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1、.九年级仁爱上册 Unit 2 Saving the Earth 拯救地球Topic 3:What can we do at home to protect the environment?我们在家能做什么来保护环境?Section A1aA journalist is interviewing Jane about environment protection.一名记者正在就环保方面的问题采访简n Hi, Jane. Could I ask you a ?你好,简。我可以问你几个问题吗?n .当然。n We all know that youre working for an that th

2、e environment. Can you tell us you are there?我们都知道,你正在在一个环保组织工作,你能告诉我们,你在那里做什么吗?n Well, my job is to help the message about the environment. For example, the three Rs-reduce, and recycle-are .嗯,我的主要工作是帮助宣传一些环保方面的信息。比方,“三R减少使用,再次使用和回收再利用是重要的。n So what of things can we do to protect the environment?如此

3、,我们在家里能做什么东西来保护环境?n We should the we produce. For example, we should use sides of paper and reuse bags.我们应该减少浪费。例如,我们应该使用双面纸和再次使用塑料袋。n What can do at ?学生在学校能做什么呢?n I think can not protect the environment save money. So we students to waste paper and soft drink cans罐子. Then we them so that they can b

4、e .我想回收再利用不仅能保护环境,而且省钱。所以我们鼓励学生去搜集废纸和汽水罐,然后我们把它们分类,以便可以回收再利用。n Its you to do that. Thank you!你们做到这一点真是太好了,谢谢你!n Its a . Everyone is to do .不用谢,每个人都应该那样做。Section B译文1au Hi, Michael. Would you like to a person?简:你好,迈克尔。你想成为一个更环保的人吗?u Of , Id love to. what should I do?迈克尔:当然,我愿意。但我应该做什么呢?u , you ought

5、to the lights when you a room.简:首先,当你分开房间的时候,应当随手关灯。u Oh, thats easy. Whats ?迈克尔:哦,那容易。下一步是什么呢?u , youd walk or ride a bike of a bus or a if youre a short .简:其次,假如你短途旅行,最好走路或者骑单车来代替坐汽车或打的。u Thats right. It will save and reduce air .迈克尔:这是正确的,它将会节约能源,减少空气污染。u , take a cloth when you go shopping. Dont

6、 use bags.简:第三,当你去购物时带个布袋,不要用塑料袋。u Its easy a greener .迈克尔:当个更环保的人是如此的容易。u .简:说来容易做来难。u Well, speak than .迈克尔:嗯,行动胜于言辞。1b: 1 Reduce . Dont buy cups or boxes which can be only .减少浪费。不买一次性杯子或盒子。 2 Save . Turn off the lights when you are not them.节约用电。当你不用电时,随手关灯。 3 Recycle and bottles.回收盒子和塑料瓶。 4 Grow

7、 and .亲自种植水果和蔬菜 5 Try to a bike when you . 当你在旅行时,尽量骑自行车。 6 Give old clothes to the to them.把旧衣服送给穷人再次用。 7 Cover the when you are cooking.当你做饭菜时,盖好锅子。2a Boys and girls,男孩、女孩们:May I have your , please? I have something to tell you. is Beach Clean-up Day.Our class will take part in the . The clean-up

8、starts at 9:30 a.m. and finishes in the afternoon.我请大家注意了,我有一些重要的事情要告诉你们。明天是清洁海滩活动日,我们班将要参加这次活动。清洁活动在上午9:30开场,下午完毕。We will meet on the at 9:00 a.m. you can go there by bus. Please be . We will have lunch on the beach after our morning work. Then we have to the . 我们打算在上午9:30在海滩碰面,你能乘坐公共汽车到达那里。请一定要按时。

9、我们将会在上午工作之后在海滩吃午饭,然后我们得把垃圾分类。 a lot of hard work to do tomorrow, so you go to bed early . See you all on the beach.明天会有大量艰辛的工作要做,所以你们要确保今天晚上早点上床睡觉。明天在海滩上再见!Thats all. Thank you.完了,谢谢。Section C译文2在很多国家,人们用煤炭发电,但它是非常肮脏的,并且容易引起酸雨。In many countries, people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty a

