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1、新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 7How much are these pants教案Unit 7How much are these pants?教案 新目标初中英语七年级上册Plan for the whole unit Teaching objectives 学完本单元后,学生应能: 1、学会运用一些表示颜色、形状、大小的形容词; 2、通过介绍服装,掌握一些常用的服装名词; 3、通过介绍服装,学习“询问价格和颜色”的句型:How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollar(How much are these socks? They are two d

2、ollars(What color is it? It is red(What color are they? They are green。 4、学习数词1-3l; 5、学习名词单、复数的使用和指示代词this, that,these,those的用法。 Period arrangement Contents & pages or sources Period Textbook TO SA Exercises Supplementary (Source) (Source) Section Page 1 A 1a, 1b,1c, 41 Ps 41 1a,1b 7, 2, 10,1 5 2 A

3、2a, 2b, 2c,3a,3b 42-43 Ps. 42-43 1,8,2,1,1,1 5 湘教版 省教科院组编 课程基础训练 3 B 1a, 1b, 2a,2b,2c 44 Ps 44 5, 6,1 4 七年级上册 4 B 3a,3b 45 Ps45 3,9,7,1,1 5 Review of drills 5 41-43 Ps41-43 3,6,5,4,1 5 Review of grammar 6 41-45 2,4,5,3,1 5 1-10 93 合计 ? Very confident ? Quite confident ? Confident ? Slightly confiden

4、t ? Not confident Feedback 本单元教学自评93分,表明教学目标达成度较高。本单元主要学习使用How much引导的问句以及回答;学习一些表示颜色、形状、大小的形容词;学习数词10-3l;复习名词单、复数的使用和指示代词this, that,these,those的用法。本单元以谈论服装为主题,设计了三个活动:一是通过介绍服装,学习一些常用的服装名词;二是通过介绍服装,学习“询问价格和颜色”的句型:How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollar(How much are these socks? They are two dolla

5、rs(What color is it? It is red(What color are they? 1 They are green(三是作价格报告。 单元知识系统(树) How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars( How much are these socks? They are two dollars( 单元总体目标 本单元通过学习使用How much引导的问句以及回答,让学生学会谈论物品的颜色和价格、对服装的喜好和购物时使用的礼貌用语等。 采用Repeating和Cooperation的学习策略,利用教学图片和制作多媒体课件来展开课堂P

6、air work问答式的口语交际活动,谈论服装的价格和各自对服装的喜好。学习一些新词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在小组合作学习的过程中,培养他们团队合作精神并学会感谢人。由于教学内容紧扣学生实际,学生积极投入各项学习活动,勇于表达自己的真情实感。为了减轻学生课余学业负担,提高教学效率,教材所涉及的所有练习,包括增加的多个写作练习都安排在课堂完成。就其成功原因主要在于,课前我认真研读了教材,尽可能吸取了与教材配套的教师教学用书提供的中英文教学建议,并结合学生的实际,从单元整体备课,细化单元及课时教学目的,合理安排课时教学内容,并在尽可能多的预设教学活动的前提下,关注课堂生成,随时根据学情调整教学活动,

7、因而教学收到了事半功倍的效果。但课后在不增加学生过重课业负担的前提下,如何指导学生复习、开展预习、课外阅读等活动,尽快培养学生英语语感等方面还有待研究。 本单元的教学法建议: 语音教学:模仿操练;词汇教学:演示讲解、情景操练、反复使用; 口语教学: 互相操练、对话练习、交际活动;阅读教学:补充对话和填写价格标签; 听力教学:图文配对和听写;写作教学:听写词句、模仿写作; 语法教学:总结规律、模仿操练。 询问颜色的句型 Plan for every period Teaching aids Period 1 CAI Section A 1a, 1b, 1c Teaching aims Teach

8、ing procedures 1 有关衣服的单词 Chart 2 学会询问价格 复习引入?学习生词?读一读 3 重点句型: ?问答练习?词汇练习?听力练习?展示1) Whats this? Its a 新句型?两人对话?做游戏?小结?布置2) What are these? They are 作业 3) How much is it? Its 4) How much are they? They are Step 1 Leading-in (3) T:Good morning, boys and girls! OK. Lets Keys & puzzles look at the CIA. 2

9、 Ask a student: Whats this? The student 3. Ask one student to answer it. answers: Its a bag. Then ask another student: 4. Check the answers. What are these? The student answers: They 答案 Circle shorts, sweater, hat. are bananas. 录音原文 A:How much is the hat? B: The hat is six dollars. Step 2 New words

10、(6) Ask students: Whats this? A: And how much are the shorts? Students: Its a T-shirt. B: Oh, theyre eight dollars. Teacher: Very good. Please look at the other A: And the sweater? How much is the pictures. Learn the new words one by one. sweater? Then read the words. B; Lets see. The sweater is nin

