六年级英语Lesson 27~Lesson 32人教四年制知识精讲.doc

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1、六年级英语六年级英语 LessonLesson 27Lesson27Lesson 3232 人教四年制人教四年制【同步教育信息同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:Lesson 27Lesson 32二. 本周重点及难点:(一)重点词语及表达:1. progress n. 前进,进步,发展(1)in progress 进行中,进展中例:The sports meeting is in progress . 运动会正在进行中。(2)make progress 进步I made great progress in my studies last term . 我上学期在学习上取得了很大进步。2. wa

2、y(1)方式、方法例:I dont like the way he speaks . 我不喜欢他说话的方式。The way he studies is good to us , too . 他学习的方式对我们也很有益处。(2)道路,路途,后接方向副词,介词短语或动词不定式例:Could you tell me the way to the station ? 你能告诉我去车站的路吗?Come back , you go the wrong way . 回来,你走错路了。(3)作副词,表示“方向,方位”例:This way , please . 请这边走。way 构成的短语:on ones wa

3、y to 在去的路上on the way 在途中in the way 妨碍lose ones way 迷路例:They are on their way to school . 他们正在上学的路上。Dont stand in the way . 别挡道。I lost my way in the forests last month . 上个月我在森林里迷路了。3. come to an end 结束,完结例:Your studies in primary school are coming to an end . 你们在小学的学业即将结束。(二)语法:1. 现在完成时:表示动作发生在过去,但强

4、调动作对现在造成的影响或结果。而这种影响或结果往往是说话人的兴趣所在,现在完成时表示的动作离说话时间可近可远,所以往往不用时间状语或与不确定的时间状语连用,如 ever(曾经),already(已经),never(从不),just(刚刚)等。2. 现在完成时的语法构成:主语+have / has+动词过去分词否定句:have not = havent has not = hasnt 一般疑问句:Have / Has ?. thaven/they/we/you/I,No.havethey/we/you/I,Yes. thasnit/she/he,No.has/it/she/h,Yese例:I h

5、ave seen the film . 我看过这部电影。 I havent seen the film . Have you seen the film ? . thavenI,No.haveI,Yes3. 动词的过去分词:(1)规则动词的过去分词与其过去式形式一样例:不定式过去式过去分词studystudiedstudiedcookcookedcookedplayplayedplayedvisitvisitedvisitedplantplantedplanted(2)不规则动词的过去分词与过去式有的相同,有的则不同不定式过去式过去分词bewas / werebeengowentgonehas

6、 / havehadhaddodiddoneseesawseenbuyboughtboughtcomecamecomecutcutcutsetsetsetmakemademaderunranrunread i:read eread eleaveleftleftknowknewknownfeedfedfed4. have 与 has 可与前面的人称代词缩写:I have = Ive You have = YouveWe have = Weve They have = TheyveThey have = Theyve He has = Hes She has = Shes It has = Its

7、 Ive already had my supper . 我已经吃过晚饭了。Hes just found his key . 他刚刚找到他的钥匙。Have you ever spoken to a foreigner ? 你同外国人讲过话吗?Theyve never done such a thing . 他们从来没有做过这样的事。(三)课文译文:Lesson 27We must make our planet greener . We can do a lot of things about it . Lets begin today .我们必须使我们的地球更绿。我们能做许多相关的事情。让我

8、们从今天开始吧。We should wear cotton clothes . We shouldnt wear fur or leather clothes .我们应当穿棉制的衣服,我们不应当穿皮毛或皮革的服装。We should save water . We shouldnt waste it .我们应当节约水。我们不应当浪费水。We should keep our rivers and oceans clean . We shouldnt make them dirty .我们应当保持河流和海洋清洁。我们不应当使它们变脏。We should be good to wild animal

