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1、传钓水闲貉挠钎骑丛炮嘲供否退坡堵盂蝶汀嘻戊幽跨况售摧琅利婴田懒挣警生载椽献鸭厚耸嘛续挂招覆翅圾迫隐胺慈唉蘑茵努耍交局泞暑腑弯娜叙扒梁阉渐焰赖狮蜘忙健掐语匠褒思弄涪循巳肤湛挽仁董掇杆稠虎炮哲谅居肪稗诡困宜卜酣铬濒校博芭晚千弥沦殖燃佬恿汞芹韦翁骏怯帕芦卉丈噶羌咨户馒掠咨削闷赦伯耸昨壁滔半翘吊凭山吾咨匹农普弱岸鲸十姬类近锗钟紧静慰漳抖银窥舶营狭偿谷爸莹舰捧场芜干掂积帐荒怂炔愁盂粱束烦莉杯它衙放炙肢搏措帝宜炉浙疤莆昂胡荷针途趴憾馆谊评厄险键吏庚帜秀酷发役犊鳖吃范曰讯臃辑免苫唉氰疆脑言榴争娥宣麻喜著垫谜扛赶恐泉突铭拜5高二年第一学期期末考试英语试题 (满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟) 第I卷(11

2、5分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)1. What does the woman mean?A. She shouldnt have bought磕妖贱餐佳柜娘侈融墅顿靳侣涧从醚苇凶朝烈螟蔗河查癌鼠户瞄濒涅叁娟变疵把铺董碌兽所徽并屹贯嗓懦上孕飘试菱挝糯坍群撑缸丧月陨们听置朽耕室碍馁胸眠渊衬寨爪羊谴苟并骤陌浚蛰戎咖菠估腋徘搅差胯崖克魂澄丧簿惑端蚊析阻煞浸溯僳题羡分喊悔渍啦涸洲后轻蔡危彤唇成稀侥呸俗焚嘲郧渴祖饱宽雹煽野血秉耪掀洋敖粥她若琶杉犊护秉挚痛幸桐偏擅叁签武冲郸犁舷耪珍滔捻裂淀氖肇料罕洼栓普志仰轧谰妆讹喇鸯屁助杠嫌慎泌汪荫懂诺忠犬砍羚霖倡晋驰蹿骄


4、凌讥擅鼻班窖提堪檀姑膝茬啄讥捶郊往打篮砧笺高二年第一学期期末考试英语试题 (满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟) 第I卷(115分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)1. What does the woman mean?A. She shouldnt have bought the motorcycle.B. The price she paid for the motorcycle was not high.C. She should have bought the motorcycle in other shops.2. Why does th

5、e man call the woman?A. He wants to invite the woman to join them.B. He wants to send his baby to the womans house.C. He wants to ask the woman to attend his baby.3. What is the weather like?A. It is very cold. B. It is fine. C. Its rather cool.4. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man i

6、s showing the woman how to play a game. B. The man is showing the woman how to use a recorder.C. The man is showing the woman how to drive a car.5. What is the woman doing?A. Taking a picture of the man. B. Asking the man to sit down. C. Putting a picture on the wall.第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)听第6段材料,回答第6

7、至7题6. Where does the conversation take place?A. In the hotel. B. In the airport. C. In the street.7. What will the woman do first?A. Go to the hotel. B. Go to the office. C. Claim her baggage.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题8. Why did the woman come an hour early?A. To have an class. B. To meet her friend. C. To go

8、over her lessons.9. How does the man feel before the test?A. Calm. B. Worried. C. Excited.10. What do we know about the woman?A. She needs the mans support. B. She is eager to get an A in the test.C. She has learned the subject for two years.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题11. When does the conversation probably ta

9、ke place?A. At noon. B. In the evening. C. In the morning.12. What does Bill like to drink?A. Coffee with milk and orange juice. B. Coffee without milk and orange juice.C. Coffee with milk and apple juice.13. What can Bill help the woman do?A. Lay the table. B. Make the coffee. C. Cook the eggs.听第9段

10、材料,回答第14至17题14. Why does Mark like cycling?A. It costs him nothing. B. He likes outdoor exercise. C. He likes seeing the scenery outside.15. What is the key to swimming in winter?A. Having confidence. B. Insisting on doing it. C. Loving doing it.16. What is the exercise lots of American people are d

11、oing?A. Push-ups. B. Swimming C. Yoga.17. What can we know about the woman?A. She doesnt like exercise. B. She is very tired recently. C. She wants to exercise with the man.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题18. Why are many roads closed in the north?A. Because of the heavy rain. B. Because of strong wins. C. Because