11、e dollars. Step 3 Pair work (6) Step 6 Asking and answering (10) Practice conversations in pairs like this: Ask and answer in pairs like this: A: Whats this? Conversation 1 B: Its a A: Whats this? A: What are these? B: Its a B: They are A: How much is it? Then ask several pairs to act out. (If there

12、 is B: Its any mistake, correct it.) Conversation 2 A: What are these? B: They are Step 4 Writing (3) 1. Ask students to match the words with the A: How much are they? things in the picture. B: They are 2. Ask one student to answer it. Then ask several pairs to act out. 3. Check the answers. Step 7

13、Guessing game (5) 1. First tell students the game rules. Step 5 Listening (4) 1. Ask students to listen to 1b. 2. Ask one student to guess: Is this 2. Play the tape. dollars? 3 3. See the result. 成2a部分的学习任务。 4. Find the best one. 3 熟悉并掌握购物的对话,学会如何购物 4 知道怎样用英语谈论颜色、价格以及喜Step 8 Summary(2) 好。 Sum up the

14、 new words and drills in this 5 重点句型: 1)How much is this T-shirt? Its seven period. dollar( 2)How much are these socks? They are two Step 9 Homework (1) dollars( F1: Listen, read and recite the words (p41-42), 3) What color is it? It is red( 4) What color are they? They are green( 1a and 1c. F2: Mak

15、e two conversations and write down Teaching aids on their exercise books. CAI Feedback Teaching procedures 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成,学生学Chart 习积极主动,热情投入,课堂氛围非常热烈。玩游戏?学数字?总结规律?听力训练?就其成功原因主要在于创设情境并结合学对话练习?小组竞赛?总结归纳?欣赏歌生的实际,由浅入深展开多种形式的教学活曲?布置作业 动,其中许多活动与学生实际运用语言的形式一致,尤其是以游戏形式来巩固所学句型How much is it?学以致用,收效很好。但Step 1

16、 Warming-up (3) 在听力教学方面还有待加强。 Review the drill: A: Whats this? B: Its a Period 2 A: What are these? B: They are Section A 2a,2b,2c,3a Step 2 Presentation(5) Teaching aims 1. Learn the new words: long and short 1 通过复习服装,学习一些有关颜色的单2. Practice drill: 词; A: Whats this? B: Its a 2 学习一些表示长短和大小的形容词,完4 A: W

17、hats that? B: Its a B: Its/Theyre-dollars. 3. Learn the new words: small and big Then act it out. 4. Practice drill: A: What are these? B: They are Step 5 Listening (6) A: What are those? B: They are 1. Listen to the conversations, circle the things. 2. Listen again and fill in the price tags. Step

18、3Presentation(5) 1. Present new drill: 3. Ask one student to answer it. 4. Check the answers. A: Whats this? s a T- shirt. 答案 1.the green T-shirt, eight dollars B: ItA: What color is it ? 2. the black bag, two dollars 3. the red shorts, nine dollars B: Its blue. 2. Teach the new words about colors:

19、4. the green sweater,seven dollars black, white, green ,blue ,red and yellow 5. the big blue hats, five dollars 4. Present new drill: 6. the blue and yellow socks, two A: What are these? dollars B: They are shorts. 录音原文 A: What color are they? Conversation 1 B: They are blue. A: How much is the gree

20、n T-shirt? A: How much are they? B: Its eight dollars. B: They are eight dollars. Conversation 2 A: How much is the black bag? B: Its two dollars. Step 4 Pair work (5) Ask students to do Pair work. Conversation 3 A: What is this /are these? A: How much are the red shorts? B: Its / They are. B: They

21、are nine dollars. A: What color is it /are they? Conversation 4 B: Its / They are blue. A: I like this green sweater. How much is it? A: How much is it / are they? B: Its seven dollars. B: Its / They are eight dollars. Conversation 5 5 A: I like big blue hats. Do you have one? _ you help _? B: Yes.

22、I have this one here. Keys: 1.What do A: How much is it? 2. What color does B: Its five dollars. 3.How much are 4.Can me Conversation 6 A: I like those long, blue and yellow socks. How much are they? Feedback: B: They are only two dollars. 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成度较高,教学步骤循序渐进,铺垫有序,能力训练较Step 6 Exercise(5) 为全面,教

23、学效果真实、有趣,比如以表演Give the students three minutes to do the 的形式完成对话,充分调动了学生进一步学exercise. 习的积极性。 Then check the answers. Last let boys read A and girls read B. Period 3 Section B 1a, 2a, 2b, 2c Step 7 Act out (10) First students make their own conversations in Teaching aims pairs according to the price i

