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1、湘少版六年级英语上册教案全册(表格式)Unit 1 The children are playing in the park.(孩子们正在公园里玩) Period 1 一、教学目标 1、 能听懂、会说新单词swing,slide,bench,bark,chain,bite,stones; 2、 能理解课文;能正确运用现在进行时描述人物正在进行活动。 二、教学重点及难点 重点:掌握本单元四会单词。 难点:理解课文。 三、教学准备 单词卡片和图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1( 师生问候。 2( 唱已学的英文歌曲。 Step 2 Presentati

2、on and drill 1( T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again! Today is the first day of this new term. Im very happy. So lets go to the park together! 边说边将一张公园大门的图片贴在黑板上,布置成公园的场景。 2( 可出示一张秋千的图片。 T: Look! A swing. Do you like it? 板书单词swing,带读。将图片贴在黑板上“公园”的相应位置。 3( 用同样的方法教单词slide和bench。 4( 出示一张狗正在叫

3、的图片。 T: What is the dog doing? It is barking. 板书单词bark,带读。 T: Dont throw the stones at the dog. Itll bite you. 板书单词stone和bite,并用动作帮助学生理解其含义。然后带读。 5( 出示一张被铁链锁着的狗的图片。 T;The dog always bites the strangers,so the owers use the chain. 板书单词chain,帮助学生理解其含义。并带读。 游戏-Look and say. (看看小说) 教师做口型,学生根据口型说单词。 游戏-L

4、oud and low voice (大小声) 教师大声说单词,学生小声重复;或者教师小声说,学生大声说。 Step 3 Fast reading and listening 1 1( 出示课文中人物的图片。 T: Look! The children are playing in the park. 边说边将图片贴在“公园”的相应位置。 2( 快速阅读课文A部分,回答问题。 T: Today well learn Unit One. First lets listen to the text, and then answer my question: Why is the dog bitin

5、g Mingmings foot 检查学生阅读情况,帮助学生回答所提问题。 Mingming is throwing stones at dog, so the dog is angry. 3( 听课文A部分录音,模仿其语音、语调,掌握新词难句的正确读音。 Step 4 Intensive reading 1( 精读课文,然后两人一组完成课文C部分练习。 2( 教师与学生校对答案后让学生按正确顺序读一遍。 3( 听课文A部分录音,跟读。 Step 5 Consolidation 1(黑板上的单词卡片及图片复述课文。 2(练习。(见练习册P13) 3(家庭作业:听磁带,读课文。 Period 2

6、 一(教学目标 1( 能复述课文A部分; 2( 能正确运用现在进行时描述人物活动。 二(教学重点及难点 重点:理解现在进行时 难点:正确运用现在进行时描述人物活动。 三(教学准备 让学生们准备一些生活照片、单词卡片、教学磁带等。 四(教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1( 师生问候。 2( 唱已学的英语歌曲。 3( 利用卡片复习本单元新单词。 游戏-Quick response (快速反应) 2 教师说单词的中文,学生快速说出其英文;或者反过来,教师说英文,学生说中文。 4( 复述课文。 1) 两人一组进行复述 2) 让一至两名学生上台复述。 Step 2 Presentation

7、 and drill 1( 学生自渎课文一遍,将课文中出现的现在进行时(如are playing, is sitting, is pushing, is playing等)划记出来。然后两人一组进行讨论。 2( 教师总结。 Step 3 Practice (课文D部分) 1、 出示课文D部分图片或做动作、表情等,人学生两人一组看图或动作说句子。 2、 小组活动。 3、 完成书面练习。 Step4 Consolidation 1、 创设情景,自由会话。 2、评价。 3、家庭作业:听磁带,读课文。 Period 3 一(教学目标 1、复习本单元单词、课文及语法知识; 2、能唱英语歌曲“Shell

8、be coming round the mountain.” 3、能独立完成课文F部分练习。 二(教学重点及难点 重点:英语歌曲“Shell be coming round the mountain.” 难点:完成课文F部分练习。 三(教学准备 单词卡片、教学磁带等。 四(教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1、师生问候。 2、复习本单元已学新单词。 3、分小组活动(可进行说句子比赛等)。 Step 2 Presentation and drill (课文E部分) 1、 听录音,欣赏歌曲。 3 2、 学习歌词 3、 听录音,跟唱。 Step 3 Practice (课文F部分) 1、

