UnitWhere' S Norman's Ticket新世纪版四年级下册教案.doc

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1、(新世纪版)四年级英语下册课件 Unit 4 Wheres Normans Ticket? 一、教育目标: 1. 教育学生养成良好的学习生活习惯。 2. 培养学生互相关心,互相帮助的友爱之心。 3. 培养学生热爱大自然的感情。 二、教学目标: 基本要求: 1. ?words: here? there? find? look for ?ticket? ask? count? learn能口头、书面默出单词。 2. 并能与学过的词整和起来表达一定的意义。 ?Here!? Come here. Here is a gift for you. A. 能用所学的句型根据图片或教师创设的情景表演对话。 B

2、. 能把相关词与Grand Theatre整和起来,做阅读练习。 C. 学习Grand Theatre: 的语篇,把Wonderland, Farmland,与它拓展出的情景整合,变成新的语言材料,表演对话。 3. 听懂、读懂Q and A, On your own, Pair work 做书面、口头练习。 4. 练习朗读Music Box中内容,体验oo 的读音。 5. 诵读Rhyme: Water 发展要求: 1. 能听音以后在下列单词中填入字母c_ _ l? c_ _k? ?r_ _ ster 2. 能把What are you doing?与 Grand Theater整和,组成新的语

3、言材料,完成阅读练习。 3. 把Rhyme与学过的内容整合,形成另外一首儿歌。 三、Main aims and difficult aims: 1. 现在分词的构成 2. 现在进行的运用。 3. wheres/are? 四、Material requires tape recorder? pictures? cards 五、Teaching plans: Five periods. The 1st Period Teaching aims:? 能口头、书面默出单词。1. words: here? there? find? look for? ticket? ask? count? learn2

4、. 能掌握书中常用句型。 3. 并能与学过的词整和起来表达一定的意义。 New teaching: 一、Warming Up 1. Rhyme: Water 2. Daily talk 二、Revision 1. Say sth. about your hobby. 2. Q and A: Do you often go to the movie? What place do you like best? ?三、New teaching: 1. Pre-task preparation do-doing 2. While-task activity 1)here a. Read after t

5、he tape.? b. How to pronounce ere? 2)Learn the new words: there find look for ticket ask count learn Read-spell-using 3)Learn the sentences : Come here, Tom. Go there. I find a watch on the road. Hes looking for his English book. Lets go and buy two tickets. The boy is asking the way to the zoo. The

6、 girl is counting her sweets. Lets learn English. Read-practice 3. Make sentences with the new words. 四、Post-task activity 1. Read after the tape. 2. Make sentences or dialogues with the new words. Assignment五、1. Copy the words and sentences. 2. Recite the words and sentences. ?六、On board Unit 4 Whe

7、res Normans Ticket? Come here, Tom. Go there. I find a watch on the road. Hes looking for his English book. Lets go and buy two tickets. The boy is asking the way to the zoo. The girl is counting her sweets. Lets learn English. The 2nd Period Teaching aims: 1. 熟练运用句型What are you doing? Im (we are).

8、2. 能用所学的句型根据图片或教师创设的情景表演对话。 New teaching: 一、Warming up: 1. Rhyme: Water 二、Revision: Wonderland: Words and sentences. 1. Make sentences with the words: 三、New teaching: 1. New words:? feed a bird? listen to the tape? climb the hill? fly a kite ?Swim? run? read ? write ? sing ? dance 2. Make phrases wi

9、th them 3. .: swim-swimming 4. Q and A: What are you doing? Im What are you doing? Were 5. Change the words: you-he, she, they. 四、Post-task activity 1. Read the dialogue. 2. Act out it 3. Do the dialogue on yourself or with your partner. 4. Q and A with your partner. 5. Write down your answers. 五、As

10、signment Say sth. about the Farmland. 六、On board: What are you doing? Im What are you doing? Were The 3rd Period Teaching aims: Learn G T? New teaching: 一、Warming up:? Daily Talk? Come and 二、Revision 1. Words and phrases. 2. Parted exercises. 三、New teaching: 1. What are you doing there, Norman? Im l

11、ooking for something and I cant find it. 1)Read them. 2)Work in a group. 3)Know the Chinese meaning about:? look for? find 2. What? My ticket, I want to go to the movies. Practice: want to do 四、Post-task activity 1. Read it after the tape. 2. Act out it ? Do it with your partner then act out it for

12、us. 五、Assignment : Read the text and recite it. 六、On board: Where is Normans ticket?What are you doing? Im looking for. I want to go The 4th Period Teaching aims: 1. Grand Theatre: 2. 学习Grand Theatre 的语篇,把Wonderland, Farmland,与它拓展出的情景整合,变成新的语言材料,表演对话。 3. 听懂、读懂Q and A, 做书面、口头回答。 New teaching: 一、warmi

13、ng up: 1. Daily Talk? 2. Rhyme 二、Revision:? 1. Read after the tape GT. 2. Act out the dialogue with your patterns. 3. Learn P 3、4. 三、Read after the tape 四、Post-task activity 1. Act out the GT 2. Do Q and A 五、Assignment : 1. Read the text. 2. Recite it. 六、On board Wheres Normans ticket? cant The 5th

14、Period Teaching aims: 1. 能把相关词与Grand Theatre 整合起来,做阅读练习。 2. 学习Grand Theatre?,把Wonderland, Farmland,与它拓展出的情景整合,变成新的语言材料,表演对话。 3. 练习朗读Music Box中内容,体验oo的读音。 4. Disneyland:?water 5. Pair works. New teaching: 一、Warming up: 1. Daily Talk? 2. Rhyme 二、Revision: 1. Spell the words. 2.?Read the text. 三、New te

15、aching: 1. Make a short dialogue like Grand Theatre /farmland Talk about the dialogue and act out it. 2. Music box 1)Read it after the tape. 2)Listen? to the tape and fill in the blanks 3. Rhyme water 1)Listen to the tape. 2)Read it. 3)Act out it use another words. 四、Post-task activity: Do the exercises on page30 Q and A. 1. Read the Q. 2. Do it by yourself. 3. Work in a group. 五、Assignment: Review Unit 4 六On board: oo? tooth? school? smooth oo? book? look? good


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