六年级英语下册 Unit 4 Review Lesson 3 and Lesson 4重难点讲解 教科版.doc

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1、Unit 4 ReviewLesson 3 & Lesson 4(一)大声读单词1. pajamas n. 睡衣2. pants n. 裤子3. visit v. 访问,参观(二)重点词汇1. pajamas 要点:n. a suit of loose-fitting jacket and trousers for sleeping in . often used in the plural. 睡衣;宽长裤2. pants 要点:n. trousers; a mans underpants 裤子;男用短衬裤fancy pants漂亮高级的裤子 hockey pants冰球裤3. visit 要

2、点:v. 1)to call on socially: 拜访;访问, We visited our friends in town. 我们去看望了城里的朋友。2)to go to see or spend time at (a place) with a certain intent: 参观,游览: 为一特定目的去看或花时间于(一地方) visit a museum参观博物馆; When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben.当你参观伦敦时,首先看到的东西之一就是大笨钟。 People who vis

3、it the United States sometimes wonder how the states got their names.到美国来旅游的人有时会问美国各州的名字是怎么得来的。3) to go or come to: 去或到 She visits the bank on Fridays.她每星期五都去银行。4) to go to see in order to aid or console: 探望: 为了帮助或安慰去看:visit the sick and dying. 看望病人和奄奄一息的人n. 拜访, 访问, 游览, 参观, (作客)逗留, pay a visitShe pa

4、id us a visit. 她拜访了我们。词义辨析:wear, put onwear: 表示“穿着的衣服”,“戴着眼镜、首饰等”,或“蓄着发型或胡须”,其宾语可以是表示从头到脚的所有的名词性单词,强调的是穿、戴的状态。She doesnt like wearing high-heeled shoes all the time. 她不喜欢总是穿高跟鞋。put on: 表示“穿的动作”,强调由不穿到穿的动作。Its cold today. Youd better put on your coat.今天很冷,你最好穿上外套。【典型例题】1. Lets meet the evening of nex

5、t Sunday. A. on B. at C. in2. We played basketball with Class 2 . A. at 3:30 p.m. B. on the afternoon C. in Monday afternoon3. I usually go to see Western movies . A. in my leisure time B. on my leisure time C. at my leisure time4. A loud noise last night. A. woke me up B. wakes me up C. woke up me5. Which stress of the following words is different? A. twenty B. visit C. pajamas答案:1. A. 2. A. 3. A. 4. A 5. C.


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