9、s . We should tell people not to hunt them .我们应当善待野生动物。我们应当告诉人们不要猎杀它们。We should plant trees around our homes . We should take good care of them .我们应当在我们家乡周围种树。我们应当照料好它们。Gao Wei:These are rare wild animals in China . People are trying to protect them . 这些是中国的珍稀野生动物。人们正在尽力保护它们。Kate:We should help to d

10、o that . Wild animals are our friends . 我们应当帮忙那样做。野生动物是我们的朋友。WILD ANIMALS IN CHINA中国的野生动物Pandas:They live in the southwest of China . Their main food is bamboo .熊猫:它们生活在中国的西南地区。它们的主要食物是竹子。Tigers:They live in the northwest of China . They live in forests .老虎:它们生活在中国的西北部。它们居住在森林里。Golden monkeys:They l

11、ive in the west and southwest of China . They eat leaves and nuts .金丝猴:它们生活在中国的西部和西南部。它们吃树叶和坚果。Deer:They live in the north of China . They can run very fast .鹿:它们生活在中国的北方。它们跑得很快。Red-crowned cranes:In spring , they live in the northeast of China . And in winter , they fly to the south of China .丹顶鹤:春

12、天,它们生活在中国的北方。冬天,它们飞往中国的南方。Lesson 28We should keep the water clean . 我们应当保持河水洁净。We shouldnt make the water dirty . 我们不应当使河水变脏。plant more trees 种更多的树cut down too many trees 砍伐太多树grow more grass 种更多的草hunt wild animals 猎杀野生动物save water 节约水eat wild animals 吃野生动物use things made of paper 用纸制品use too many p

13、lastic things 使用太多的塑料制品wear cotton clothes 穿棉制的衣服throw rubbish everywhere 到处扔垃圾turn off the lights when we leave the room 当我们离开房间要关灯leave lights on when we go out 当我们外出时开着灯Lesson 29Li Yan:Look at these animals , Peter . Do you know them ? 看这些动物,彼得。你认识他们吗? Sure ! Theyre pandas , tigers , deer , golde

14、n monkeys and red-crowned cranes . 当然!它们是熊猫,虎,鹿,金丝猴和丹顶鹤。Lesson 30These animals are our friends . 这些动物是我们的朋友。People are trying to protect them . 人们正在尽力保护它们。platypus pltip s 鸭嘴兽 koala k ua:l 树袋熊gorilla g ril 大猩猩African elephant frik nelif nt 非洲象Lesson 31Miss Liu:Hello , everyone . Your studies in prim

15、ary school are coming to an end . Will you tell me something about your studies in primary school ?大家好。你们在小学的学业即将结束。你们能给我讲述一下有关你们在小学的学习吗?Gao Wei:I came to school when I was six . Now Im twelve . I learned a lot in primary school . Teachers taught us in many ways . They taught us how to learn to know

16、 .我 6 岁来到学校。现在我 12 岁。我在小学学到许多东西。老师们用许多方法来教我们。他们教我们如何学会求知。Miss Liu:Really ? That is very interesting . Then , can you tell me about learning to know ?真的吗?那太有趣了。那么,你能告诉我如何求知吗?Gao Wei:I learned a lot from our textbooks . But that is not the only way . Our teachers taught us how to learn more from real

17、life . I learned a lot from people around me . I learned a lot from TV programmes , radios and newspapers . And I learned how to use reference books in the library .我从我们的教科书里学到许多。但是那不是唯一的途径。老师告诉我们如何从实际生活中学会更多。我从我周围人的身上学会许多知识。我从电视节目,广播和报纸上学会许多。并且我学会了如何在图书馆里使用参考书。Miss Liu:Oh , thats very good . I beli

18、eve you have made great progress in your studies . 噢,那太好了。我相信你已经在你的学业上取得了很大进步。Lesson 32I learned a lot from our textbooks . 我从我们的教科书上学会许多知识。I learned a lot from people around me . 我从我周围人的身上学会许多。textbooks 课本TV programmes 电视节目radio programmes 广播节目people around us 我们周围的人reference refr ns books 参考书,工具书=