9、 教师解释题意。 2、 让学生们找出答案,先口头练习,然后完成书面练习。 Step4 Consolidation 1、创设情景,自由会话(要求运用现在进行时。如果有时间,可让学生自己创设情景,自由交换)。 2、 评价。 3、 练习 4、 家庭作业:听磁带,读课文。 五、教学反思: Unit 2 Katie always gets up early. (凯蒂一直都起得很早。) Period 1 一、教学目标 1、 能听懂、会说新单词和短语wake up , make the bed ,late, wave, drive, porridge; 2、 能理解课文; 3、 能正确运用一般现在时描述经常

10、发生的行为、活动等。 二、教学重点及难点 重点:掌握本单元四会单词。 难点:理解课文。 三、教学准备 单词卡片和图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。 四、教学步骤 4 Step 1 Warming up 1、师生问候。 2、唱英文歌曲“Shell be coming round the mountain.” 3、复习已学的单词(swing,slide,bench,bark,chain,bite,stones)。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1、出示教学挂图。边说边做动作,让学生理解课文。然后,板书单词,带读,并利用单词卡片帮助学生理解其含义。 2、让学生看图说话。 St

11、ep 3 Fast reading and listening 1、 速阅读课文A部分,回答问题。 T: Today well learn Unit 2. Katie always gets up early . First lets listen to the text, and then answer my question: What time does Katies father leave for work ? 检查学生阅读情况,帮助学生回答所提问题。 2、 听课文A部分录音,模仿其语音、语调,掌握新词难句的正确读音。 Step 4 Intensive reading 1、 读课文,

12、然后两人一组完成课文C部分练习。 2、 听课文A部分录音,跟读。 Step 5 Consolidation 1(根据黑板上的单词卡片及图片试复述课文。 2(练习。(见练习册P5) 3(家庭作业:听磁带,读课文。 Period 2 一(教学目标 1、能读课文A部分; 2、能理解第三人称单数做主语的一般现在时的用法; 3、能运用一般现在时描述经常发生的行为、活动等。 二(教学重点及难点 重点:理解第三人称单数做主语的一般现在时的用法 难点:运用一般现在时描述经常发生的行为、活动等。 三(教学准备 单词卡片、教学磁带等。 四(教学步骤 5 Step 1 Warming up 1、师生问候。 2、利用

13、卡片复习本单元新单词。 3、试讲述自己的一天。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1、出示单词卡片always, often,usually,sometimes,never,让学生们认读,纠正其发音。 3、 总结词义与区别。 Step 3 Practice (课文D部分) 1、 学生两人一组根据表格描述Peter的一天。 2、 小组活动。 3、两人一组谈论各自的日常生活。 3、 完成书面练习。 Step4 Consolidation 1、让学生们调查好朋友的妈妈每一天所做的事情,完成表格。 2、评价。 3、练习。 4、家庭作业:听磁带,读课文。 Period 3 一(

14、教学目标 1、复习本单元单词、课文及语法知识; 2、能独立完成课文E部分练习。 3、能独立完成课文F部分练习。 二(教学重点及难点 重点:区别副词always, often,usually,sometimes,never的含义及用法。 难点:课文F部分练习。 三(教学准备 单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。 四(教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1、师生问候。 2、可分小组说句子比赛。 6 Step 2 Presentation and drill (课文E部分) 完成E部分练习。 Step 3 Practice (课文F部分) 1、 教师解释题意后让学生根据表上的信息进行口头交流。

15、 2、 完成书面练习。 Step4 Consolidation 1、让学生模仿课本中的表格设计一份调查表。内容自定,然后陈述其调查结果。 2、评价。 3、完成练习 4、家庭作业:听磁带,读课文。 五、教学反思: Unit 3 Lets go to the Underwater World. Instructional Design Teaching objectives: language function: The Imperative sentence to express their wishes. Language Structure: Lets go to the Underwate

16、r World. Term: master vocabulary: library, world understanding of vocabulary: a public holiday, Underwater World, restaurant, hospital, science story, idea, picnic Syntax: from Lets. Constitute the imperative sentence. Period 1 Teaching aims: 1. can understand, will say the new words and phrases pic

