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1、Unit 1满分:100分 、听录音,选择相应的图片。()1. A.I()2. A.()3. A.a()4. A.()5. A.上等、听录音,给下取图片排序。1t+ ()上Lets go to school.单元测 肝时间:60分钟得分: 听力部分(10 分)b B守BB.1* Jb 7 B./J&T-JHB.B.金(10 分)毒斛, ML(10 分)、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。()1.I have a new exercise book.四、六、七、)2. A Chinese book is in my hand.)3. Some pens are in my pe

2、ncil-box.)4. Lets go to school.)5. Whats on the chair?听录音,选出正确白答语。(10分))1. A. Its nice.)2. A. OK.)3. A. Sorry.)4. A. An exercise book.)5. A. No, it isnt.看图,选单词或词组。(10分)B. Nice to see you, too.B. Bye.B. Thank you.B. Yes, it is.B. I dont know.笔试部分B. storybook C. classroom D. English book(选出不同类的一项。(10分

3、))2.)4.)1. A. blueB. newC. red)2. A. classroomB. playgroundC. hand)3. A. pencilB. storybookC. English book)4. A. onB. theC. in)5. A. markersB. erasersC. again选择正确的答案。(10分))1. I haveexercise book andChinese book in mybag.A. a; anB. an; aC. a; a)2. I havedesk.A. newB. new aC. a new()3. I need(需要)twoA.

4、 chairB. chairsC. a chair()4. Letsthe classroom.A. cleanB. to cleanC. cleans()5. Some bookspens are on the desk.A. orB. /C. and()6.see your new toy?A. Can IB. I canC. Can me()7. Look! Some books are inhand.A. IB. myC. me()8. Where is my textbook, Mum?A. Here are you. B. Here you are.()9. Guess,on my

5、 desk?Some books.A. whatB. whats()10. Can I see it?-Here you are.A. No.B. Guess.C. You are here.C. what areC. Sure.八、情景交际。(10分)()1.在得到别人的帮助之后,应说:A. Excuse me.B. Thank you.()2.好久不见再次相遇时,可以说:A. Nice to see you again. B. You are so nice.()3.你想知道小明的书包里有什么,应该说:A. What s this?B. Whats in your bag?()4.你想借凯

6、特的书看一下,应该说:A. Give it to me, Kate. B. Can I see it, Kate?()5.詹妮告诉你她有一个新铅笔盒,你想说自己也有,应该说:A. Me too.B. I have a new pencil.九、根据句意,选择正确白图片。(10分)()1. Good morning, Kate. Nice to see you again.()2. Whats on your desk? A notebook and a pencil.()3. I have a blue bag.()4. Lets go to school.()5. Look at my ne

7、w exercise book.Oh! Its nice.十、阅读对话,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)Yang Ming: Look! I have a new bag!Li Yan: Wow, how nice! Whats in it?Yang Ming: Look!Li Yan: Oh, a textbook, a pencil-box and some pens Yang Ming: And my new storybook.Li Yan: Oh, can I see it?Yang Ming: Sure. Here you are.()1. Yang Ming has a ne

8、w bag.()2. Some pens are in the bag.()3. A pencil is in the bag.()4. The storybook is Li Yans.()5. Li Yan wants(想)to see the storybook.参考答案Unit 1单元测试 听力部分听力材料1. chair 2. classroom 3. textbook4. English book 5. notebook答案 :1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B2、 听力材料1. I have a new bag.2. What s on the desk?A rul

9、er.3. Let s go to school.4. Can I see your new storybook?Sure. Here you are.答案:4 3 1 23、 听力材料1. I have a new exercise book.2. A Chinese book is on my desk.3. I have a pencil.4. Let s go to the classroom.5. What s on the chair?答案 :1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T4、 听力材料1. Nice to see you.2. Let s go to the gym.3. Here you are.4. What s on the desk?5. Guess, wha ts in my hand?答案 :1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B笔试部分6. A5、 1.B2.C6、 1.B2.C7、 1.B2.C7. B 8. B 9. B8、 1.B2.A9、 1.A2.E十、1.T2.T3. D4.A3. A4.B5.C3. B4.A5.C10. C3. B4.B5.A3. D4.B5.C3. F 4. F 5. T


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