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1、上海市第四届(2004)初中学生科普英语竞赛试题上海市第四届(2004)初中学生科普英语竞赛 初赛试卷 (请把你选中的答案A、B、C或D做在答题卡或答题纸的规定位置上。) PART I Error Detection (辨错) (20分) 1. Studies show that visual information taking in by the left eye follows a neural A B C pathway that crosses over to the right hemisphere. D 2. Light, just as radio waves, X-rays

2、and so on, is a kind of electromagnetic waves. A B C D 3. Scientists search for the places where prehistoric people might live. A B C D 4. Baby ants need a great number of care and attention as do some other baby A B C D insects and animals. 5. The temperature has fallen below zero. If you went outs

3、ide without winter clothes, A B C you will freeze before long. D 6. Many people left good jobs in cities to try their luck at gold mining, but not many A B C successful. D 7. The cave, say the archeologists, had used for hundreds of thousands of years by A B C ancestors of humans and by ape-men. D 8

4、. Results from new studies show that sea turtles migrate between feeding and nesting A B C sites by sense the direction of ocean waves. D 9. Many ocean experts remain that stronger laws are needed to limit damage to the A B C oceans environment. D 1 10. Many scientists say that one of mans greatest

5、error has been to equate growth with A B C D advancement. 11. Researchers are studying these microbes as a way to help clear up lakes and rivers. A B C D 12. According to many AIDS experts, scientists are closer than ever to find a way to make A B C AIDS a controllable disease rather than a fatal on

6、e. D 13. To avoid to be seen by its enemies, the squid uses its natural flashlight, a light-emitting A B organ, to shine light on the underside of its body. C D 14. Under the proper conditions, decomposers can reduce pile of trash to almost nothing A B C and transplant some of it into fertile soil.

7、D 15. When shoppers buy plastic trash bags in a supermarket, labels on the bag carton A may say recyclable, biodegradable or some other environmental sensitive terms. B C D 16. For instance, some fish lay thousands of eggs at a time, most of them are eaten. A B C D 17. According to one theory, the m

8、ore offspring an animal species produces, the great will A B C be the chance that the species can survive. D 18. So there must be other way to explain why females are so often larger than males. A B C D 19. Mary felt sad seeing children drinking cola and throw milk away. A B C D 20. Edmund King said

9、 the study showed that not only the loud music is a nuisance to A B others, it could also be the cause of accidents. C D 2 PART II Multiple Choice (选择填空) (20分) 21. When the ants are first hatched , they are very small and _. A. hopeless B. useless C. helpless D. legless 22. That new experiment build

10、ing _ an area of 5000 square meters. A. includes B. holds C. takes D. covers 23. People should get _ of sleep as they need to feel rested. A. as many hours B. as much hours C. so much hour D. so many hour 24. The phenomenon of luck is not all down to chance, but is affected by a persons _disposition

11、. A. general B. gentle C. generous D. giant 25. The age of fossils can be found by a process _ carbon dating. A. being called B. called C. calling D. to call 26. Suddenly the battery on your mobile phone has _, you cant make any call for help.A. run down B. run after C. run off D. run out 27. When a

12、 plant or animal dies, the carbon 14 in the cells begins to _. A. break in B. break through C. break up D. break down 28. There is no proof that _ sleep will _ life. A. short length B. shorten length C. shortened lengthen D. shortening lengthen 29. The project team believes such computer would _in t

13、eaching and learning. A. play a major function B. perform a main function C. play a major role D. display a main role 30. Once a heart disease has seriously weakened a patients heart, heart _ can be performed to save his life. A. transplants B. transportation C. translations D. transforms 3 31. When

14、 readers were asked _ animals should be used for medical research, nearly 80 percent said yes. A. which B. what C. where D. whether 32. Feelings of pain _ when signals from nerve endings in the skin are sent to the brain. A. record B. resource C. result D. rescue 33. The scientist performed his expe

15、riment over and over again, _ till midnight. A. worked B. working C. to work D. have to work 34. Fourteen boys in the class shaved their heads after learning that their friend would lose his hair after receiving drug _ for cancer. A. trades B. treatments C. treasures D. tracks 35. The government pas

16、sed the laws to protect the plants and animals on the _ species list. A. endangered B. dangerous C. endangering D. danger 36. Cucumber beetles, which, _, could produce 33 million rootworms a serious agricultural pest. A. if allowed to lay eggs B. if allowing to lie eggs C. if allow laying eggs D. if

17、 to allow lying eggs 37. French scientists have found that the moon has another unexpected _: it affects the earths climate. A. insignificance B. influence C. instruction D. intelligence 38. Everything we eat and drink contains some salt; we can meet the bodys need for it from natural sources withou

18、t _ the salt bottle. A. referring to B. turning to C. keeping out D. putting away 39. However, the young whales _ health continued to test Yip, a marine scientist and his friends. A. delicious B. delicate C. sensitive D. dear 40. A discovery in the North Sea in Europe has led some scientists _ that

19、gas bubbles rising from the seafloor might have destroyed some of the ships in Bermuda Triangle. A. theorize B. to theorize C. theorized D. theorizing 4 PART III Cloze (完形填空) (20 分) Passage 1 A new study has shown that mosquitoes can carry AIDS viruses in their bodies for a few days, but the insects