10、nd causes acid rain. 一些国家使用核能来发电。然而,核电是非常危险的。为解决核能问题,世界各地的人们正在用所有的时间寻找新的方法来产生电力。Some countries use nuclear energy to produce power. However, nuclear power can be very dangerous. To solve the energy problem, people all over the world are looking all the time for new ways to produce power.中国是世界上第一个使用沼

11、气技术的国家之一。China is one of the first countries in the world to use biogas technology. 农民回收再次使用稻杆、草和动物粪便来制作沼气,这是人们使用可再生能源的每一天的生活。Farmers recycle straw, grass and animal waste to make biogas. This renewable energy is used in peoples everyday life.电动车辆是在二十世纪九十年代被开展起来的,如今许多国家有电动车辆,他们不仅效率高而且耗能低。Electric ve

12、hicles were developed in the 1990s. Now there are electric vehicles in many countries. They are very efficient and cost very little to run. 尽管电动车辆不产生污染,但假如它们被广泛使用,将会在电力需求上大大增加。Although electric vehicles produce no pollution, there will be an increase in electricity needs if they are widely used.在中国,

13、最有名的是上海“德国建造的磁悬浮列车,它只花费7分钟时间人们就到达了30千米外的飞机场。In China, the best-known maglev train is the German-built one in Shanghai. It takes people 30 km to the air port in just 7 minutes 这种列车最高速度可到达每小时431千米。它既安静又快捷,没有轮子噪音,因为它没有轮子。磁悬浮列车是非常高效节能的,不污染空气。and reaches a top speed of 431 km per hour. It is quiet and qu

14、ick. There is no wheel noise, because there are no wheels. Maglev trains are very energy efficient and do not pollute the air. 然而,磁悬浮的引导径,远远超过传统的钢铁路昂贵。However, maglev guide paths are much more expensive than traditional steel railways.答案:T3:我们在家能做什么来保护环境? 九年级仁爱上册 U2 T3 Section A译文1a一名记者正在就环保方面的问题采访简

15、A journalist is interviewing Jane about environment protection.记者:你好,简。我可以问你几个问题吗?Hi, Jane. Could I ask you a few questions?简:当然。Certainly.记者:我们都知道,你正在在一个环保组织工作,你能告诉我们,你在那里做什么吗?We all know that youre working for an organization that protects the environment. Can you tell us what you are doing there?

16、简:嗯,我的主要工作是帮助宣传一些环保方面的信息。比方,“三R减少使用,再次使用和回收再利用是重要的。Well, my main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environment. For example, the three Rs-reduce, reuse and recycle-are important.记者:如此,我们在家里能做什么东西来保护环境?So what kinds of things can we do at home to protect the environment?简:我们应该减少浪

17、费。例如,我们应该使用双面纸和再次使用塑料袋。We should reduce the waste we produce. For example, we should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.记者:学生在学校能做什么呢?What can students do at school?简:我想回收再利用不仅能保护环境,而且省钱。所以我们鼓励学生去搜集废纸和汽水罐,然后我们把它们分类,以便可以回收再利用。I think recycling can not only protect the environment but also

18、 save money. So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans罐子. Then we sort them so that they can be recycled.记者:你们做到这一点真是太好了,谢谢你!Its nice of you to do that. Thank you!简:不用谢,每个人都应该那样做。Its a pleasure. Everyone is supposed to do so.Section B译文1a简:你好,迈克尔。你想成为一个更环保的人吗?Hi, Michael. W

19、ould you like to be a greener person?迈克尔:当然,我愿意。但我应该做什么呢?Of course, Id love to. But what should I do?简:首先,当你分开房间的时候,应当随手关灯。First, you ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room.迈克尔:哦,那容易。下一步是什么呢?Oh, thats easy. Whats next?简:其次,假如你短途旅行,最好走路或者骑单车来代替坐汽车或打的。Second, youd better walk or ride a bik

