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1、Unit 3 My friends第一课时课题Unit3 A Lets talk总节数:4节 执行时间:教学目标教学重点教学难点教学准备教学内容:Unit3A部分Lets talk教学目标:1.能听懂、会说Whats is name? His name is. Her name is2.能听、说、认读I have a new friend. A Chinese friend ? Whats his name? His name is.3.使用所学句型实行口语交际教学重点:句型:Whats his name? His name is教学难点:1.发音:Chinese, his的尾音2.句型:Hi

2、s name is教具准备:1.几张班里同学的照片2.教材相配套的教学录音带教学环节教学内容我的修改教学过程一、热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)1问答练习:Whos your best friend?2做“猜人”的游戏。让一个学生描述班里某一个同学的模样,其他同学来猜这个人是谁。尽量多做几组,练习句型Whos he/she? He/ She is .二、表现新课 (Presentation)1然后提问一名男生Whats your name?该名学生回答问题后,教师对大家说:His name is He is教师问学生:Whats his name? 启发学生回答:His name

3、is.教师继续指其他男生,让学生回答:Whats his name? 教师再指另一个男生,让一个学生问Whats your name?另一个学生回答 His name is.(多做几组)2.教师指着一个女生说:Shes Her name is 然后问学生:Whats her name?让学生试着回答:Her name is教师再指几个女生问:Whats her name? 让学生两人一组做Whats her name? Her name is的问答练习。3教师出示课文人物面具,让学生做问答:Whats his/her name? His/ Her name is4出示班里某个学生的照片,教师说

4、:Look, I have some photos. Look at this photo, who can tell me his /her name? He is friendly.5教读单词friendly.6让学生表演课文对话。 三、趣味操练 (Practice)1做猜人游戏。与Lets play部分相结合。让一个学生来描述自己的朋友,其他同学要根据描述猜出这个人是谁。如:My friend is a boy. Hes thin. He likes math. Whos he?四、扩展性活动(Add-activities)教师出示一些名人图片,让理解这些人的同学介绍给全班同学。五、作业

5、布置对话练习板书设计Unit My friendsI have a good friend.Hes tall and strong.Who is he?His name is .教学反思Unit 3 My friends第三课时课题Unit3 B Lets talk总节数:4节 执行时间:教学目标教学重点教学难点教学准备教学方法教学内容:unit3B部分Lets talk教学目标:1.能听懂会说My good friend /He /She has.2.能听懂会说My friend is strong. He .3.能在恰当的情境中用英语表达他人的爱好。教学重点:1.句型:My friend/

6、He / She has教学难点:1.发音:glass, right 2.动词的第三人称单数教具准备:图片:内容见P31页Lets learn部分教学方法:表演法,会话法教学环节教学内容我的修改教学过程一、热身复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1复习相关fruits的单词。教师:Who can say some words about fruits? Do you like peaches? Yes, I do. Do you like oranges? No, I dont. What about pears? Oh, I like them very much. 二、表现新课 (P

7、resentation) 1.教师对学生说:I have a good friend. A boy or a girl ? can you guess?教师先让一个学生回答问题,再让另一个学生根据他她的回答说出:He/ She tall and thn. 2.教师先让一个学生回答问题,再让另一个学生根据他她的回答说出:He/ She has glasses and his shoes is blue.出示相对应的图片描述。 3.教师要即时纠正学生的错误发音,glasses后的s 不要给学生讲语法,但要让学生注意这个词的尾音的发音。 4.让学生看着黑板上的图片读出单词。 5.教师出示John和M

8、ike的面具,问学生:Who are they ? 学生答:One is John One is Mike. 6.教师说:Mike is talking about their friends. Now, Lets listen . What do their friend like?三、趣味操练 (Practice) 1猜词游戏 让小组中的一个学生做动作,其他学生根据他所做出的动作说出单词或词。最后比一比哪个同学猜出的单词最多。四、作业布置朗读对话板书设计Unit 3My friendsShe / He has.She / He is tall/short/strong/friendly教学

9、反思Unit 3 My friends第四课时课题Unit3 B Lets learn总节数:4节 执行时间:教学目标教学重点教学难点教学方法教学准备教学内容:Unit3B部分Lets learn教学目标:1.能听说、认读B部分Lets learn 。能够准确描述朋友或同伴所携带的物品是什么颜色的。描述朋友的服饰等。2.能正确使用祈使句第三人称单数动词的使用has. 会用long hair, short hair。3.培养学生注意观察、认真模仿的良好习惯。 教学重点:能正确掌握读音,并能用所学句型进行同伴之间回话。教学难点:能按照老师的指令做相应的动作。教学方法: 情景教学法。教学准备:头饰

10、图片 教学环节教学内容我的修改教学过程一、热身(Warm-up)1.复习所学句型This is Zhang Peng, He has a good friend. Can you guess ? Whats his name? 学生猜不出来,教师描述。二、新课呈现(Presentation)1.教师出示句型贴在黑板上,范读。教师出示Amy的面具,问:Who is she? 学生回答:Amy。教师说:She has short hair. 教师同时拿着两个面具,说:ChenJie and Amy are friends. They are friends.2让学生看着面具在教师的提示下学说:Sh

11、e has long hair. She has short hair. They are friends. 3让学生指着班里的同学说:She has long hair. He has short hair. 教师出示单词卡教读long hair, short hair和friends。(把单词卡贴在黑板上)4.教师出示人物图片,问Who is she?学生答:Sarah, Miss White。教师把面具贴到黑板上相应的单词前,鼓励学生说出She has long hair. She has short hair. 教师拿着吴一凡的面具说Mike has good friend too. He has greenbag, blue glasses.三.趣味操练描述自己的朋友,猜猜看描述的是谁?四.作业布置听录音跟读,并认读单词板书设计Unit 3My friendsShe has long hair.She has short hair.教学反思


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