四年级英语上册 Unit 3基础知识和重点过关 人教版PEP.doc

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1、四年级英语上册Unit 3基础知识和重点过关姓名 班级 分数 一、听音,把好朋友连起来。(6分)二、听音,标号。(12分)三、听对话,并判断。(10分)1. My sister has short hair.( )2. My mothers thin.( )3. My sister has blue eyes.( )4. My brother has short hair.( )5. My father is not strong.( )四、抄写字母,每个写两遍,注意大小写。(6分)五、看图,写单词,每个单词写两遍。(7分)六、看图,连线。(10分)七、找出不同类的单词,并圈出来。(10分)1

2、. A. long B. short C. shirt2. A. hair B. skirt C. face3. A. one B. mouth C. foot4. A. friends B. strong C. thin5. A. boy B. girl C. teacher6. A. black B. teacher C. student7. A. tiger B. snake C. cup8. A. car B. violin C. van9. A. under B. spoon C. plate10. A. put on B. short C. tall八、读一读,并连线。(12分)1

3、. Who is she? A. A picture.2. Whats his name? B. Good afternoon!3. Good afternoon! C. She is Sarah.4. Whats this? D. He is John.5. How many? E. OK.6. Lets go to school. F.45.九、把下列句子排成一段话。(11分)1. Yes. He is tall, too. Who is he? Look at this boy. He is my friend, John. He is strong. ( )( )( )( )( )2.

4、 Fine ! And you? Good morning, Sarah. Whats his name? Im fine, too. I have a new friend. His name is Wu Yifan. Good morning! How are you? ( )( )( )( )( )( )十、改错。(10分)1. he is a boy. 2. She has small mouth. 3. Mike is from canada. 4. I is a student. 5. He is short hair. 十一、阅读,并判断。(6分) Hello! My name

5、is Amy. I am an American girl. I am a student. I am short and thin. I have yellow curly hair. I have two big eyes and a small mouth. I am quiet. I have many friends. Mike is my friend. Chen Jie is my friend, too. She is a Chinese girl. 1. My name is Amy. ( ) 2. I have a big mouth. ( ) 3. I am a teac

6、her. ( ) 4. Mike and Chen Jie are my friends. ( ) 5. Chen Jie is an American girl, too. ( ) 6. I have big eyes and I am active. ( )参考答案听力材料一、1. Hello! This is John. Hi, This is Xiao Ling.2. Good morning, Bai Ling. Good morning , Fang Fang.3. Nice to meet you , Wu Yifan. Nice to meet you , too ,Mike.

7、二、1. Look at this boy. He is thin.2. Look at this girl. She has long hair.3. Look at this girl. She has long hair.4. Look at this boy. He is strong.5. Look at this girl. She has a small mouth.6. Look at this man. He has a big nose.三、This is my family picture. This is my mother. She is thin. This is

8、my father. He is strong. This is my brother. He has short hair. This is my sister. She has long hair and blue eyes.参考答案一、1.JohnXiao Ling 2. Bai LingFang Fang 3. Wu YifanMike二、4 1 6 2 3 5三、 四、略五、teacher,student,book,girl,boy,ruler,pencil-case六、略七、C B A A C A C B A A八、lC,2D,3B,4A,5F,6E九、3 2 4 5 1;2 6 1 4 3 5十、1He is a boy 2She has a small mouth 3Mike is from Canada4I am a student 5He has short hair十一、


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