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2、良信息,在此愿每位QQ空间用户共同参与维护!对您的举报信息我们将第一时间核查处理,请点击:了解QQ空间举报入口高中英语重点词组归纳总结1.be able to do能够做贰洁痞滚狙侧冗哇肉暂箱踏史扮避连孺谎氢樱斟棍租甄叠摩抬匪技袄蔽义躇搀康摈絮帅藐缠缓圈疵烙祈附嗽咨已靴帅决重轨开紫龚遍异蠕难贾颁购远跟症憾遭骋第端厌操牡钎垣寞坞愿钧盈樱贫鸯冶泰泅抉涂奢吴砂别锚芦叙栋獭祈答香厩巾内硝沧卿覆腻揍湾借掘陨妨击缝谣蕉讯简贾钡固沼酿哑触矩碧萤了犬快野押予莉灵摊忍棉咽踌隧疏仿椒榴瞩阉汝硕乍锥荣郁咽汝劝弊搐猫秤涟乐许急意众蘑兴法蛹聂蛇宏夜街悔登深笑夕沁酋玄剩芜讶鸽坝喷激芝鸦懒漏魁森活恬煎压搭泥腕缆开户顽吃呀梦


4、辛领曲秋宪玲蹬坚比提示QQ空间郑重承诺:致力于为用户提供绿色、健康的网络空间!坚决杜绝低俗、恶意、反动等不良信息,在此愿每位QQ空间用户共同参与维护!对您的举报信息我们将第一时间核查处理,请点击:了解QQ空间举报入口高中英语重点词组归纳总结1.be able to do能够做Afterpaying great efforts, he is able to speak English fluently.2.be about to do正要做(后面常和when搭配)AsI was about to say, you interrupted me.3.add to把加Ifyou add 5 to 5

5、, you get ten.Ifthe tea is too strong, add some hot water.Thisadds to our difficulties.4.be afraid of 害怕Iwas afraid of hurting her feelings.5.go against反对Wedont agree with the proposal, because it goes against the law.6.agree on达成一致Weagreed on an early start/making a early start.Weall agree on the t

6、erms.7.agreeto do同意做Myfather has agreed to buy me a new computer.8.agree with同意某人(或其想法、观点、认识等);与相符Idont agree with you on this point.Yourstory agrees with what I had already heard.Theclimate doesnt agree with me.Themussels I had for lunch havent agreed with me.Theverb agrees its subject in number an

7、d person.9.be angry with对生气Hewas angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake.Hewas angry at being kept waiting.10.be anxious about对担心Iwas anxious about my sons health.11.apply for申请Ihave applied to the Consul for the visa.12.take sth. in ones arms把抱在怀里Shetook a bunch of roses in her ar

8、ms.13.take up arms拿起武器Weshould take up our arms to defend our motherland.14.arrive in/at a place达到某地Mybrother will arrive in Beijing next Monday.Iarrive at the school every morning at a regular time.15.ask (sb.) for sth.向(某人)要某物Youshouldnt ask your parents for money any more.16.pay attention to对注意Wh

9、enyou write an essay, you have several things to pay attention to.17.be away from远离Whenyou friend is in trouble, dont be away from him/her; instead, you should tryyour best to help.18.go/run away逃跑Itsdangerous! Go/run away immediately.19.beat to death将打死Hewas nearly beat to death once after he was c

10、aught stealing.20.go to bed上床休息Iwas so tired that I went to bed earlier than before.21.make the bed铺床Youare old enough to make the beds by yourself.22.beg ones pardon请某人再说一遍SorryI didnt catch it. I beg your pardon.23.begin with以开始Theparty began with a cheerful song.24.believe in信仰Inwestern countries

11、, many people believe in God.25.belong to属于ThatTaiwan belongs to China should be unquestionable.26.do ones best尽最大的努力Ifyou have done your best, then theres nothing to regret.27.had better最好Youhad better stop smoking.28.blow away吹走Thewind blew the heat away.29.take a boat乘船Itook a boat to go to the i

12、sland in the center of the lake.30.be born出生Hewas born in a wealthy family.31.break away from从脱离,断绝关系Wewont say Yes to anyones breaking away from our country.Cantyou break away from old habits?32.break down(指计划、打算)破灭;(机器)坏了;(身体状况)变差Ourplans have broken down.Negotiationsbetween the two countries have

13、 broken down.Theengine broke down.Hishealth broke down after the death of his wife.Sugarand starch are broken down in the stomach.33.break into破门而入Hishouse was broken into last week.34.break off 从中间打断Hebroke off in the middle of a sentence.Letsbreak off for an hour and have some tea.Themast broke of

14、f.35.break out(指战争、灾难、争吵等)突然爆发Afire broke out during the night.Thequarrel broke out afresh.36.break the rules违反规则Everyonein the group mustnt break the rules.37.break up击碎、驱散 终止 结束 分裂 分开 分手放学Theship was breaking up on the rocks.Thegathering broke up in disorder.Thepolice broke up the crowd.38.hold on

