五年级英语上册 Unit 1测试 人教版pep.doc

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《五年级英语上册 Unit 1测试 人教版pep.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语上册 Unit 1测试 人教版pep.doc(12页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、五年级英语上册Unit 1测试姓名 班级 口语训练一、介绍一位你最喜欢的老师。 Model: I like Miss White She is our math teacher She is very beautiful,smart and funny二、给大家讲讲你喜爱的一项运动。 Model: I like play football She can make me stronger and give me happiness三、看图和提示谈谈你对下面各位老师的印象。 Model: Whos your PE teacher ? Mr Wang Whats he like? Hes tall

2、 and strong听力训练四、听读句子,写出图的相应编号。五、听读句子,连线。 young thin quiet smart active strong六、根据听到的内容写出句子所缺的单词。 Miss Linda is a womanShes from CanadaShes our English Shes smart and funnyThe students Miss Linda very much 笔答训练 七、从左到右找出单词,并把它们写在横线上。 八、根据提示写出句子所缺的单词。 Model:Whos your father(父亲)? 1What is he (像)? 2Tim

3、is a (高的)boy. 3Mr Carter is an (英语)teacher 4My mother is (和蔼可亲的) 5Is Miss Li your (汉语) teacher ?九、读问题,根据实际情况回答问题。1Whos your math teacher? 2What is your English teacher like? 3Is your father a Chinese teacher? 4Whos your PEteacher? 5What does your art teacher like? 十、根据提示填入一个形容人的单词,完成句子。 1My father i

4、s (和蔼可亲的) 2My mother is (严格的) 3My Chinese teacher is (老的) 4My English teacher is (活泼的) 5My math teacher is (聪明的)十一、看图指出描述该图人物的句子是否与图一致。如一致,请打“”,否则打“X”。 1Our PEteacher is very strong ( ) 2Your uncle is an art teacher ( ) 3Miss Liang is an English teacher ( ) 4My grandpa is old and short ( ) 5The woma

5、n is young ( ) 6This young man is a student ( )十二、阅读理解。Zip:Who is this old“woman”?Zap:Shes our grandmaZip:Whats she like?Zap:Shes old and kindZip:Whos this“woman”?Zap:Shes my mother,your auntZip:Shes prettyZap:Thank youZip:Whos this“man”?Zap:Hes my father,your uncle Hes very strictZip:Look,my uncle

6、! Goodbye! 写出下面句子中所缺的单词。Their grandma is .Zaps mother is .and his father is .Zip and Zap are . (表兄弟)十三、选择。( )1Our new teacher is China Afrom Bto Cof Dnear ( )2 your math teacher ? AWho BWhoses CWhos DWhose ( )3 do you see in the picture? Five sheep AWhat BWhere Cwhat DWho ( )4He isnt quiet,hes . Aqu

7、iet Bactive Ctall Dstrong ( )5 .are these apples? Five yuan AHow many BHow much CHow DWhat ( )6MrWhite and Miss Chen old teachers Abe Bis Care Dam ( )7He isnt an old teacher,hes Aslowly Bnew Ctall Dfunny( )8Whats the weather in Beijing? Hot A1ove Blike Clikes D( )9Is she university student? Aa B the

8、 Can D( )10Is your brother tall and strong? AYes,he isnt BNo,he is CYes,she is DYes,he is( )11My mother is strict but 。 Akind Bkinds Cold Dfunny( )12Mr Chen is a good teacherWe all like Ahim Bhe Chis Dher( )13He is a new teacher class is so much fun AHis BHe CHim DHer十四、制作两张卡片,把你的新老师和你最喜欢的老师的特征描写出来,

9、并把他她画出来。My new teacher my favourite (最喜欢的)teacher十五、根据要求完成下列各句。1 Miss Liu is my math teacher (变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) Miss Liu math teacher? , 2Mr Zhan is his science teacher(变为一般疑问句并作否定回答) His science teacher? 3Jack is my classmate(变为一般疑问句并作否定回答) Jack classmate? , 4Kate is her sister(变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) her sist

10、er? , 5Miss Liu is our principal(就划线部分提问) principal? 6Our math teacher is smart and funny(就划线部分提问) math teacher ? 7Mr Rice is from China(就划线部分提问) Mr Rice ? 8My good friend is active(就划线部分提问) good friend ? 9Whats your Chinese teacher like? (按实际情况回答) 听力材料Unit 1 My New Teachers四、听读句子,写出图的相应编号。 1The Eng

11、lish teacher is young and beautiful Shes very active 2The principal is young Hes reading newspapers 3The university student is thinHes quiet 4The math teacher is short and thinHes clever五、听读句子,连线。 1Mr Zhao is a thin man 2Mrs White is a young woman 3Miss Sun is a smart woman 4My PEteacher is a strong

12、 man 5Lingling is a quiet girl 6Zhao Liang is an active boy六、根据听到的内容写出句子所缺的单词。 Miss Linda is a beautiful woman Shes from Canada Shes our English teacherShes smart and funny . The students 1ike Miss Linda very much答案:Unit 1 My New Teachers 听力训练四、4,1,3,2五、1一一thin 2一一young 3smart 4strong 5quiet 6active

13、六、beautiful ,teacher,like 笔答训练七、tall,thin,kind,in,be,smart,an,big,aunt,party,he, act,active,you,young,fun,funny,quiet八、11ike 2tall 3English 4kind 5Chinese九、(略)十、1kind 2strict 3old 4 active 5smart,十一、123 X 45 X 6十二、kind,pretty,strict,cousins十三、1 A 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 B 6 C 7 B 8 B 9 A 10 D 11 A 12 A 13 A十四、(略)十五、1Is,your,Yes,she is 2Is,MrZhan,No,he isnt 3Is your,No,he isnt 4Is Kate,Yes,she is 5Who is your 6Whats your,like7Where is,from 8Whats your,like9 (略)


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