24、n the picture. 1 学习数字10-31并归纳其规律 (Give them help if they need any help) 2 询问服装的价格与颜色 Next ask them to act out their conversations. 3 练习“询问价格”,并学会如何作价格报告。 4 重点句型: Step 8 Homework (1) 1). How much are these socks? They are 句型转换 two dollars( 1. I want a pair of shoes.(划线提问) 2). What color is it? It is

25、red( _ _ you want? 3). What color are they? They are green( 2. He likes yellow. (划线提问) _ _ _ he like? Teaching aids 3. Those black bags are 30 yuan.(划线提问) CAI _ _ _ those black bags? 4. I can help you. (一般疑问句) 6 things in the picture that Lisa and her mom Teaching procedures talk about and check the

26、 things Lisa buys. Chart 2. Ask students to give the answers. 做数字游戏?学习数词?归纳规律?听力3. Check the answers. 练习?对话练习?小组竞赛?学生表演?答案Circle: blue sweater, socks, white T-shirt, 随堂练习?总结归纳?欣赏歌曲?布置作green sweater, shorts 业 Check: shorts 录音原文 Step1 Lead-in (4) Mom: Oh, look. I like that blue sweater. 1. Say: Lets d

27、o a number game. How much is it, 2. Tell students the game rules. Lisa: Fifteen dollars. Oh, look. I like these 3. Ask several students to do it. socks. Step2 Numbers (8) Mom: Oh ,no. I dont like red. 1. Ask students to say the numbers 1-30 and Lisa: Do you like this? spell them one by one. Mom: Mmm

28、, yes, I do, but its eleven dollars. 2. Find the regulars. Lisa: Oh. How much is the green sweater? 3. Hint the students and let them sum up. Mom: Its twenty dollars. But you have a green sweater. Step3 Listening (3) Lisa: Mmm. 1. Listen and repeat after the tape. Mom: Oh, look at these shorts. 2. S

29、ay: Listen to the tape and circle the Lisa: Oh, yes, I like those. How much are numbers in 1a that you hear. they? 3. Ask one student to answer it. Mom: Only sixteen dollars. 4 Check the answers. Lisa: OK, Ill take those. 答案11,15,16,20 录音原文 Step5 Pair work (5) 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,

30、23,24,1. Present drills: 25,26,27,28,29,30,31 A: Whats/Whatre-? Step4 Listening (3) B: Its/Theyre-. 1. Say: Listen to the tape and circle the A: How much is/are-? 7 B: Its/Theyre-dollars. ( )2. Is _ a panda over there? 2. Ask students to do Pair work. A. this B. that 3. Then act it out. C. those D.

31、these ( )3. _two boys are Mr. Greens sons. Step6 Group competition (10) 1. Divide students into several groups. A. This B. These 2. Pretend to do shopping in a supermarket. C. That D. those 3. Make their own conversations in groups. ( )4. _ two girls are Mary and 4. Give them some useful sentences.

32、Linda. 5. Ask several groups to act out. A. This B. They 6. Select the best group. C. That D. Those ( )5. _is Mr. White and _ is my father. Step7 Exercise (3) 1. Ask students to do it by themselves. A. This,those B. That,these 2. Ask students to give the answers. C. These,these D. This,this 3. Check

33、 the answers. Keys: 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. D Step8 Summary (2) Sum up the useful drills and sentences in this Feedback: unit. Then read them out together. 个人认为本堂课教学目标基本达成。本课采用了Repeating和Cooperation的学习策Step9 Listening to a song (1) 略,利用课件来展开课堂Pair work问答式Lets listen to a number song. 的口语交际活动和小组竞赛活动,谈

34、论服装并学习询问服装的价格与颜色;同时进行听Step 10 Homework (1) 力训练;通过购物的对话练习教学生学会购Choose the best answer 物时使用的礼貌用语和如何感谢人。 ( ) 1. _ pen is red. _ pencil is 笔者能对教材做出适当的调整,设计了由易green. 到难层次分明的学习任务,并通过形式多样A. This, that B. These, Those 的教学活动(比如小组竞赛)调动学生的学C. That, Those D. This, That 习积极性和主动性,讲练结合,教学效果良8 好。 告?更正错误?布置作业 本节课的遗憾

35、之处在于,节奏把握稍有 欠缺,某些任务之间的衔接稍显粗糙,使得Step1 Revision (5) 部分学生思维没能及时跟进。要解决上述问1. Ask students to practice in pairs. 题,可以在讲授重点句型时适当放慢语速,2. Ask some pairs to act out. 讲解过程中多观察学生的反馈情况,落实小组合作。 Step2 Reading (10) 1. Ask students to read the passage by Period 4 themselves. Section B 3a, 3b 2. Discuss the price to