17、nic, library, watch, Underwater World, science story, key master library, world; 2(to understand and repeat the texts, 7 3(to the proper use of Imperative sentences to express their wishes. Focus on teaching and difficult points: master of the four units will be the word. Difficulties: Understanding

18、 and repeat lessons Teaching preparation: the word cards, teaching pictures, such as teaching tape. Teaching steps: Step 1.Warming up 1. teachers and students greetings. 2. free conversation. Describe themselves and their families one day. (To encourage students to have flexibility in the use of the

19、 word-and-free) Step 2、Presentation and drill T:Hello,boys and girls .I dont feel happy today.Can you guess why ? Enable students to think for various reasons. Ss:. T:Let me tell you .Yesterday I wanted to go to the library to read science stories ,but my friend told me it was not open. I wanted to

20、go to the park for a picnic ,but my friend wanted to go to the Underwater World . Said one side of the card were the words produce (Underwater world. Library,) help students understand their meaning. And then with Reading. Game - (Goldfinger) card will be posted on the words on the blackboard, two s

21、tudents came to power Goldfinger games. Teachers do I type. Qi said his class of students words, the stage of the students quickly pointed out by hand to hear the words, the faster the victory. Step 3.Fast reading and listening 1. Part A quick reading texts, to answer questions. T: Today well learn

22、Unit Three.First, please read the text, and then answer my question: Where did they go? Check the students read, helping students answer to a question: They didnt go anywhere. 2. recording classes, part A, imitate their language, tone, master new words Nanju the correct pronunciation. 8 Step 4. Inte

23、nsive reading 1. intensive reading lessons, and then a group of two to complete the form below. (Teachers can be properly explained. Italics in the table to discuss some require students to complete) People Suggestion(建议) Peter Go to the Undrewater World Lingling Go to the park for a picnic Go to th

24、e shopping centre Mingming Go to the library Anne Go to the beach Result Too late to go out 2. recording classes, part A, with Reading. 3. the two form a group based on more than repeat the texts. 4. part C complete texts fill in the blank practice. The answer: Yesterday was a holiday.The children w

25、anted to go out .They did not want to stay at home.The children had many ideas.They talked and talked.It was very late in the afternoon.They did not go out at all.They stayed at home all day! Step 5 Consolidation 1.the students will use dialogue in the form of text shows up. 2.evaluation. 3.practice

26、. (See practice of P9 - P10) Period 2 First. teaching objectives: 1. part A can repeat the texts, 2.can skillfully use imperative sentence to express their wishes. Second. focus on teaching and difficult points: Focus: A repeat of the text. Difficulties: the proper use of imperative sentences to exp

27、ress their wishes. Third. teaching preparation: bread, biscuits, milk, a little water, a carton, word cards, wall charts teaching, teaching tape, and so on. Fourth.teaching steps: 9 Step 1. Warming up 1. Regards to teachers and students 2. Has been learning to sing the song in English. 3. Use of the

28、 card or picture review of the unit have been learning new words. 4. Plug A repeat of the text. Step 2. Presentation and drill 1. T: Ok,youve done a good job .Today is very hot ,I feel very thirsty.Are you thirsty?I want to have some water .(喝一口水)Hmm, Im not thirsty now .But I didnt have breakfast.I

29、 feel very hungry.Are you hungry? Look,here are some bread and milk. Let me eat some(装着肚子痛)Oh, I feel very sick. What can I do ? Guide the students to answer) Lets go to the hospital. Teachers through the above scenarios designed to help students understand hot, thirsty, hungry, sick, and so the mea

30、ning of the word. Writing on the blackboard the words, with Reading. Game - Guess, guess, guess! (Guess a student came to power, according to teachers to produce the word card (hungry, hot, thirsty, sick, bored) to do action, other students think. 2. with the word or action picture restaurant, swimm

31、ing pool, cinema, hospital, and so on. Game - Making friends (look for a friend) Teachers will be posted on the card words on the blackboard, left for the adjective (hot, thirsty, hungry, sick, bored, happy), the right to name some places (restaurant, swimming pool, cinema, park, hospital, cafe) stu