19、books of referencethe internet 因特网【模拟试题模拟试题】答题时间:45 分钟一. 语音(找出画线部分读音与其他不同的单词):( )1. A. trainB. rainyC. mountainD. plain( )2. A. saveB. haveC. takeD. plane( )3. A. huntB. fullC. putD. careful( )4. A. eveningB. EnglishC. elevenD. because( )5. A. leatherB. weatherC. thingD. clothes( )6. A. wasteB. hous

20、eC. noseD. horse( )7. A. monkeyB. huntC. uncleD. hungry( )8. A. keepB. coffeeC. sweetD. tree( )9. A. shouldB. wouldC. couldD. young( )10. A. moreB. wormC. warmD. because二. 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. (Black)are making a plan for trip .2. He planned (watch)the football match .3. Some of the food (be)for the crane

21、s .4. We are going to stay here for a few (day).5. We often buy some food from the market (near).6. I tried (finish)the work yesterday . But I (can).7. Please tell them (not waste)energy . 8. The park is too (crowd), Wed better (stay)at home today .9. The movie is quite (excite).10. I dont know how

22、(make)dumplings .11. We should get off at the (twenty)stop .12. Mary is (wear)a T-shirt today .13. This work is (difficult)of all .14. She sang in English on her way (home).15. Look , there are a few (sheep) (eat) (grass)on the hill .16. In which country is the weather most like (China)?17. The best

23、 time (visit)China is in spring or autumn .18. I hope you are (good)now .19. I dont know that is a (real)man .20. She felt (excite)after I told her the (excite)news .21. The book of cartoons (interest)me very much .22. Weve (learn)to make flowers in many ways .三. 按要求改写句子:1. He went to Xian by plane

24、last week .(同义句) He a to Xian last week .2. We had a good time at his birthday party .(同义句) We at his birthday party .3. Lets sweep the snow , (反意疑问句)4. We should grow more grass .(划线提问) ?5. We can do a lot of things on Sunday .(否定句) We things on Sunday .6. He made some candles to give light .(划线提问)

25、 he ?7. We are trying to protect the wild animals .(划线提问) ?8. The girls are in black fur clothes .(同义句) The girls black fur clothes .9. We should look after the pandas well .(同义句) We should the pandas .10. make , shorter , please , sentences , the(组句) .11. The bike under the tree is mine .(就划线部分提问)

26、under the tree ?12. Hes an English teacher .(同义句) Hes a .13. They are old photos .(单数句) old .14. We can go to Beijing by train .(就划线部分提问) you go to Beijing ?15. I played football last Friday afternoon .(否定句) I football last Friday afternoon .16. We should do these things .(否定句) We these things .17.

27、They are playing in the snow .(就划线部分提问) they in the snow ?18. There are a lot of trees in our city .(就划线部分提问) in your city ?19. His family went to Huangshan for a field trip last month .(对划线部分提问) his family for a field trip last month ?20. He finds it very hard to ride a bike .(同义句) very hard to rid

28、e a bike .21. She is good at writing in English .(对画线部分提问) she ?22. I believe you can do it by yourself .(否定句) I it by yourself .23. I can make puppets and toys .(否定句) I make puppets toys .24. He can make a cake .(一般疑问句) a cake ?25. The students will go to the cinema tomorrow .(改为否定句) The students t

29、he cinema tomorrow .26. Li Yan had some noodles for lunch today .(一般疑问句) Li Yan lunch today ?四. 汉译英:1. 她从火中救出一位老人。 She an old man the .2. 我们应该善待野生动物。 We .3. 人们正在尽力保护他们。 .4. 我们不应该砍伐太多的树。 We .5. 她正在看一本有关美国历史的书。She a book the of .五. 首字母补全短文:The w was very cloudy outside , Mary got ready to s after she