20、e instead of taking a bus or a taxi if youre traveling a short distance.迈克尔:这是正确的,它将会节约能源,减少空气污染。Thats right. It will save energy and reduce air pollution.简:第三,当你去购物时带个布袋,不要用塑料袋。Third, take a cloth bag when you go shopping. Dont use plastic bags.迈克尔:当个更环保的人是如此的容易。Its so easy to be a greener person简:

21、说来容易做来难。Easier said than done.迈克尔:嗯,行动胜于言辞。Well, actions speak louder than words.1b:(1) 减少浪费。不买一次性杯子或盒子。2节约用电。当你不用电时,随手关灯。3回收盒子和塑料瓶。4亲自种植水果和蔬菜。5当你在旅行时,尽量骑自行车。6使用双面纸。7当你做饭菜时,盖好锅子。 1 Reduce waste. Dont buy cups or boxes which can be used only once. 2 Save electricity. Turn off the lights when you are

22、not using them. 3 Recycle boxes and plastic bottles. 4 Grow fruit and vegetables yourself. 5 Try to ride a bike when you travel. 6 Give old clothes to the poor to reuse them. 7 Cover the pans when you are cooking.2a 阅读理解。男孩、女孩们:Boys and girls,我请大家注意了,我有一些重要的事情要告诉你们。明天是清洁海滩活动日,我们班将要参加这次活动。清洁活动在上午9:30

23、开场,下午完毕。May I have your attention, please? I have something important to tell you. Tomorrow is Beach Clean-up Day. Our class will take part in the activity. The clean-up starts at 9:30 a.m. and finishes in the afternoon.我们打算在上午9:30在海滩碰面,你能乘坐公共汽车到达那里。请一定要按时。我们将会在上午工作之后在海滩吃午饭,然后我们得把垃圾分类。We will meet o

24、n the beach at 9:00 a.m. you can go there by bus. Please be on time. We will have lunch on the beach after our morning work. Then we have to sort the garbage. 明天会有大量艰辛的工作要做,所以你们要确保今天晚上早点上床睡觉。明天在海滩上再见!There will be a lot of hard work to do tomorrow, so make sure you go to bed early tonight. See you a

25、ll on the beach.完了,谢谢。Thats all. Thank you.Section C译文2在很多国家,人们用煤炭发电,但它是非常肮脏的,并且容易引起酸雨。In many countries, people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain. 一些国家使用核能来发电。然而,核电是非常危险的。为解决核能问题,世界各地的人们正在用所有的时间寻找新的方法来产生电力。Some countries use nuclear energy to produce power. However,

26、 nuclear power can be very dangerous. To solve the energy problem, people all over the world are looking all the time for new ways to produce power.中国是世界上第一个使用沼气技术的国家之一。China is one of the first countries in the world to use biogas technology. 农民回收再次使用稻杆、草和动物粪便来制作沼气,这是人们使用可再生能源的每一天的生活。Farmers recycl

27、e straw, grass and animal waste to make biogas. This renewable energy is used in peoples everyday life.电动车辆是在二十世纪九十年代被开展起来的,如今许多国家有电动车辆,他们不仅效率高而且耗能低。Electric vehicles were developed in the 1990s. Now there are electric vehicles in many countries. They are very efficient and cost very little to run.

28、尽管电动车辆不产生污染,但假如它们被广泛使用,将会在电力需求上大大增加。Although electric vehicles produce no pollution, there will be an increase in electricity needs if they are widely used.在中国,最有名的是上海“德国建造的磁悬浮列车,它只花费7分钟时间人们就到达了30千米外的飞机场。In China, the best-known maglev train is the German-built one in Shanghai. It takes people 30 km

29、 to the air port in just 7 minutes 这种列车最高速度可到达每小时431千米。它既安静又快捷,没有轮子噪音,因为它没有轮子。磁悬浮列车是非常高效节能的,不污染空气。and reaches a top speed of 431 km per hour. It is quiet and quick. There is no wheel noise, because there are no wheels. Maglev trains are very energy efficient and do not pollute the air. 然而,磁悬浮的引导径,远远超过传统的钢铁路昂贵。However, maglev guide paths are much more expensive than traditional steel railways.*;第 8 页


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