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1、Unit 1 Cultural relics1 .Frederick William I , the King of Prussia , could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an (惊讶) history.2 .The amber which was (挑选) had a beautiful yellow-brown color like (蜂蜜) .3 .The (设计) of the room was in the (奇特的) (风格) populari

2、n those days.4.It was also a treasure (装饰) with gold and (珠宝) , whichtook the countrys best (艺术家) about ten years to make.4 .However , the next King of Prussia , Frederick WilliamI ,whom the amberroom (属于) ,decided not to keep it.5 . (作为回报) , the Czar sent him a (军队) of his best soldiers.6 .About fo

3、ur metres long , the room served as a small (接待) hall forimportant visitors.7 .This was a time when the two countries were (处于交战状态) .8 .Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace , the Russians were able to (移动) some furniture and small art object from the Amber Room.9.In (少于) two days 100,000

4、pieces were put inside twenty-seven (木制的) boxes.10 .There is no (怀疑) that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg ,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.11 .By studying old photos of the (从前的) Amber Room , they have made thenew one like the old one.12.In a (审判) , a judge m

5、ust decide which eyewitnesses to believe and whichnot to believe.13.This kind of information is called (证据) .Unit 2 The Olympic Games1 .Pausanias , who was a Greek writer about 2,000 years ago , has come on a (有魔力的) journey on March 18 th , 2007 to find out about the present-day Olympic Games.2 .He

6、is now interviewing Li Yan , a volunteer for the 2008 Olympics Games.3.I lived in what you call“Ancient (希腊)”and I used to write about theOlympic Games a long time ago.4.I ve come to your time to find out about the present-day Olympics Games becauseI know that in 2004 they were held in my (祖国) .5.Th

7、ere are two main sets of Games the Winter and the Summer Olympics , and both are held every four years on a (定期的) (基础) .6.Only (运动员) who have reached the agreed standard for their event willbe (承认) as competitors.7 .No other countries could join in , nor could (奴隶) or women!8 . (现在) any country can

8、take part if their athletes are good enough.9 .Womenare not only allowed , but play a very important role in (体操)athletes housed?10 .For each Olympics , a special village is built for them to live in , a mainreception building , several (体育场) for competition , and a (体育馆) (也) .11 .Does anyone want t

9、o (主人) the Olympic Games?1.1 It s a great (责任) but also a great honour to be chosen.1.50 o even the olive wreath has been (取代) !14 .That s the (格言) of the Olympics , you know -” (更快) , Higherand Stronger. ”15 .Unit 3 Computer1 .Although I was young I could (简化) difficult (总数) .2 .After I was program

10、med by an (操作员) who used cards with holes , I could“think ” (合逻辑地) and produce an answer quicker than any person.3 .At that time it was considered a (科技的) (革命的) andthe startof my “ (人造的) (智能)4.In 1936 my real father,Alan Turing , wrote a book about how I could be made towork as a “universalmachine ”

11、 to (解决) any difficult mathematical problem.5 . then (从 时起), I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.6 .However , this (事实) also worried my designers.7 .First as a PC( (私人的) computer ) and then as a laptop , I have been usedin offices and homes since the 1970s.8 .First it was stored in (管子) ,

12、then on transistors and later on verysmall chips.9 . (结果) I (完全地) changed my shapes.10.Over time my memoryhas developed _ much (如此 以致于 ), like anelephant , I never forget anything I have been told!11.But I was always so lonely standing there by myself , until in the early 1960s they gave mefamily co

13、nnected by a (网络) .12.I was able to share my knowledge with others though the World Wide (网) .13.Since the 1970s many new (应用) have been found for me.14.I have become very important in communication , (财经) and trade.15.I have also been put into robots and used to make (可移动的) phonesas well ashelp wit

14、h medical operations.16.I have even been put into space (火箭) and sent to (探索) the MoonandMars.17. (无论如何) , my (目标) is to provide humans with a life of highquality.1.1 I amnow truly filled with (幸福) that I ama devoted friend and helperof the (人类) .19 .For example , I have learned to (发信号) to my teamm

15、ates in computerlanguage togive me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal.20 . (就个人而言) , I think the team that won first place cheated.21 .They had developed a new (类型) of program just before the competition.22 . (在某种程度上) our programmer is like our (教练) .23 .Then she prepares reliab

16、le moves to use if a new situation (出现) .24 .After all , (在 的帮助下)my(电子的) brain whichneverforgets anything , using my intelligence is what Im all about!Unit 4 Wildlife protection1.One day she woke up and found a flying (地毯) by her bed.2 .Daisy (回答) immediately.3 .Please take me to a (远的) land where I

17、 can find the animal that gave(毛皮) to make this sweater.4 . (如释重负) Daisy (突然笑起来) .5 .Farmers hunted us without (仁慈) .6 .They allowed tourists to hunt only a (确定的) numbers are increasing.7.It shows the (重要性) of wildlife protection , but Id like to help asthe WWF suggests.8.A monkey watched them as it

18、 (摩擦) itself.9.I m myself (保护 不受 ) (蚊子) .10 .When I find a millipede (昆虫) , I rub it over my body.11 .It (包含) a (强大的) drug which (影响) mosquitoes.12 .You should more (注意) the rainforest where I live and识到) how the animals live together.13 .The most famous of these animals are (恐龙) .14 .They lived on

19、the earth tens of millions of years ago , long before humans(形成) and their future seemed secure at that time.15 .When scientists (检查) the bones , they were surprised to find thatthesedinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees.16 .Some scientists think it came after an unexpect

20、ed (事件) when a hugerock fromspace hit the earth and put too much (灰尘) into the air.17 .( 根据) a UNreport,some 884 animals and plants have disappearedinthe last 500 years.Unit 5 Music1 .Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or (音乐家) ?2 .Have you ever (梦想) playing in front of tho

21、usands of people ata concert , atwhich everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?3 .Do you sing karaoke and (假装) you are a famous singer like Song Zuyingor LiuHuan ?4 . (实话说) , a lot of people great importance (连接)becomingrich and famous.5 .But just how do people (形成) a band.6 .Sometimes they

22、 may play to (路人) in the street or subway so that theycan (挣) some (额外的) money for themselves or to pay for their (乐器) .7 .Later they may give (表演) in (酒吧) or clubs , for which theyare paid (用现金) .8 .Of course they hope to make records in a (演播室) and sell millions ofcopies tobecome (百万富翁) !9.The mus

23、icians were to (戏弄) each other as well as play music , mostof whichwas based loosely on the Beatles.10.As some of these actors could not sing well enough , they had to (依赖) othermusicians to help them.11.So during the (广播) they just pretended to sing.12 .Anyhow their performances were (幽默的) enough t

24、o be copies by othergroups.13 .They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to more(与 熟悉起来) them.14 .However , after a year (大约) in which they became more serious abouttheir work ,the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band.15 .The band (解体) about 1970 , but h

25、appily they reunited in themid-1980s.16 .No long after Freddy and the band becamefamous , they visited Britain on a (简要的) tour.17 .Fans showed their (投入) by waiting for hours to get tickets for theirconcerts.18 .He enjoyed singing and all the congratulations (然后) !19 .His most exciting (邀请) was to (表演) on a TV programme called“Top of the Pops.”20 .Even when they wore sunglasses or (胡须) people recognized them.21 .At last feeling very upset and (敏感的) , Freddy and his band realizedthat they must leave the country before it became too (痛苦的) for them.精品资料Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考! 22.


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