which of the following sentences is true or false and correct it if false. 1. In the spring of 1845, my father read a book about New York. ( ) 2. Indian Creek in Kansas was the meeting place fo

6、r people moving to the east. ( ) 3. On November 4,1846, we entered the Salt Lake Desert and soon lost our way. ( ) 4. A young man in their group suggested that the writer stay behind with the children and wait for help. ( ) 5. At three oclock in the morning of New Years Day, we reached the edge of t

7、he desert. ( ) Read the passage again, and try to find the topic sentence of each paragraph or summarize the main idea of each paragraph . After 5”, check the answers,。 P1. My father decided to go west after reading a book about California. 1 When did my father read a book? 2 What did he react to th

8、is account? 3 What did he react to this account? 4 When did they set off? P2. We get ready for the journey westward by reaching the first destination of Indian Greek in Kansas. 1. How many states did we travel through? And then what did we decide to do? 2. What was our first destination? 3. What was

9、 our starting day toward west? P3 We experienced the hard journey across the Salt Lake Desert. 1. What did we do with the wagons at night when we camped? 2. What was the most trying part? 3. What was the hard ship in the Salt Lake Desert? 4. How did we get through the “long drive”? P4 We made the ha

10、rd and bitter journey through the Death Valley 1. What did we see during our journey for many weeks? 2. Did we can help each other? Why? P5 I was very tried but persisted on the journey. Did I give up when a young man suggested me giving up? Why? P6. We at last arrived at the promised land When did

11、we reached the edge of the desert? And whats the end of the hard journey? Language points: Paragraph 1 1. This account of the wonderful land beyond the Rocky Mountains gave him the idea to move there. 落矶山脉上这片美丽土地的描述,使他产生了移居到那儿的想法。 1)account n.描述 the account of the person 拓展: account n. (1)(c) 帐目 (2)

12、(关于事件、人物等的)报道,叙述,描写。(3)(u)理由4)(u)好处;利益;利润 find ones account in在中得到好处 vi.(与for连用)说出的用途;是的原因。 vt.(+宾,宾补) We account him honest.我们认为他诚实。 2)beyond 作介词时,主要用法有: (1)(表示位置) 在的那边;在 之外。如: My uncle lives _. 我叔叔住在河的对岸。 The airport is 40 miles _. 机场在离城40英里以外的地方。 (2) (表示时间) 过了,比晚。如: My father arrived _. 我父亲过了八点钟才

13、到。 He came home_. 他比平时回家晚。 (3) (表示范围、限度) 超出;为所不及。如: If the work is beyond Tom, it is certainly_. 如果汤姆干不了这项工作,我也干不了。 They live_. 他们的生活入不敷出。 This problem is far beyond me / my comprehension. The TV is beyond repair. (4) (常用于含疑问或否定意义的结构中) 除之外。如: I didnt notice anything beyond his rather strange accent.

14、 除了他那颇为古怪的口音以外,我没有注意到别的。 I know nothing of it beyond what he told me. I cannot say anything beyond that. Im sorry its _ my power to make a final decision on the project. (上海 2004春) A. over B. above C. off D. beyond beyond all praise _ beyond belief _ beyond compare _ beyond description _ beyond hope

15、 _ beyond sbs grasp ; beyond my power/reach. beyond my control _ beyond words _ 2. It was not easy to decide what to take and what to leave behind. 决定什么带走什么留下是不容易的。 ?Leave behind 忘带;留下 Ive _ 我忘了带笔。 Im afraid we must_.恐怕我们得把小林留下。 When he went to work in Saudi Arabia, he had to _. 他前往沙特阿拉伯工作时,他不得不留下他的

16、家人。 leave sth aside 不考虑 leave alone 让。独自呆着 leaveat the mercy of 任由。摆布 leave off 停止 leave out 遗漏,漏掉 Paragraph 3: 3.The journey through the mountains and desert in the central part of the continent was the most trying part. 通过大陆中央的山脉和沙漠的旅程是最艰难的。 ?trying a.难受的;难堪的;费劲的;恼人的 a _ situation尴尬的局面;难处的境况 4. an

17、d the long walk through the sand was hard on the oxen. ?此处be hard on意为“够受,使难以忍受”。另外,它还可意为“磨得厉害;对过于严厉,苛刻;紧跟等”。如: These rough roads _ your shoes. 这些崎岖的道路把鞋磨得厉害。 Dont be too hard on your little son. 不要对你的儿子过于苛刻。 When I arrived there, I found that he _ me. 我到那儿时,发现他紧跟在我的后面。 Work hard at 竭尽全力 She is work

18、ing hard at her term paper. 她正在用心撰写学期论文。 take a hard look at 冷眼看待 We need to take a long hard look at the whole system of welfare payments 我们需要长期冷静的审视整套福利支付制度。 5. The animals dragged their legs, too weak to pull their burden, and their tongues hung out in desperate need of water.这些动物拖着他们的腿,太虚 弱了而不能拉

