最新【开学大礼包】高中英语优秀教案:Unit+1+Friendship+Period+4 Grammar(新人教版必修1)名师优秀教案.doc

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《最新【开学大礼包】高中英语优秀教案:Unit+1+Friendship+Period+4 Grammar(新人教版必修1)名师优秀教案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新【开学大礼包】高中英语优秀教案:Unit+1+Friendship+Period+4 Grammar(新人教版必修1)名师优秀教案.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Friendship Period 4Grammar(Direct Speech and Indirect Speech ()整体设计从容说课This is the fourth teaching period of this unit. To test whether the students have grasped the important and difficult language points they learned in the last period, the teacher should first offer them some revision exer

2、cises.This teaching period is a grammar lesson. The students are expected to make clear the differences between Direct Speech and Indirect Speech and grasp the main usages of them in this period. Students often feel grammar very abstract and boring, so it is necessary to make the class lively and in

3、teresting. Example sentences and grammar summary should be carefully designed so as to make it easy for students to understand and accept.In this lesson, we will first offer a supposed situation and make the students learn about the differences between Direct Speech and Indirect Speech. The situatio

4、n makes students know that when talking in our daily life sometimes we have got to use Direct Speech and sometimes we also need to use Indirect Speech. This is to help them to have the sense to connect grammar form with real situations in our daily life. If we want to express ourselves clearly and c

5、orrectly, we should use a proper form of language, otherwise others cant understand us. That is why it is necessary for us to have some knowledge in grammar.Later on, well show and explain the rules of these grammar items, that is to say, to make the students know how to change Direct Speech into In

6、direct Speech and Indirect Speech into Direct Speech. Then ask them to do exercises in Discovering useful structures, Learning about language on Page 5. It will make the students further know about the differences and grasp the usages. This also can help the students connect grammar rules with prope

7、r language forms so as to make grammar rules less abstract.Then we will ask the students to do Exercise 1 in Using structures on Page 42. If the students have difficulty, help them and check their mistakes with the help of the grammar rules.Tell the students not just to learn some simple grammar rul

8、es but to learn and use them in practical situations.For example, my friend says, “I will come here tomorrow. ” If using Indirect Speech, you can express it in many different ways.1. If at the same time in the same place, you should say:My friend says she (he) will come here tomorrow.2. If the time

9、has changed and still in the same place, you should say:My friend said she (he)would come here the next day.3. If the place has changed and the time is still today, you should say:My friend said she (he)would go there tomorrow.4. If both the time and the place have changed, you should say:My friend

10、said she (he)would go there the next day.5. If both the time and the place have changed, the other should say:He (She) said he (she) would go there the next day.If students learn the grammar this way, it is easier for them to grasp.教学重点Summarize the rules of Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.教学难点Get

11、 the students to learn about the special cases in which the tenses shouldnt be changed.教学方法Discussing, summarizing and practicing教具准备A projector and other necessary teaching tools三维目标Knowledge aims:Get the students to learn and grasp the rules of Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.Ability aims:Get th

12、e students to be able to use the rules to express their meanings and retail others correctly.Emotional aims:1. Get the students not to be afraid of grammar learning.2. Get the students to develop their sense of group cooperation.教学过程Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Have a dictation

13、to write some important words and expressions.Suggested words and expressions:upsetignoreconcernloosecheatreasonsharenaturethunderentirelygo throughhide awaycalm downset downgrow crazy abouton purposeface to faceaccording to3. Translate some sentences using the patterns we have learned.Suggested sen

14、tences:1)为了上课不迟到,他七点钟就出发了。(in order to)2)小明昨天没来上学确实是因为生病了。(It is. . . that. . . )3)这小房间里太闹。(far too much)4)那是我第一次到北京。(It is/was the first/second time/that. . . )Suggested answers:1)In order not to be late for class, he set off at seven oclock. /He set off at seven oclock in order not to be late for

15、class.2)It is because he was ill that Xiaoming didnt come to school.3)There is far too much noise in the small room.4)It was the first time that I had been to Beijing.Step 2 Lead-inTell the class:In the last lesson, we learned Anne Franks story. She is telling her stories to two of her friendsyou an

16、d Mary. Mary has something wrong with her ears, so you have to repeat Annes sentences, using Indirect speech. Sometimes you explain Marys sentences to Anne.“I have to stay in the hiding place. ”said Anne. Anne said she had to stay in the hiding place.“Do you feel sad when you are not able to go outd

17、oors? ” Mary asked Anne. Mary asked Anne if/whether she felt sad when she was not able to go outdoors.“I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary, ” said Anne. Anne said that she didnt want to set down a series of facts in a diary.“What do you call your diary? ” Mary asked. Mary asked what