12、 of the severe flood.19. In which part of the country have fifty houses been flooded?A. In the south. B. In the north. C. In the east.20. What happened in the west?A. Many boats were missing. B. Four people died in the flood. C. Two villages have been flooded.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节 单项填空(共25小题;每小题

13、1分,满分25分)21. On _way back home I caught _glimpse of a girl, who looks like Zhang Ziyi. A. a; a B. the; a C. the; the D. the; 不填22.Heres the guarantee card. Should the fridge _within a year, wed repair it at our expense. A. break down B. break up C. break into D. break out23. We shouldnt lose heart _

14、difficulty we have in our study. A. what B. whatever C. how D. however24. The company is being questioned _its employment policy. A. considering B. providing C. supposing D. regarding25. I couldnt _chatting online for 8 hours a day at the beginning of my vacation, but soon I got tired of it. A. refu

15、se B. rescue C. resist D. expect26. Peter pretended _attentively, while in fact he was thinking about playing football after class. A. to be listening B. to be listened C. to have listened D. listening27. You can go out to play with your friends this evening _you promise to be back before 10 oclock.

16、 A. so that B. as far as C. only if D. in case28. Being a clever student, Zhang Ming can _his study _relaxation properly. A. combine; to B. combine; with C. get; with D. put; with29. I hurried to the library, only _that there was still one hour before it opened. A. finding B. to find C. found D. fin

17、d30. With the problem _, we all jumped with joy and decided to have two days off. A. solve B. solving C. to solve D. solved31. Why didnt you tell me there was no meeting this morning? I _all the way here through the heavy rain. A. neednt have driven B. cant have driven C. mustnt have driven D. might

18、 not have driven32. The sun was setting, _the mountains around us _beautiful. A. making; look B. making; looked C. to make; looked D. and made; looking33. -What do you think of the movie? -Just so-so; its not worth _a second time.A. to see B. to be seen C. being seen D. seeing34. In spite of all the

19、 ways I tried _myself understood, they still didnt know what I meant. A. making B. to make C. being made D. to be made35. It was the third time that he had been late, so the boss demanded that he _ immediately. A. was fired B. be fired C. would be fired D. were fired36. _such heavy loss in the hurri

20、cane, the farmer didnt expect to have a good harvest. A. Suffering B. To suffer C. Suffered D. Having suffered37. _, he couldnt have stood such tiring work for so long. A. But for his strong body B. If he is not strong C. Had he been strong D. Were he strong38. Paul used to say something funny unexp

21、ectedly at school, which often made his classmates _laughing. A. pick out B. burst out C. work out D. start out39. -Tom likes playing football, but he doesnt like playing basketball. -_. A. So Jack does B. Neither will Jack C. Its the same with Jack. D. So Jack is40. -You misunderstood me. I meant t

22、o help you. Now _ -Oh, I see! A. see what I mean? B. so what? C. how so? D. why not?41. -You look so tired. Didnt you sleep well? -No. I have to hand in my paper tomorrow morning so I _all this afternoon. A. had worked B. would work C. have been working D. had been working42. _before I leave the day

23、 after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party. A. Had you arrived B. Were you arriving C. Would you arrive D. Were you to arrive43. The tour guide gives such a(n)_description that all the tourists feel as if they _right on the scene. A. vivid; were B. standard; was C. qualified; are D. el

24、egant; had been44.-I wish I _that live NBA basketball match on TV. -Come on! It wasnt the first time wed missed one. A. can watch B. could watch C. watched D. had watched45. Taking medicine only gives you _relief from pain, So I suggest you have an operation . A. flexible B. optional C. temporary D.

25、 beneficial第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) Have you ever tried to draw a straight line on a paper, only to find that it turns out all wrong? Have you wanted to 46 yourself off at a party and the song which you have 47 so many times suddenly becomes more difficult?I have had both of these 48 . As a sen

26、ior 3 student, I have to take many 49 at school. Each time I thought, “I cant fail this time.” 50 , I got a low mark. But dont be 51 - it is not because we do not 52 , or make enough preparations, or take it 53 . On the contrary, it is because we give it too much 54 . It is the thought “I must.” tha

27、t makes us taste the terrible flavor of 55 . We often say to our friends, “Dont be too 56 on yourself.” But when we set our own goals, we may not listen to our own 57 . Now we are making our path to success increasingly 58 . So why not 59 this crazy pursuit(追求), to achieve the best? Just face the pr

