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1、2014高考英语快速提分完形技巧秘诀教案(可编辑)2014高考英语快速提分完形技巧秘诀教案 2014高考英语完型填空顶级教案C -1 铁西区Peter精品高分英语家教 (育才、实验、二中专用) 高考英语形容词和副词辩析训练 He has been called the missing link. Half-man, half-beast. He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world-Mount Everest. He is known as the Abominable Snowman. The 36 of the S

2、nowman has been around for 37 Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mount Everest. The native people said they 38 this creature and called it the Yeti, and they said that they had 39 caught Yetis on two occasions 40 none has ever been produced a

3、s evidence 证据. Over the years, the story of the Yetis has 41In 1951, Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest. Shipton believed that they were not 42 the tracks of a monkey or bear and 43 that the Abominable Snowman might really 44. 39. A. evenB. hardlyC. certainlyD. p

4、robably 42. A. entirelyB. naturallyC. clearlyD. simply Further efforts have been made to find out about Yetis. But the only things people have ever found were 45 footprints. Most believe the footprints are nothing more than 46 animal tracks, which had been made 47 as they melted 融化 and refroze in th

5、e snow. 48 in 1964, a Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was 49 and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans. But, 50 , no evidence has ever 51 been produced. These days, only a few people continue to take the story of the Abominable Snowman 52But if they ever 53 catching one

6、, they may face a real 54 Would they put it in a 55 or give it a room in a hotel? 45. A.clearerB. moreC. possibleD. rare 46. A. hugeB. recent C. ordinaryD. frightening 47. A.strangeB. largeC. deep D. rough 49. A. imagined B. realC. special D. familiar 51. A. rightlyB. actually C. normallyD. particul

7、arly 52. A. lightlyB. jokingly C. seriouslyD. properly What is intelligence智力 anywayWhen I was in the army I 36 an intelligence test that all soldier took, and ,against 37 of 100, scored 160I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not 38 have scored more than 8039 , whe

8、n anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him ? and be always 40 it. Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man 41 question for some intelligence tests. By every one of them Id prove myself a 42In a world where I have to work with my 43Id do poorly. Consider my auto-repair man 44He had a habit of t

9、elling 45One time he said, “Doe, a deaf-dumb聋哑man 46 some mails. 38. A. alwaysB. possibly C. certainlyD. frequently 44. A. againB. as usual C. too D. as well Having entered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made 47 movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer.

10、He 48 his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk 49 him some nails. He picked out the right size and left, well, Doe, the 50 man who came in was blind. He wanted scissors剪刀51 do you suppose he asked for them?” I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my firs

11、t two fingers. He burst out laughing and said, “Why, you fool, he used his 52 and asked for them. Ive been 53 that on all my customers today, but I knew 54 Id catch you.” “Why is that ?” I asked, “Because you are so goddamned educated. Doe, I knew you couldnt be very 55 .” And I have an uneasy feeli

12、ng he had something there. 50. A. clever B. otherC. right D. next 54. A. for sure B. at onceC. in fact D. right now 55. A. clear B. silly C. slow D. smart 形容词、副词的常见考点有:形容词、副词的比较等级的构成及用法;形容词、副词的比较等级的修饰结构;形容词、副词的区别;形容词、副词作修饰语时的位置和顺序。 A.形容词训练 1. A fence needs the support of three stakes, an _ fellow ne

13、eds three other people. A. ableB. competent C. unableD. disable 2. Is your ring _ gold? A. realB. trueC. actualD. reality 3. - Are we late - Im _ so. A. sureB. certainC. willing ?D. afraid 4. He is _, but he doesnt feel _. Because he likes to surf the Internet for his study of English. A. lonely; al

14、oneB. alone; lonelyC. alone; aloneD. lonely; lonely 5. - What did you say - Oh, nothing. I was just thinking _A. loudB. aloud ?C. loudlyD. louder 6. They are _ for their son to succeed in the game. A. anxiousB. worriedC. sorry?D. hunger 7. David was lying in bed, _ , listening to an English pop song

15、. A. awoke ?B. awake ?C. wakingD. wake 8. - How is your friend now - I am sorry to tell you he is going from _ to worse in the hospital. A. better B. worse C. badD. well 9. Some girls are _; a few, but very few, are _. A. beautiful; prettyB. handsome; beautiful? C. pretty; beautifulD. pretty; handso

16、me 10. East and west, home is _.prov. A. best ?B. worst ?C. nearestD. farthest 11. How time flies! You should make _ use of your timeA. best ?B. the worst?C. goodD. the best 12. Although he was not _ tired, he didnt care _. a little; a little ?B. a bit; a bit? C. a little; a bitD. a bit; A. a little