18、 she called her diary. . .Get the students to go on this topic by themselves.Step 3 Grammar1. Tell the class:Now lets look at these sentences again. If we want to change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech, what should be changed?2. Get the students discuss by themselves.Perhaps most students can fin

19、d sentence structures, tenses, pronouns, adverbials of time and place and verbs should be changed.3. Show the students the form on the screen. These are the rules.当我们引用别人的话时,如果我们引用别人的原话,被引用的部分就叫直接引语,一般用“”引起来。如果我们用自己的话把意思转述出来,被转述的部分称为间接引语,间接引语在多数情况下都构成一个宾语从句。直接引语变成间接引语时,要注意以下几点:人称变化、时态变化、宾语从句要用陈述句语序。

20、1)直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语时,由连词that 引导。Mary said, “I am very happy to help you. ”Mary said that she was very happy to help you.2)直接引语是一般疑问句或选择疑问句,变成间接引语时,由连词whether或if引导。He asked me, “Do you like playing basketball? ”He asked me if/whether I liked playing basketball.注意:大多数情况下,if和whether都可以用,但后面和or not连用时或在动词

21、不定式前或放在介词后作连接词时,一般只用whether。She asked me whether I could do it or not.3)直接引语是特殊疑问句,变成间接引语时,由原句的疑问词who, whom, whose, how, when, why, where 等引导。My sister asked me, “What do you think of the film? ”My sister asked me what I thought of the film.4)注意事项(1)间接引语一般要用陈述句的语序,即主、谓、宾的顺序。He asked Lucy, “Where hav

22、e you been? ”He asked Lucy where she had been.Mary said, “What do you want, Ann? ”Mary asked Ann what she wanted.(2)直接引语是客观事实、真理、规律等,变成间接引语时,时态不变。The teacher told his students, “The earth goes round the sun. ”The teacher told his students that the earth goes round the sun.(3)直接引语变间接引语时,指示代词、时间状语、地点状

23、语等要作相应的变化。He said, “I havent seen my daughter today. ”He said that he hadnt seen his daughter that day.注意:如果转述时就在原来的地方,就在说话的当天,就没必要改变指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等。时态变化规律表直接引语间接引语一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时一般将来时过去将来时一般过去时过去完成时现在完成时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时现在完成进行时过去完成进行时一些常用词变化规律表直接引语间接引语指示代词来源:Z_xx_k.Com来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K来源:学科网ZXXKth

24、is来源:学科网ZXXKthat来源:Zxxk.Comthesethose时间状语nowthentodaythat daytomorrowthe next (following)daynext week/month/. . .the next (following)week/month. . .yesterdaythe day beforelast week/month/. . .the week/month/. . . beforethree days/months/. . . agothree days/month/. . .this week/month/. . .that week/m

25、onth. . .地点herethere动词comegoOption:如果学生基础较好,语法部分也可用英语讲解。1. Direct SpeechIn direct speech, the original speakers exact words are given and are indicated by quotation marks.“I dont know what to do, ” said Tom.In some grammar books, “said Tom” is referred to as a reporting clause. “I dont know what to

26、do, ” is referred to as the reported clause.2. Indirect SpeechIn indirect speech, the exact meaning of the speakers words is given, but the exact words are not directly quoted.Tom said that he didnt know what to do.To convert direct speech into indirect speech:If the main verb is past tense, present

27、 tense verbs in “that clause” must also be changed to past tense.Tom said that he didnt know what to do.First and second person pronouns must be changed to third person pronouns.Tom said that he didnt know what to do.(The word “that” can often be left out:Tom said he didnt know what to do. )3. Indir

28、ect QuestionsThe same rules apply to indirect questions as to indirect statements. The difference is that a wh-clause is used instead of a that clause.Direct question:“Did Dicks horse win a prize? ” Owen asked.Indirect questions:Owen asked whether/if Dicks horse had won a prize.Direct question:“Why

29、wont you marry me? ” asked Donald.Indirect question:Donald asked her why she wouldnt marry him.In telling a story or recounting events, a speaker using direct speech has all the resources of intonation to produce a lively account. Because indirect speech is always reported by someone else, the accou

30、nt is more reserved and restrained.“What shall we do? ” asked Mary.“Dont worry, Mary, ” said Dick, “Ive got a plan. ”Mary asked Dick what they should do. He told her not to worry and that he had got a plan.The ability to change direct speech into indirect speech is a useful skill for those engaged i

31、n taking the minutes of a meeting or reporting on events.Direct speech:“First of all, I would like to thank everybody who helped with the fair. The results were very good, and we will now be able to buy two more computers. ”Indirect speech:The principal said that he would like to thank everybody who

32、 had helped with the fair. He announced that the results were very good and that the school would now be able to buy two more computers.Step 4 Practice (Discovering useful structures)Get the students to turn to Page 5. Please change the following direct speech into indirect speech and indirect into