30、f doing her homework . Suddenly she r that the windows of her classroom w open . She put on her c as quickly as she could . She ran against(迎着)the w to her school . On the way she fell d a few times . When she got there , she c the windows . Then she l the school with a smile on her face . It was ra

31、ining h . But she was very happy b she did a good thing . The next day , her teacher was very p with her . The teacher told all the others to l from Mary .六. 用所给词的适当形式补全短文:take care of , way , visit , plant , tell , place , find , water , real , idea Each year , millions of people , both old and you

32、ng , plant a lot of trees . But this 1 not be the best one to make your home a greener 2 .Last week we 3 a park in Hebei . We 4 most of the trees had been cut down . The workers 5 us that the trees died soon after they were 6 because they werent 7 well enough(足够). So workers cut them and cleaned the

33、 place for new trees to be planted this year . The workers said that the survival(存活)of the trees was 8 more important than how many trees were planted .Some people in Beijing now have a new 9 that they can donate(捐赠)some money and let professionals(专业人士)plant and 10 the trees .1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

34、8. 9. 10. 七. 补全对话:Peter: are we going to visit today ?Guide:We are to visit the Great Wall this morning . And the Ming Tombs this afternoon .Peters dad:Is the Great Wall far here ?Guide:No . Its to the north Beijing . The Ming Tombs are to the north of Beijing .Peters mum: are we going to the Summer

35、 Palace ?Guide:Tomorrow morning . The summer Palace is very beautiful . There a big lake and a lot of interesting places it .八. 根据句意及首字母填空:Mr. Smith usually left his car outside his house . One n 1 he put it there as usual a 2 , but when he came down the next m 3 to go to his office , he f 4 that th

36、e car wasnt there . He called the p 5 and told them about it . They said they would t 6 to find the car .W 7 Mr. Smith came home from his office that evening , the car was b 8 again in its usual p 9 in front of his house . He was very happy and found two concert tickets and a letter on o 10 of the s

37、eats . The letter said , “ We are very sorry . We took your car b 11 of something important . Thank you for your car . ”Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to the concert with two t 12 the next night and they e 13 themselves very much . When they got h 14 , they found the thieves nearly took everything in their

38、 h 15 .1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 【试题答案试题答案】一.1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. B二. 1. The Blacks 2. to watch 3. is 4. days 5. nearby 6. to finish ; couldnt 7. not to waste 8. crowded ; stay 9. exciting 10. to make 11. twentieth12. wearing 13. the most difficul

39、t 14. home 15. sheep ; eating ; grass16. Chinas 17. to visit 18. well 19. really ; real 20. excited ; exciting 21. interests 22. learned三. 1. took plane2. enjoyed ourselves3. shall we4. What should you do5. cant do many6. What did ; make to give light 7. What are you trying to do8. are wearing 9. ta

40、ke good care of10. Please make the sentences shorter11. Which bike is 12. teacher of English 13. Its an ; photo14. How can 15. didnt play 16. shouldnt do 17. What are ; doing18. What is19. Where did ; go20. Its ;for him 21. What is ; good at 22. dont believe you can do23. cant ; or24. Can he make 25

41、. wont go to26. Did ; have any noodles for 四.1. saved ; from ; fire 2. should be good to wild animals3. People are trying to protect them4. shouldnt cut down too many trees5. is reading ; about ;history ; America五.weather ; sleep ; finished ; remembered ; were ; clothes ; wind ; down ; closed ; left

42、 ; heavily / hard ; because ; pleased ; learn 六.1. may 2. place 3. visited 4. found 5. told 6. planted 7. watered 8. really 9. idea 10. take care of 七.What ; going ; visit ; from ; of ; also ; When ; is ; in八.1. night 2. again 3. morning 4. found 5. policemen 6. try 7. when8. back 9. place 10. one 11. because 12. tickets 13. enjoyed 14. home15. house


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