36、each thing and fill in the price tags. Teaching aims 3. Check the answers. 1 培养学生的阅读能力 Keys: bags: ,12 ,T- shirts: ,18, socks ,5 2 学习反身代词 3 培养学生的写作能力 Step3 Reading competition 4 重点句子: 1. Read after the teacher. 1). We have bags for only ,12! 2). We have sweaters at a very good price 2. Read by thems

37、elves. only ,25! 3. Divide the class into two groups and have 3). Do you need bags for sports? a reading competition. 4). For girls, we have T- shirts in red ,green and white for only ,18! Step4 Reflexive pronouns Teaching aids 1. Lead-in. Let students see two slides. CAI 2. Watch the video. 3. Do a

38、s the video says. Teaching procedures 4. Sum up reflexive pronouns. Chart 5. Do some exercises. 练习对话?表演对话?小组讨论?找出答 案?朗读练习?朗读竞赛?引入反身代词Step5 Writing ?观看录像?总结归纳?随堂练习?写广1. Tell students: You have a clothes store next 9 to Huaxing. Write your own ad. 前,简明扼要地揭示阅读要求和重点。 2. Students write their own ads. Giv

39、e help if 2、重点地方着重讲:对材料中的重点、难they need any help. 点和关键之处,在学生自读、自悟的基础上3. Choose one or two examples to correct 进行重点讲解,该挖掘处必挖掘,该品味,their ads. 该讲深讲透的地方必须讲深讲透。 3、疑难问题明确讲:当学生在材料理解上Step 10 Homework (1) 遇到疑难时教师要鲜明地讲,从而为学生解用适当的反身代词填空。 难释疑,让学生正确理解、领悟材料内容。 1.The old men lives by _. 4、合作中提示讲:当学生在合作学习中不2.I am su

40、re I can do it all by _. 能抓住要点进行有效合作时,教师要进行提3.Look, is this room beautiful? I painted it 示性讲解,以使合作有效、深入。 _. 5、总结时补充讲:在总结一节课、一篇材4.What are _jobs? They are students. 料的阅读情况时,在学生概括、总结的基础5.Mary is old enough to take care of _. 上,教师要及时进行补充,以进一步进行提6.Can she carry this box upstairs by _. 炼和归纳,从而使总结更加完整、准确。

41、 7.The story _was very good, but you did not tell it well. 8.Sara is not pleased with _in this Period 5 English test. Review of drills 9.Did you enjoy _at the party yesterday? Teaching aims 10.She wants to buy a car of _own. 1通过介绍服装,掌握一些常用的服装名词; Keys: 1.themselves 2.myself 3.myself 4.their 2通过介绍服装,复

42、习“询问价格和颜色”的5. herself 6. herself 7. itself 8.herself 9. 句型:How much is this T-shirt? Its seven yourself/yourselves 10.her dollar(How much are these socks? They are two dollars(What color is it? It is red(What color are they? They are green. Feedback: 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成度较高,本节3 知道怎样用英语谈论颜色、价格以及喜课做到了以下几点: 好

43、。 1、自读之前启发讲:即在学生自主阅读之10 - How much is this hat? Teaching aids CAI - It is three dollars($ 3). Teaching procedures Conversation 2 - How much are these socks ? Chart 复习词汇?对话练句型?练习问价句型?- They are three dollars ($3). Ask several pairs to act out. 玩游戏?完成对话练习?口头运用句型?布置作业 Step 4 Act out (7) Ask students to

44、 do Pair work. A: Whats/Whatre-? Step 1 Warming-up (3) Class, many clothes are on sale in Huaxing B: Its/Theyre-. Clothes Store. Lets see what kinds of clothes A: How much is/are-? there are. Read out the words: a sweater, B: Its/Theyre-dollars. a skirt, a shirt, a T-shirt, shorts, Then act it out.

45、pants, shoes, socks Step 5 Guessing Game(10) Tell students you can have 5 guesses. (最多可Step 2 Ask and answer (4) 猜5次。) Practice the following conversations. Guess it at the 1st time(一次猜对), +5. 2nd, +4; 3rd, +3; 4th , +2; 5th, +1. Conversation 1 Using this drill: A: Whats this / that? Students : How

46、much is this?/ B: Its a . How much are these? Conversation 2 Guessing boy/girl: Is thisdollars?/ A:Whatre these / those? Are thesedollars? B:They are . Then ask some pairs to act out. Lets see who does the best job. Step 3 Pair-work (7) Step 6 Act out (7) Revise how to express price in English. Poin

47、t First students make their own conversations in to the slide and make students read out : one pairs according to the example. (Give them dollar, two dollars, three dollars help if they need any help) Then lead in the following conversation: Next ask them to act out their conversations. Conversation 1 Step 8 Homework (1) 11 Make a survey to your friends. Ask them 示代


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