33、direct.等弧:在同圆或等圆中,能够互相重合的弧叫做等弧。1. “Im going to hide from the Germans, ” Anne said. 33.123.18加与减(一)3 P13-172. “I dont know the address of my new home, ” said Anne.(2)交点式:y=a(x-x1)(x-x2)3. “I cannot ask my father because it is not safe to know, ” she said.在ABC中,C为直角,A、B、C所对的边分别为a、b、c,则有4. “I had to pa

34、ck up my things very quickly, ” the girl said.A、当a0时5. “Why did you choose your diary and old letters? ” Dad asked her.6. Mum asked her if/whether she was very hot with so many clothes on.描述性定义:在一个平面内,线段OA绕它固定的一个端点O旋转一周,另一个端点A随之旋转所形成的圆形叫做圆;固定的端点O叫做圆心;线段OA叫做半径;以点O为圆心的圆,记作O,读作“圆O”7. Margot asked her w

35、hat else she had got.(1)如圆中有弦的条件,常作弦心距,或过弦的一端作半径为辅助线.(圆心向弦作垂线)8. Anne asked her father when they would go back home.9. Anne asked her sister how she could see her friends.函数的增减性:10. Mother asked Anne why she had gone to bed so late the night before.(2)顶点式:Step 5 Correcting mistakes6.方向角:指北或指南方向线与目标方

36、向线所成的小于90的水平角,叫做方向角。如图4,OA、OB、OC、OD的方向角分别是;北偏东30,南偏东45(东南方向)、南偏西为60,北偏西60。Analyze the common mistakes students have made during the practice. Let the students look at the screen and pay attention to these sentences. Then choose the right sentence and make it clear why the other one is wrong.Step 6 A

37、 gamePlay a guessing game “who is my secret friend? ” One student comes to the front with his partner. The rest students ask him questions while his partner changes them into indirect speech. In the end, the person who has guessed the right answer can come to the front to take the place of the first

38、 student. So the game goes on.Suggested sentences:Can your friend speak?What does he/she wear today?Is he/she tall or short?What do you and your friend do in your free time?Do you quarrel with each other?. . .Step 7 WorkbookDo Exercise 1 in Using Structures on Page 42. Here is another page of Annes

39、diary. Read it through and then use indirect speech to retell the story.If time doesnt permit, declare it as homework.Suggested answers:Anne said that they went quickly upstairs and into the hiding place when they arrived at Prinsengracht. She said that they closed the door behind them and they were

40、 alone. She said (that)Margot had come faster on her bicycle and was already waiting for them. She said (that)all the rooms were full of boxes and they lay on the floor and the beds. She said (that)the little room was filled with bedclothes and they had to start clearing up at once, if they wished t

41、o sleep in comfortable beds that night. Anne said (that)her mother and Margot were not able to help. She said (that)they were tired and lay down on their beds, but her daddy and she, the two “Helpers” of the family, started at once.Anne said (that)they unpacked the boxes, filled the cupboards and ti

42、died the whole day, until they were extremely tired. She said they did sleep in clean beds that night. She said they hadnt had any warm food to eat all day, but they didnt care. Anne said (that)her mother and Margot were too tired and worried to eat, and her daddy and she were too busy.Step 8 Homewo

43、rk1. Finish off the related Workbook exercises.2. Review and grasp the rules of Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.板书设计Unit 1FriendshipGrammarDirect Speech and Indirect SpeechDirect SpeechIndirect Speech1. Mary said, “I am very happy to help you. ”Mary said that she was very happy to help you.2. He a

44、sked me, “Do you like playing basketball? ”He asked me if/whether I liked playing basketball.3. My sister asked me, “What do you think of the film? ”My sister asked me what I thought of the film.4. The teacher told his students, “The earth goes round the sun. ”The teacher told his students that the

45、earth goes round the sun.活动与探究Get the students to work in groups of four out of class and design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends your classmates are. The purpose of this activity is to encourage students to think independently and act in matters of immediate concern and interest. It

46、 also can develop students design ability and spirit of cooperation.Sample questionnaireDirections:This questionnaire has four questions. Each question is followed by three possible answers. Please read the questions, and then consider which response fits you best.Questions:1. Why am I close friends

47、 with this person now?A. Because he/she is someone I really enjoy sharing emotions and special events with.B. Because my friend would be upset if I ended the relationship.C. Because being friends with him/her helps me feel important.2. Why do I spend time with my friend?A. Because my friend would get mad at me if I didnt.B. Because it is fun spending time with him/her.C. Because I think it is what friends are supposed to do.3. Why do I listen to my friends problems, or to what my friend has to say?A. Because my friend praises me and makes me feel good when I do.B. Because its interesting and


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