19、动负担,他们的舌头由于极度缺少水而在外搭了着。 ?desperate adj极度渴望的 .1)令人绝望的,危急的 in a desperate state 在绝境中 The situation was so _ 2)(因绝望而)孤注一掷,拼死的 make a desperate effort 拼命的努力 The _ thief shot at the policeman. 3) 极度渴望的be desperate for极度想要 He was desperate for fame. in desperate need of很渴望的 He is desperate to pass the ent

20、rance exam. 4)极端的;(气候)险要的a desperate fool大傻瓜 desperately adv.拼命地, 绝望地 Paragraph 4: 6. For many weeks we had been accustomed to seeing horses and oxen, heat, thirst, and starvation.许多个星期,我们suffering from 习惯于看到马、牛受热、渴和饥饿之苦。 (1) be accustomed to (+n.或V-ing形式)习惯于(比be used to 正式)。 be / get / become accus

21、tomed to =be/get/become used to You will soon _ the job.你将会很快习惯这个工作的。 I am accustomed to cold weather/ walking long distances. Youll soon get accustomed to cold weather. (2) suffer from(v.+prep.=vt.)受之苦;患 She often_ headaches.她常头痛。 suffer from floods遭受洪水 7. In anxiety of reaching a place of safety,

22、no one stopped to look or help. ?anxiety 1). 焦虑,挂念UC(+about/for) The mother _about her daughters health. 母亲为女儿的健康忧心忡忡。 2) 焦虑的原因;令人焦虑之事C(+to) That is a great anxiety to me. 那是一件使我深感焦虑的事情。 3). 渴望C(+for)+to-v _was obvious. 他们想去的急切心情是显而易见的。 with great anxiety非常担忧, 十分焦急地 Paragraph 6 8.When we saw the val

23、ley with fat cattle and horses, we thought we had reached the promised land.当我们看到牛肥马壮的山谷时,我们知道我们到了一个有指望的土地。 ?promised过去分词作定语,有希望的。 the promised land 期望中的乐土或安乐境界 promise有希望,有可能. This year_ a good harvest.今年有丰收的希望。 Promising 有出息的,有前途的 a promising young pianist The results of the first experiments are

24、very_. 第一次实验的结果充满了希望 9( Our day of hardship had come to an end. 我们苦难的日子结束了。 ?come to end =end 结束 bring sth to an end =end sth 结束. eg: 1.) The meeting came to an end at midnight. 2.) I wonder how I bring their dispute (纷争)to an end. 类似短语: 1. come to a conclusion 得出结论 2. come to a decision 做出决定 3. com

25、e to a stop 停了下来 4. come to ones aid =aid sb 援助某人 5. come to an agreement 达成协议 6. come to power 开始执政, 上台 7. come to oneself 苏醒,恢复知觉 8. come to nothing 完全失败,终成泡影 Integrating skills 1.Scanning Find some information to fill in chart: The brief introduction to the story The time The place The plot The r

26、esult 2. Further reading Judge whether the following statements are true or false: The first dog race was a race against time. ( ) (1)(2) The disease which struck the Nome was called flu. ( ) (3) If doctors couldnt get enough vaccine, the children would die quite soon. ( ) (4) The doctors could do n

27、othing but use the dog team to deliver the vaccine because there were not enough ships and planes. ( ) (5) During the journey, the dogs and their drivers should fight against the hot weather. ( ) (6) When the dogs and their drivers arrived on time, they were warmly welcomed. ( ) Language points 1. O

28、ur program today is about the eightieth anniversary of the Anchorage-to-Nome dog sled race. 我们今天的节目是关于安克雷奇-诺姆狗雪橇赛80 周年纪念日的. ?anniversary周年纪念(日) Tomorrow is the anniversary of the first day we dated. A wedding anniversary They celebrated their 10th wedding_.他们在庆祝他们结婚十周年 2. We have here with us Miss W

29、elch, who is a granddaughter of Dr.Welch 韦尔奇小姐就在我们现场,她是韦尔奇医生的孙女. 为了句子结构的平衡,本句中宾语Miss Welch(其后有一个非限制性定语从句)的位置移到了句子末尾. 正常语序是:We have Miss Welch with us. .3.Tough强壮的;坚强的;吃苦耐劳的 ;坚韧的;困难的;费力的;难切难吃的; 残暴的;严酷的;苛刻的: a tough winter( severe; harsh) This steak is too tough咬不动 He looked ( to be) the toughest of a

30、ll the challengers. Tough policies强硬的政策 a tough guy美无赖 a tough job棘手的工作 a tough customer难伺候的客人 have a tough time of it日子不好过 4. The doctor in Anchorage wrapped the medicine in a quilt and tied . it up?tie up (1) 绑好,包扎 _ this package.将这包裹包扎好. (2) (交通)阻塞 The accident_ all traffic.这件意外使交通全都阻塞了 tie to 把.