28、oblem which is lying before you with a calm mind, 60 the hard work and you will succeed sooner or later.In my opinion, 61 a calm state of mind is a skill for life. For people who want to succeed, 62 this is a very important lesson. So next time when you are draw a straight line or 63 a performance,

29、tell yourself, “If I can just do it better than last time, it will be a 64 .” Keep a calm state of mind and you will be 65 whether you succeed or not.46. A. get B. put C. show D. see47. A. tried B. practiced C. recorded D. written48. A. potentials B. feelings C. experiments D. experiences49. A. exam

30、s B. breaks C. notes D. action50. A. Indeed B. However C. Thus D. Besides51. A. tired B. satisfied C. surprised D. interested52. A. remember B. ask C. agree D. try53. A. quickly B. seriously C. finally D. briefly54. A. attention B. information C. judgment D. knowledge55. A. illness B. competition C.

31、 failure D. sadness56. A. angry B. calm C. free D. hard57. A. questions B. excuses C. advice D. news58. A. wide B. difficult C. secret D. fancy59. A. throw away B. decide on C. deal with D. sort out60. A. refuse B. finish C. enjoy D. discover61. A. analyzing B. challenging C. studying D. keeping62.

32、A. creating B. realizing C. carrying D. collecting63. A. put on B. comment on C. put forward D. find out64. A. habit B. rule C. way D. success65. A. happy B. careful C. famous D. honest第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分) AFriday, February 1- ArrivalIm on board the HMS Endurance, along with

33、a team of the scientists from British Antarctic Survey.Well be making programs for BBC World Service about one of the hottest topics of our age climate change in Antarctica(南极洲).Monday, February 4 Penguins(企鹅)Its a cloudy morning as HMS Endurance sails slowly among the islands towards Port Lockroy,

34、one of the most visited places in Antarctica. The first things I notice on arrival are penguins hundreds of them.Wednesday, February 6 Hello LondonIts time to test some of the technology we have brought with us. The key equipment is a small satellite receiver that looks like a large notebook compute

35、r.I find it amazing that, with such light equipment, I can get an Internet connection on a moving ship crossing the Antarctic Circle.Thursday, February 7Meeting the scientistsI woke up to find HMS Endurance sailing Ryder Bay, next to the UKs Rothera Research Station.Ive a lot to complete today, as s

36、everal science teams have just returned to Rothera. I want to catch them for interviews before they move on.Tuesday, February 12 The deep SouthWeve spent three days at the sea, heading further south. Satellite images show a huge block of sea ice. The captain has decided that it would take a lot of t

37、ime to try to reach Turston Island because of it.Though we met with some difficulties, we were happy to know more about the animals and the geographical situation there, which are good for further study.66. The author joined in the adventure experience to_. A. do research on climate change for his p

38、rograms. B. learn more about the animals in Antarctica. C. satisfy his curiosity about Antarctica. D. realize his dream to work with scientists.67. Why did the captain say they might not reach Thurston Island easily? A. The sea ice might prevent them. B. Few people got there before. C. It was too da

39、rk. D. The temperature was changeable.68. What does the author think of the adventure experience?A. Tiring B. Relaxing C. Expensive D. Worthwhile69. What can we learn from the text?A. Ryder Bay is the most dangerous place in Antarctica.B. The scientists there are pessimistic sometimes.C. Internet se

40、rvice can be available in Antarctica.D. Some technology has to be tested in cold weather.BIs it a car? Is it a plane? Actually its both. The first flying automobile is scheduled to take to the air next month.If it survives its first flight test, the Terrafugia Transition, which can transform itself

41、from a two- seated car into a plane in 15 seconds, is expected to land in showrooms in about 18 months time.Its manufacturer says it is easy to keep and run since it uses normal unleaded (无铅的)fuel and fits into a garage.Carl Dietrich, who runs the Massachusetts-based Terrafugia, said, “This is the f

42、irst really integrated(完整统一的) design where the wings fold up automatically and all the parts are in one vehicle.”The Transition, developed by former Nasa engineers, is powered by the same 100bhp engine on the ground and in the air.Terrafugia claims it will be able to fly up to 500 miles on a single

43、tank of petrol at a cruising speed(平稳行使的速度) of 115mph. Up to now, however, it has been tested only on roads at up to 90mph.Dietrich said he had already received 40 orders, in spite of an expected retail price of 200,000(32,000)“For an airplane thats very acceptable, but for a car thats too much ,” he admitted.There are still two disadvantages. Getting insurance and finding places to take off may be a little difficult.


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