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1、足球第二学期教案(杨波)(Word文档格式)教 案 第 1 周 班别 年 月 日 一、本学期足球课程介绍 四、复习脚背内侧传球 本 课 二、原地传抢球 五、教学比赛 内 容 三、复习脚内侧传球 一、使学生全面了解本学期足球课的任务、内容、要求及考核内容。 本 课 二、让学生进行恢复性练习,进一步巩固提高已学技术。 任 务 三、培养集体主义精神及个人吃苦耐劳精神。 课的 时 备教 学 内 容 与 组 织 教 法 部分 间 注 一、体育委员集合整队 组织: 二、报告人数,师生问好 开 ? 三、介绍本课内容、任务及要求 ? 2 始 四、点名考勤,安排见习生 分 ? 部 钟 要求:服装整齐,集合快、静

2、、齐。 分 一、慢跑200米。 组织:两路纵队绕足球场跑进 二、行进间徒手操 组织:? ? 1、上肢运动 2、扩胸运动 ? 3、体转运动 要求:听从口令,动作整齐,动作 4、踢腿运动 整齐幅度大。 5、转髋运动 教法:先做示范动作,然后让学生准 6、后踢腿跑 做。 8备 7、侧踢腿跑 分 8、交叉步跑 部钟 分 组织:集体练习 三、颠球 要求:踝关节紧张,自然摆小腿, 不能勾脚或直腿摆,击球点要低。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in

3、 accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction te

4、am leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing

5、records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before constr

6、uction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from b

7、eing washed . 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 课的时 备 教 学 内 容 与 组 织 教 法 部分 间 注 一、本学期足球课程介绍 组织:两列横队 1、介绍我校足球课的目的和意义。 要求:认真听讲、明确任务 2、讲解本学期足球专项课的内容、 任务与要求。 3、考核方法及内容的介绍。 4、课堂常规的要求。 二、原地传抢球 组织:六人一组, ? ? 要求:不能紧张,预先判断,动作 ? 合理迅速,力量适中,并注意移动。 基 ? ? ?

8、 ? 本 三、复习脚内侧传球 组织:三人一组 65 要求:助跑平衡,注意后摆、踝紧部 分 张、直线摆腿击球、部位准确。 组织:同上 分 要求:斜线助跑,后摆大,前摆自 然,脚绷直稍内转,部位准确,力 量适中。 四、复习脚背内侧传球 组织:两人一组,距离30米 ? ? ? 组织:分组轮换 五、教学比赛 端正,认真练习,不得偷惰。 组织:? ? 1. 集合整队 结 ? 2. 松练习 束 5教法: 3(教师小结 部 分 1(教师带领学生做放松练习 4(收拾器材 分 钟 2(教师做总结,介绍下节课内容 5(师生再见 学校足球场 场地 足球30个 课后 器材 小结 sampling as routine

9、. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a s

10、ingle project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross sect

11、ion height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of t

12、he site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig t

13、o a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed . 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 教 案 第 2 周 班别 年 月 日 一、运控球练习 四、规则介绍和教学比赛 本 课 二、复习脚背正面传球 五、身体素质练习 内 容 三、横向运球射门练习 一、使学生逐步掌握难度更大的基本技术。 本 课 二、使学生基本了解足球裁

14、判法。 任 务 三、发展学生比赛能力和上肢力量素质。 课的 时 备教 学 内 容 与 组 织 教 法 部分 间 注 一、体育委员集合整队 组织: 二、报告人数,师生问好 开 ? 三、介绍本课内容、任务及要求 ? 2 始 四、点名考勤,安排见习生 分 ? 部 钟 要求:服装整齐,集合快、静、齐。 分 一、慢跑200米。 组织:两路纵队绕足球场跑进 二、原地徒手操 4X8拍 组织:? ? 1、头部运动 2、扩胸运动 ? 3、体转运动 要求:听从口令,动作整齐,动作 4、腹背运动 整齐幅度大。 5、弓步压腿 教法:先做示范动作,然后让学生准 6、仆步压腿 做。 8备 7、活动踝关节 分 部钟 组织:

15、集体练习 分 三、颠球 要求:踝关节紧张,自然摆小腿, 不能勾脚或直腿摆,击球点要低。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, stan

16、dards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; base

17、line and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-

18、rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance w

19、ith technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed . 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 课的时 备 教 学 内 容 与 组 织 教 法 部分 间 注 组织: 一、运控球练习 ? 1(行进间两

20、脚内侧拨球走 ? 2(侧射单脚拉球走 ? 3(两脚左右拉球后退走 4(两脚掌推球走 组织:同上 5(折线扣拨球走 要求:动作自然放松、力量适中, 动作快 组织:两人一组,距离30米 二、复习脚背正面传球 ? 基 ? 本 ? 65 要求:1、直线助跑,击球腿要折分 部 叠后摆 2、脚绷紧,小脚打开不要太早 分 3、保持身体平衡,击球腿随球前 摆 教法:1、教师讲解示范,并挑同三、横向运球射门练习 学示范 2(纠正错误动作,并向学生提问 要求:运球速度要快,支撑脚要向 球门,击球腿后摆要大,人球距离 适当 四、规则介绍和教学比赛 规则:裁判员哨声和手势,裁判法 简介 五、身体素质练习 组织:集体练

21、习 原地俯卧撑15X2 组织:? 1. 集合整队 结 ? 2. 松练习 5束 ? 3. 教师小结 分 部 教法: 4. 收拾器材 钟 分 1(教师带领学生做放松练习 5( 师生再见 2(教师做总结,介绍下节课内容 学校足球场 场地 足球30个 课后 器材 小结 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofin

22、g and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan

23、 work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and re

24、cord the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the

25、 accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed . 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly acc

26、ording to the plan, it is forbidden 教 案 第 3 周 班别 年 月 日 一、复习脚内侧传球 四、教学比赛 本 课 二、学习脚背外侧传球 五、身体素质练习 内 容 三、学习跳起头顶球 一、使学生逐步掌握难度更大的基本技术。 本 课 二、使学生进一步巩固提高已学技术。 任 务 三、发展学生比赛能力和上肢力量素质。 课的 时 备教 学 内 容 与 组 织 教 法 部分 间 注 一、体育委员集合整队 组织: 二、报告人数,师生问好 开 ? 三、介绍本课内容、任务及要求 ? 2 始 四、点名考勤,安排见习生 分 ? 部 钟 要求:服装整齐,集合快、静、齐。 分 一、

27、慢跑200米。 组织:两路纵队绕足球场跑进 二、原地徒手操 4X8拍 组织:? ? 1、头部运动 2、扩胸运动 ? 3、体转运动 要求:听从口令,动作整齐,动作 4、腹背运动 整齐幅度大。 5、弓步压腿 教法:先做示范动作,然后让学生准 6、仆步压腿 做。 8备 7、活动踝关节 分 部钟 组织:集体练习 分 三、颠球 要求:踝关节紧张,自然摆小腿, 不能勾脚或直腿摆,击球点要低。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordanc

28、e with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader

29、signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; r

30、ecords of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction sur

31、veying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washe

32、d . 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 课的时 备 教 学 内 容 与 组 织 教 法 部分 间 注 组织: 一、复习脚内侧传球 要求:传球准确,要有提前量 组织:两人一组,距离30米 二、学习脚背外侧传球 ? 重点:踝关节内转绷紧 难点:摆腿击球 基 ? 本 ? 教法:1(讲解示范,指出要领和 65 重难点 分 部 2(学生一人踩球一人模仿练习 3(20米中等力量传球练习 要求:屈膝摆腿,脚趾内转,击球 分 时脚型稳固 三、学习跳起头顶球

33、组织:两人一组,距离5米 重点:睁眼看球 教法: 1( 教师讲解示范,提出重难点 难点:起跳时机和收腹摆体 2( 先练习原地头顶球 3( 再练习跳起顶球 要求:首先消除恐惧心理,睁眼看 球,掌握好起跳时机,收腹摆体,下颌紧收 组织:分组轮换 四、教学比赛 五、身体素质练习 组织:集体练习 蛙跳:20米X2 组织:? 1. 集合整队 结 ? 2. 松练习 5束 ? 5. 教师小结 分 部 教法: 6. 收拾器材 钟 分 1(教师带领学生做放松练习 5( 师生再见 2(教师做总结,介绍下节课内容 学校足球场 场地 足球30个 课后 器材 小结 sampling as routine. The me

34、asuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single pr

35、oject, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section heig

36、ht records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site

37、surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a spec

38、ified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed . 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 教 案 第 4 周 班别 年 月 日 一、过人假动作技术 四、教学比赛 本 课 二、复习脚背外侧传球 五、身体素质练习 内 容 三、运球突破射门 一、使学生逐步掌握难度更大的基本技术。 本 课 二、使学生进一步巩固提高已学技术。 任 务 三、发

39、展学生比赛能力和上肢力量素质。 课的 时 备教 学 内 容 与 组 织 教 法 部分 间 注 一、体育委员集合整队 组织: 二、报告人数,师生问好 开 ? 三、介绍本课内容、任务及要求 ? 2 始 四、点名考勤,安排见习生 分 ? 部 钟 要求:服装整齐,集合快、静、齐。 分 一、慢跑200米。 组织:两路纵队绕足球场跑进 二、原地徒手操 4X8拍 组织:? ? 1、头部运动 2、扩胸运动 ? 3、体转运动 要求:听从口令,动作整齐,动作 4、腹背运动 整齐幅度大。 5、弓步压腿 教法:先做示范动作,然后让学生准 6、仆步压腿 做。 8备 7、活动踝关节 分 部钟 组织:集体练习 分 三、颠球

40、 要求:踝关节紧张,自然摆小腿, 不能勾脚或直腿摆,击球点要低。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can b

41、e used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and be

42、nchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excava

43、tion quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technic

44、al measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed . 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 课的时 备 教 学 内 容 与 组 织 教 法 部分 间 注 组织: 一、过人假动作技术 ? 1(左右晃动过人技术 ? 2(

45、拉拨球过人技术 ? 3(跨球过人技术 4(急停急起过人技术 教法:第一遍先原地练习,第二遍5(拉球或扣球转身过人技术 运球做过人假动作练习 要求:动作放松自然,身体幅度要 大,重心要低,起动要快 组织:两人一组,距离30米 二、复习脚背外侧传球 基 ? 本 ? 65 ? 分 部 要求:屈膝摆腿,脚趾内转,击球 时脚型稳固 分 组织:集体练习 三、运球突破射门 教法: 1( 进攻队员运球突破过人射门 ? ? 2( 防守队员积极防守 3( 进攻队员射门后,扮防守队员 要求:敢于过人,运球不减速,过 人后迅速调整射门 组织:分组轮换 四、教学比赛 组织:集体练习 五、身体素质练习 收腹跳15X2 组

46、织:? 1. 集合整队 结 ? 2. 松练习 5束 ? 7. 教师小结 分 部 教法: 8. 收拾器材 钟 分 1(教师带领学生做放松练习 5( 师生再见 2(教师做总结,介绍下节课内容 学校足球场 场地 足球30个 课后 器材 小结 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing

47、 of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedu

48、res; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Eart


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