31、系到.去 He tied his dog to the fence.他把他的狗系到栅栏上去. Tie with sb in .game (match)打成平手 We _ the basketball match.我们与客队在这场篮球赛不分胜负. tie n.同分,打平手 The game ended in a tie. 5.But he knew that lives were at stake. 但是他知道好多人正生命垂危. ?stake n.桩,水刑柱,赌注 v.系于柱上,打赌 tie sth to a stake把拴在柱子上 be at stake 生死攸关 Thousands of l

32、ives will _ if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.如果紧急救援不能马上到达该市,千万人的生命危在旦夕. _ 孩子们的生命濒临危险. 6.a memorial to all who risked their lives to save those of others.以纪念所有那些冒险援救他人生命的人命 (1) memorial n.纪念物;纪念碑 _ the men who died in the war 为在战争中牺牲的士兵而立的纪念碑. the key(answer) to the entrance to the n

33、ote to junior to senior to the wish to the decision to the refusal to (2) risk vt.冒.的危险n.风险, 保险对象 do sth at the risk of ones life=risk ones life to do sth_ at all risks=at any risk_ at (ones) risk _ run(take) a risk (risks)=risk doing sth 冒险 If you go out without your raincoat, _ 如果你出门不带雨衣,就有可能被淋湿.

34、We cant risk your catching the measles.我们不能让你冒染上麻疹的危险 _ 太多的人有生命危险 参考答案 Words and expressions 预习:根据要求写出相应的词。 1.apply n application_2.survival v. survive 3.ox pl. oxen 4.salty n_ salt_ 5.thirst adj._thirsty_6.anxiety adj. _anxious_ 7assessment v._assess_8.starvation v. _starve_用法: Warming up listening

35、 and speaking: 1.Failure happens when you quit. ?quit vt. (quitted/quit, quitted/quit, quitting) (1)从离去,离开; 停止;辞职 (to eave; to give up; to stop) +n./doing Ive quit my job. 我辞职了. Quit smoking in this room, please. Quit fooling around! 别胡闹了! (2)to rid oneself of by paying 偿清 quit a debt (3)举止;以一种特定的方式

36、表现(自己) Quit yourself like adults. (4) be quit of sb./sth: 摆脱某人/某物 I was glad to be quit of the troublesome job. 2. I can quickly adapt myself to new circumstances. ? circumstances n.情况,环境;情势 In normal circumstances I would have resigned immediately.在正常情况下,我本会马上辞职的。 under no circumstances ,in no circ

37、umstances,无论如何不;决不 词组:under the circumstances或in the circumstances 在这些情况下;情况既然如此 The circumstances forced me to accept. 环境迫使我不得不同意。 Maybe under these circumstances we may say that man can conquer nature. 也许在这样的情况下我们可以说人定胜天。 It depends on upon circumstances. 这要视情况而定。 Under no circumstances should you

38、 step out of the house. 2.Imagine that you are cast away on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean like Robinson Crusoe. ?cast away ( 通常用于被动语态) ReadingGoing west Read the text and finish the following questions: Scan the passage and decide which of the following sentences is true or false and correct

39、it if false. 6. In the spring of 1845, my father read a book about New York. ( ) 7. Indian Creek in Kansas was the meeting place for people moving to the east. ( ) 8. On November 4,1846, we entered the Salt Lake Desert and soon lost our way. ( ) 9. A young man in their group suggested that the write

40、r stay behind with the children and wait for help. ( ) 10. At three oclock in the morning of New Years Day, we reached the edge of the desert. ( ) Read the passage again, and try to find the topic sentence of each paragraph or summarize the main idea of each paragraph . After 5”, check the answers,。

41、 P1. My father decided to go west after reading a book about California. 1 When did my father read a book? 2 What did he react to this account? this account of give him the idea In the spring of 1845 2 What did he react to this account? this account of give him the idea 3 When did they set off? by t

42、he middle of October set off in the spring of 1845 when half a year later by the middle of how long /far / who/why P2. We get ready for the journey westward by reaching the first destination of Indian Greek in Kansas. 4. How many states did we travel through? And then what did we decide to do? four

43、spend winter move on 5. What was our first destination? Indian Creek in Kansas frontier 6. What was our starting day toward west? April 12, 1846 chose P3 We experienced the hard journey across the Salt Lake Desert. 5. What did we do with the wagons at night when we camped? by day driven form around

44、6. What was the most trying part? through central sometimes lift pull up 7. What was the hard ship in the Salt Lake Desert? lost our way 90 Water and grass 8. How did we get through the “long drive”? Walk beside burnt the wagon packed with on our feet 500 p4 We made the hard and bitter journey through the Death Valley 3. What did we see during our journey for many weeks? Be accustomed to be lined with dead abandoned 4. Did we can help each other? Why? In anxiety


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