32、dents quickly and accurately Corresponding to the second category will be conducted with words. Step 3 Practice 1. in accordance with the example of the complete text D dialogue. The answer: (1)Im hot. Lets go to a swimming pool. (2)Im thirsty.Lets go to a cafe. (3)Im sick.Lets go to a hospital. (4)

33、Im bored.Lets go to a cinema. 2, the first to answer competition. His class will be divided into two group games. Teacher preparation for a carton containing a number of adjectives with nouns and place of the word 10 card. A student from taking office box in an arbitrary word from the card, two grou

34、ps of students under the words that were a logical words. The two sides Qiangda, to put it faster and better points. Final scores more wins. S:Cinema. G1:I feel very bored. Lets go to the cinema. Step 4 Consolidation 1. creation of scenarios, free conversation. Scenario: schools will be organized al

35、l the students on tourism. Class team activities class, students are sub-group discussions wanted to go to the place, the team record of the discussion. S1:Lets go to the Underwater World. Its very interesting. S2:I dont agree.I went there last month.Lets go to the Yuelu Mountain. . 2. evaluation. T

36、eacher to student performance evaluation, the affirmative and encourage and inspire the desire of students learning English. 3. practice. (See practice of P11) 五、教学反思: Unit 4: Its the Mid-Autumn Festival Content of courses: textbook P1316workbook P13-16 Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn the words

37、& phrase: egg yolk/moon cake/ grapes/ tea 2. Be able to master the knowledge of the Mid Autumn Festival. Teaching methods: games, reading, action, etc. 11 Calendar plan: Period Arrangements Period I Part B Period II Part A Part C Period III Part D Part E Period IV Part F Workbook Period I Content of

38、 courses: textbook P14 Part B Teaching aims and demands: Be able to master the words & phrase: egg yolk/moon cake/ grapes/ tea Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, and word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1. Greeting. 2. Lets play: Look and guess: What i

39、s it? Step 2 Presentation & drill 1. Learn to say: egg yolk T takes out an egg and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T. 2. Learn to say: moon cake T takes out a moon cake and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the word after T. Learn to say: grapes/ tea/ in the same way. 3. D

40、rill.?T shows the pictures and Ss say the words. ?T shows the pictures quickly and Ss say the words. ?A guessing game. 4. Open the books at Page14, listen to the tape and read after it. Step 3.Practice 1. Practice in four. Ss play the cards. 2. Listen & act. Step 4.Consolidation 12 Period II Content

41、 of courses: textbook Part A Part C Teaching aims and demands: Be able to understand and tell the story. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1.Exchange greetings. 2.Sing a song weve learned last term together. Step 2

42、 Presentation & drill 1. Lead-in. T shows the picture of Part A. T says, ”Long, long ago, there was a girl called Change. Do you know her story? Do you know the Mid-Autumn Festival?” T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T. 2. Ss talk about the pictu

43、re. 3. Drill. ?T shows the pictures and Ss rearrange them. ?T shows the pictures and Ss tell the story. ?A guessing game. 4. Open the books at Pag13, listen to the tape and read after it. Step 3.Practice 1. Answer the questions. 2.Ss practice in four. 3.A gameA competition among groups. Step 4.Conso

44、lidation 1.Draw something about Mid-Autumn Festiva and talk about them. 13 Period III Content of courses: textbook P15Part D&E Teaching aims and demands: 1. Be able to understand and say the short passage, answer the questions below, then write the answers on the book. 2. Role-play the story. Educat

45、ional affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1.Exchange greetings. 2.Sing a song weve learned last term together. Step 2 Practice 1. Lead-in. T shows the picture of Part E. T says, “The family celebrate the festival today. Listen t

46、o the tape. What are they doing?” 2. Listen to the tape, number the sentences. 3. T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T. 4. Ss say something about the picture. 5. Open the books at Page 3, listen to the tape and read after it. 6. Fill in the blanks

47、 with suitable words. Step 4.Consolidation 教学反思: 14 Unit 5: The children are playing noisily. Content of courses: textbook P17-20 workbook P17-20 Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn the words & phrase: phone/ loudly/quietly/ noisily. 2. Can master the sentence ”Dont ” Teaching methods: games, reading, action, etc. Period I Content of courses: textbook P17 Part B Teaching aims and demands:


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