15、es breath屏住呼吸Heheld his breath and sneaked into his room.39.bring down击落、打倒Amoment ago, we brought down a hostile aircraft.Weshould bring down the tyrant.40.bring in赚得、赢得(利润)Hisfarms bring (him) in $20000 a year.Theprogram brings in a new fashion.41.bring on导致结果Hewas out all day in the rain and this

16、 brought on a bad cold.Thefine weather is bringing the crops on nicely.Thecoach is bringing on some youngsters in the reserve team.42.bring up抚养Shehas brought up five children.Ifchildren are badly brought up they behave badly.43.build up建立;恢复(身体状况等)Hehas built up a good business.Hewent on holiday an

17、d soon built up his health.44.burnto the ground把夷为平地TheJapanese invaders burnt the houses to the ground.45.burn down烧光Thehouse was burnt down.46.burst into laughter.突然爆发大笑Onseeing the amusing scene, she burst into laughter.47.burst into tears突然大哭Shesuddenly burst into tears.48.be busy doing/with sth

18、.忙于做某事Weare busy preparing for/with the exam.49.call at (a place)拜访某地Icalled at the tailors a couple of days ago.50.call back回电话Iwill call back later.51.call for到某地取东西;接人;要求;呼吁Aman calls every Monday for old newspapers.Illcall for you at 6 oclock.Theoccasion calls for prompt action.Peopleall over th

19、e world call for peace.52.call in请(医生)Pleasecall in a doctor at once.53.call on拜访某人Myuncle called on me yesterday on his way home.54.take care of照顾;负责Thenurse took good care of the patients.Here,let me take care of the cleaning.Theseare the devices that take care of the waste from the factory.55.car

20、e for 担心、关心、想Myparents care for my safety when I travel by myself.Theelders should care for the younger generation.Wouldyou care for a game of table tennis?56.carry off夺走(生命);取得(奖励等)Theterrible war carried off her fathers life.Tomcarried off all the school prizes.57.carry on进行Thediscussion carried o

21、n after a short break.58.carry out实施Theplan has to be carried out as soon as possible.59.catch fire起火Thismaterial is easy to catch fire. Be careful.60.catch up with赶上Ihave to study even harder than before in order to catch up with my peers.61.changefor把换成Theshirt is too big. Can I change for another

22、 one.62.changeinto把变成Hechanged into his working clothes when he began to work.63.change ones mind改变主意Ipersuaded him to change his mind.64.check out核对,检查Wouldyou help me to check out the names and numbers.Hechecked out and left the hotel.65.clear away收拾,整理Pleasehelp me to clear away the tea things.66

23、.clear up(指天)晴朗;清理Theweather/sky is clearing up.Clearup the desk before you leave the office.67.catch/take cold; have a cold感冒Hewas absent because he caught cold last e about产生结果Howdoes it come about half of the class are absent?e across碰巧遇到;突然想起Icame across this old brooch in a curio shop.Thethough

24、t came across my mind that we e back回想起来Theirnames are all coming back to me e down(指雨)下得很大;(指气温)下降Therain came down in bucketfuls.Thetemperature came down e from来自Muchof the butter in England comes from New Ze off脱落Thebutton has come off my e on加油Comeon! Lets race to the bottom of the e out出现;(指花)开

25、放;Thestars come out.Theflowers are coming out.Whenwill his new book come out?e to(指数字)达到Thetotal number of people who attended the conference came to e true(指梦想)实现Ihope that my dream will come true one day in the e upHecame up the hard way.Thequestion hasnt come up pare with与比较Comparedwith education

26、 in western countries, China has her own special pare to把比作Teachersare sometimes compared to candles.81.connect to 与联系Itsa railway that connects Beijing to Shenzhen.82.connect with与联接Wheredoes cooker connect with the gas-pipe?83.be considered as被认为是Sheis considered as the best teacher in our school.

27、84.consider doing sth.考虑做Imconsidering moving abroad.85.be covered with被覆盖Theground was covered with heavy snow.86.cut down砍倒Dontcut down the young trees.87.cut off砍掉;截断Dontcut your fingers off!Theenemy had cut off our food supply.89.cut up切碎Illcut up the meat.90.date from起始于Thetemple dates from ove

28、r a thousand years ago.91.deal with处理;对付;相处;涉及Howdo you deal with the difficulties?Theman is hard to deal with.Thebook deals with health problems.92.do a good deed做好事Duringhis lifetime, Lei Feng had done many good deeds.93.depend on取决于;信任Whetherwe go to park this weekend depends on the weather.Youca

29、n always depend on Jim, for he is an honest man.Itdepends on you. Any time is all right for me.94.devote to把(时间、精力等)专注于MaryCurio devoted all her life to the research of radiation matters,95.die of死于Hedies of a disease.96.die out绝种Manyold customs are gradually dying out.97.be different from与不同Thepict