17、 13. The foreman工头 beat him _ , and the other workers were very angry with him. A. red-bloodedB. black and white?C. red-handed D. black and blue 14. It was a _ evening and I really had a good sleep. A. calm B. silent? C. quietD. safe and sound 15. In an emergency, you should remain _. A. calm B. sil

18、ent C. quietD. tranquil 16. You cannot be too careful. Which of the following sentences doesnt have the same meaning of the underlined sentence? _ A. You cannot be careful at all. B. You cannot be over careful. C. You cannot be careful enough. D. You cannot take enough care. 17. Be? when you cross t

19、he road ?A. careless B. beware C. careful D. carelessness 18. It is _ that he has passed the examination, and I am _ I will pass it too. A. certain; certain? B. certain; sure?C. sure; certainlyD. certainly; surely 19. The price of the car “Honda” is very _ and my parents cant afford it ?A. cheap?B.

20、high C. expensiveD. dear 20. Dont be too wordy. Just give me a very _ answer. A. clean ?B. clearC. neat?D. tidy 21. Dont pour water on his plan. We should encourage him. A. hot?B. cool C. warm?D. cold 22. We share a purpose, so lets help each other. A. common?B. ordinaryC. general?D. clever 23. You

21、must arrange a _ time and place for our alumna get-together this yearA. fit B. suit C. well D. convenient 24. It is _ that my nephew is really fond of classic music, which he has been exposed to 熏陶for years. A. trueB. real?C. correct?D. right 25. Oh, the fire is getting nearer and nearer. It is _ ou

22、r children and old people. A. dangerous on?B. dangerous to?C. dangerous for D. dangerous with 26. With only the fire burning, the room was _. A. darkB. dim?C. blackD. dusky 27. This instant dictionary快译通 is too _. He cant afford it, to say nothing of a portable computer 手提电脑. A. dearly?B. expensive?

23、C. costly D. high 28. We have to set a definite date for the concert. The underlined word means _. A. fixed?B. clearC. sure D. certain 29. What a delicious joke! This sentence means _. A. The joke is very interesting?B. The joke is about delicious food. C. The joke is not interesting at all?D. No on

24、e laughed at the joke. 30. He is badly down these days. This sentence probably means _. A. He is seriously ill these days? B. He is in low spirit these days. C. He fell down and was seriously hurtD. He didnt study hard these days. 31. Graham was not a little _ because he drank too much last night. A

25、. tired? B. tiring?C. angryD. drunk 32. All work and no play makes Jack a _ boy. prov. A. clever?B. bright C. intelligentD. dull 33. I cant go to bed with anmind until I know shes safe. A. easyB. softC. hard D. simple 34. My _ brother two years older than I is a computer illiterate 电脑盲. A. elder?B.

26、older ?C. younger?D. old 35. They believe that in the sight of God the rich are _ with the poor. A. the same ?B. energetic C. equalD. equality 36. We were all _ when we heard the _ news that we football team has won in the match. A. excited; excited B. exciting; exciting? C. excited; excitingD. exci

27、ting; excited 37. Alan had taken? care with his appearance that evening. A. generalB. simple? C. extraD. important 38. Look! The boy who gave a _ answer to your question in class is running very _. A. fast; fastB. quick; quick?C. quick; fastD. fast; quick 39. A _ person or animal is very aggressive

28、or angry. A. fierce?B. frightened?C. hot-temper?D. tender 40. If you ask how_ away a place is, you are asking how great a distance away it is. A. wideB. far ?C. remote ?D. long 41. Mr. Smith is very kind-hearted and capable. You are really _ in having such a good teacher. A. sorry?B. sad?C. poor?D.

29、fortunate 42. When Peter was at collage, he paid a _ visit to the library. A. often?B. frequently?C. recent?D. frequent 43. To begin with, the gypsy girl was _ at the sight of a snake and now she plays with snakes in a circus. A. frightened to die B. frightened to dead C. frightened at death D. frig

30、htened to death 44. Ive got a? idea of how we should help the students with their English study. A. generalB. generally? C. wholeD. roughly 45. They are dancing a? dance on the New Years eveA. gay?B. excited?C. pleasureD. fun 46. “Will you make room for the old gentlemen, sir?” she said to me in a _

31、 voiceA. mild ?B. strong?C. rough D. violent 47. I will invite some of my friends to my home on Christmas Eve, and I do wish all of them will have a _ evening. A. glad ?B. pleasant?C. exciting D. interesting 48. When the _ young actor appeared on the stage, all eyes were fixed upon him. A. beautiful

32、B. handsome C. prettyD. happy 49. Western people usually say “_ New Year and _ Christmas.” A. Happy; HappyB. Merry; Happy C. Merry; MerryD. Happy; Merry 50. Teachers should be _ with their students but should not be _ on them. A. hard; strictB. strict; hard?C. hardly; strictly?D. strictly; hardly 51

33、. In the low latitude area, it is usually very _ all the year around. A. warm B. hot C. cold D. heat 52. The two American came to China for a visit. They visited many places _ and enjoyed themselves. A. interesting B. interestedC. of interest D. of interests 53. In 1989, an _law was passed by the Un

34、ited Nations to stop people putting waste into sea. A. national?B. local C. internet D. international 54. - I have two suggestions: one is to go to the cinema, the other is to have a drink- Well, personally I prefer the _ one. I dont like films very much. A. late ?B. latter C. latestD. last 55. Beca

35、use of his? English, he couldnt talk to the foreignerA. limiting; free?B. limited; freeC. limited; freelyD. limiting; freely 56. It is impossible for soworkers to do so? work in a single day. A. few; muchB. few; many?C. little; muchD. little; many 57. - Would you like some wine - Yes. Just A. little

36、B. very little?C. a little?D. little bit 58. The patient suffering from cancer looked dead but the faint pulse proved that he was stillA. live? B. lifeC. alive?D. lively 59. She was, I thought, the best novelist(小说家)in the world because she told us a large number of? stories about her life in Africa

37、. A. alive B. living?C. livelyD. live 60. Both of my parents prefer news to foreign news when they listen to the radioA. local?B. locate?C. international D. global 61. The old lady felt when she stayed in the big house after her husband died. A. alone; lonely?B. alone; alone C. lonely; alone ?D. lon

38、ely; lonely 62. As Wei Hua got another “C” in the English test, her parents looked _ at him, holding the school report. A. sadB. sadly ?C. happy?D. happily 63. Morning reading is better by far to read _ than to read in silence. A. loud B. louder?C. loudlyD. aloud 64. The price of the portable comput

39、ers手提电脑 is still so? that I cant afford to buy one. A. high ?B. low C. expensiveD. dear 65. They are living in a? place and their houses are flooded almost once every year. A. lie-low?B. low-lieC. low-lain D. low-lying 66. I need cloth, for Im going to make? clothesA. a lot ofmany?B. muchmuchC. many

40、many D. manya lot of 67. Her trouble was found to be? , not physical. A. mentalB. material? C. madD. mentally 68. The Summer Palace is one of the _ parks in Beijing. I suggest you going there to have a visit. A. more beautiful?B. most beautiful?C. best beautiful?D. much beautiful 69. The gate is too

41、 _ for a car to pass throughA. wide?B. highC. narrowD. neat 70. After the international news, he went on to listen to the _ news. A. non-violent?B. national ?C. nativeD. nationality 71. After all, not even _ speakers of English find it easy to do some reading aloud correctly in RPReceived Pronunciat

42、ion. A. national B. native C. natural D. non-stop72. You can t throw the waste everywhere. You should keep the classroom _. A. quiet B. neatC. orderly ?D. bright 73. Don t be _ at the examination, and believe that you can do well in it. A. anxious ?B. upset ?C. nervous D. worried 74. - Have you ever

43、 read that article- Yes, But I think there is nothing _ in it Which of the following is wrong? A. difficulty B. new?C. interesting?D. important 75. The young lady informed me that she was to send for the important computer materials _ day. A. the next?B. following?C. next D. the last 76. Its hard to

44、 be _ to someone you dont like at all. Which of the following is not suitable? A. nice B. pleasant C. kind D. good 77. The old man received a lot of respect for his _ character. A. grand B. noble ?C. high D. splendid 78. I didnt sleep well last night because it was too _ outside. A. noisy B. quiet?C

45、. noise?D. loud 79. Such a grammar mistake is _ among the beginners of English study. A. normalB. common?C. general ?D. ordinary 80. Materialism isto idealism just as truth is opposed to falsehood. A. against B. oppose C. opposite?D. opposition 81. Our cadres, whether high or low in their official r

46、ank, are the peoples public servant and _workers. A. commonB. ordinary C. usual D. normal 82. Dont be in such a hurry. There are _ passengers in the bus. A. many B. a few C. fewD. quite a few 83. Although she tried her best to make her work _, yet she failed in the end. A. complete?B. wellC. perfect

47、 ?D. good 84. Whether she likes the play or not is a matter of her _ preference. Which of the following cannot be put in the blank? A. personal?B. privateC. ownD. self 85. At the moment of the sunset, the sky turns _. A. dark B. deep red ?C. pink ?D. bright 86. I think this novel is suitable for you middle school students, for it is written in plain English.


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