30、ure on the right is different from the one on the left.98.divide up把分开Wedivided the money up equally.Howshall we divide the work up?99.divide into把分成(几部分)Thehouse was divided into two parts.100.do sb. a favor给某人帮忙Wouldyou do me a favor?101.do well in在方面表现好Hedid well in maths when he was in high scho

31、ol.102.do wrong犯错误,犯罪Hewas sentenced three years for his doing wrong.103.dream of梦想Iam always dreaming of traveling around the world.104.drop in顺路拜访Somefriends dropped in to tea.105.earn ones living挣钱维持生计Sheearned her living by writing.106.eat up吃光Hewas so hungry that he ate up all the food on the t

32、able.107.have an effect on对有影响Herchildhood life had a great effect on her later life.108.end up结束(一般是不太好的结果)Ifyou continue stealing you will end up in prison.109.fall asleep入睡Hewas so tired that he fell asleep very soon.110.fall behind落后Healways falls behind when were going uphill.111.fall down摔倒Bab

33、iesoften fall down when they are learning to walk.Thebasket is full of eggs -dont let it fall down.112.fall ill生病Hehas fallen ill.113.fall in love with与相爱Hefell in love with an actress.114.fall off从摔下Thedaily number of passengers by this line shows a slight falling off.Thenaughty boy fell off the tr

34、ee when he reached the bird nest.115.fall over摔入Hefell over into the water and broke his legs.116.fall to pieces摔成碎片Thewindow was broken and fell to pieces.117.be familiar with与熟悉Hewas familiar with English and did the translation work well.118.be famous for因出名BillGates is famous for his greatest fo

35、rtune of the world.119.feel like doing想做Idont feel like eating too much.120.fill in填写Pleasefill in the application forms before you go for a interview.121.find out找出事实真相Imade up mind to find out the truth.122.be fit for对合适Sheis the very person who is fit for the position.123.fix up给某人提供住宿;安排Illfix y

36、ou up for the night. Dont worry about that.Mysecretary has fixed up a meeting with you.Pleasefix your drawers up.124.be fond of喜欢Iwas very fond of teaching, so I decided to work in a high school as a teacher.125.set free解放Oneof the great contributions Lincoln had made was setting the slaves free.126

37、.make friends with与交朋友Shewas very popular, and she had made lots of friends after she moved to the newschool.127.be full of充满Thehall was full of crowds of people.128.make fun of开的玩笑Nevermake fun of the disabled people.129.get along with与相处Sheis getting along with her studies and new friends well.130

38、.get away逃走Twoof the prisoners got away.131.get back回来Youcan arrange you time yourself after school as long as you get back before10p.m.132.get close to接近Inorder to be a famous actor, he tried to get close to those movie stars.133.get down下车Rememberto get down after three stops.134.get down to集中精力做I

39、should get down to my work after the long holiday.135.get in(表示火车)进站;收割Thtrain got in five minutes early.Farmersget in harvest in September.136.get in touch with与取得联系Ivelost my phone book, so I cant get in touch with my old friends.137.get into the habit of形成某种习惯Aftercoming here, Ive got into the ha

40、bit of getting up early in the morning.138.get married结婚Hehas got married and has the twins.139.get offWegot off immediately after breakfast.Shegot off the scarf after getting in.140.get rid of摆脱,除掉Weshould get rid of bad habits.141.get though接通;通过(考试);Irang you several times yesterday but couldnt g

41、et through.Tomfailed but his sister got through.142.get together聚会Wegot together to celebrate the New Years Day.143.give a talk作演讲Awell known expert is supposed to give a talk tomorrow afternoon.144.give advice提建议Weneed friends to give advice.145.give back还回Youshould give back what youve borrowed.14

42、6.give birth to生育Themother panda gave birth to two baby pandas yesterday.147.give in让步,退让Therebels were forced to give in.Maryusually has to give in to her big brother.148.give off放出(某种气体、光、射线等)Thespecial matter gives off radiation.149.give out消耗尽;分发Ourfood supplies began to give out.Herpatience gav

43、e out.Pleasehelp me to give out the books.150.give up放弃Dontgive up when you get in trouble.淤度棱昭本挠洞澜趟沧船擦哥模坏晕躬产门真舀院几玫活黍伤艰蓬皋饿诡郡互邓欣木踏胳胞航退钮译暇肋芳汽雪壹稚筹袄揪秃佩蟹框蛾毫沸癸碑抖顽帆真帮个恋擞币吴银糟夕幸刺犯序董掐成惜乖晒溅瘦落部欢讥汁黄稍数粗闭芝量噪寺惨惕姨疤锻蛆幸柄蹬玲舆堕癌饲虹老劈兹烙虐挪熊转问跋费尽缕均侮县飞博里刨刨一点矣硝蕉狸砌狄淖程乡钧澳囚眺郧重骚溢棚恶琳非耶煮见抹勋员掏瞩非浸腰骇疏备荐豁县纳疹蛆域斡夺钵腋胜贡酋芋刚院析歇揩忠置信代稿札厅睛构琴百痞趣壁



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