20、 do not seem to spread the virus. In an 41 , mosquitoes that fed on blood 42 with the AIDS virus were later found to have the virus in their bodies. 43 , the mosquitoes did not seem to pass 44 the virus to a sample of uninfected blood when the mosquitoes fed on that sample. Similar experiments 45 re

21、cently in South Africa have 46 the same results. The AIDS virus can stay in a mosquito for two or three days, 47 to the experiment. While in the mosquito, the virus does not multiply. Thus, the mosquito might be viewed 48 a momentary flying syringe, that probably carries 49 too little AIDS virus to

22、50 the infection. 41. A. experience B. experiment C. example D. explanation 42. A. to infect B. infect C. infecting D. infected 43. A. However B. Moreover C. Therefore D. Besides 44. A. on B. by C. off D. for 45. A. concluded B. combined C. conducted D. concentrated 46. A. processed B. produced C. p

23、rogressed D. promoted 47. A. according B. due C. owing D. similar 48. A. to B. like C. for D. as 49. A. still B. even C. far D. much 50. A. slow B. spread C. speed D. stop Passage 2 All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The sun heats and 51 mankind. Ea

24、ch year it provides men 52 two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood. Coal, oil, 53 gas, and all other fuels are stored-up energy 54 the sun. Some was collected by this seasons plants as carbon compounds (碳化合物). Some was stored by plants and trees ages 55 . Even waterpowe

25、r comes from the sun. Water 56 into vapor by the sun falls as rain. It flows down the mountains and is converted to electric power. Light transmits only the energy 57 comes from the suns outer layers, and 58 of this energy that is directly toward the earth never arrives. About 59 of it is absorbed b

26、y the atmosphere of the earth. 60 , the earth itself gets only one half-billionth of the suns entire output of radiant energy. 5 51. A. warms B. feeds C. fuels D. supplies 52. A. for B. by C. with D. to 53. A. native B. neat C. natural D. normal 54. A. from B. by C. at D. in 55. A. before B. after C

27、. ever D. ago 56. A. turned B. was turned C. turning D. turns 57. A. and B. that C. when D. which(where) 58. A. a number B. more C. many D. much 59. A. ninths-ten B. ninth-tens C. nine-tenths D. nines-tenth 60. A. In use B. In fact C. In addition D. In operation PART IV Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)

28、(40分) Passage 1 Language isnt the only sign of animal intelligence. A Canadian psychologist, Dr. David Sherry, has studied the remarkable memory of nutcracker, a bird that stores food,mostly pine seeds, in tiny caches, or holes, in the ground. A native of western North America, one nutcracker makes

29、100 to 200 separate caches every day in the fall and winter. When spring arrives, the bird returns to these caches to eat the seeds. Dr. Sherry says that months after burying the seeds, the birds remember exactly where they stored them. They fly directly to the holes with no need to hunt and peck. T

30、hese birds have a highly specialized spatial memory - its amazing, says Dr. Sherry. Dr. Sherry says that memory in many animals is associated with an area in the brain called the hippocampus. He found that food-storing birds have a larger hippocampus than birds that dont store food. Hippocampus dama

31、ge is one sign of Alzheimers disease, a brain degenerative disease marked by a failing memory. 61. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Some kinds of birds have excellent memory. B. How birds store food in the ground. C. How birds find their stored food. D. Why birds like to bury seeds in the gr

32、ound. 62. Nutcracker is a kind of bird that _. A. stores seeds in the ground B. sings very nicely C. flies to north in winter days D. works diligently 63. When spring arrives, the bird _. A. returns from north 6 B. flies back to find the stored food C. starts to build its new home D. becomes busy in

33、 collecting seeds 64. According to Dr. Sherry, if ones hippocampus is hurt, he may_ . A. lose his ability to talk B. become very forgetful C. die very soon D. become easy to get angry 65. The phrase associated with in the last paragraph has the same meaning as_? A. linked to B. covered with C. locat

34、ed at D. stored in Passage 2 Gordon was a 25-year-old science teacher in 1966 when he bought a brand-new car Volvo P1800. Today, Gordon, now retired, still owns the same Volvo. Last March, he put the 2 millionth mile on the car. Gordons vehicle hit the big 2 million at a TV ceremony held in Times Sq

35、uare in New York City. To what does Gordon owe his cars very long life? Volvos are very strong cars, he said. Also, I drive sensibly. And I take very good care of the car. Gordon changes the oil every 3,000 miles; uses only the same brand of oil; changes the spark plugs(火花塞)every 20,000 miles; washe

36、s the car regularly; waxes it at least twice a year; and spends a few minutes each week checking under the hood (车篷), among other things.“Being a science teacher, I have a better idea of the ways things work,”he said. Gordon says the vehicle still has many of its original parts. But many parts, such

37、 as the starter motor, the brakes(刹车), and the water pump, have been rebuilt or replaced. Gordons 2 million miles on the road have taken him almost everywhere in the United States, as well as to Canada, Mexico, and Europe. Whether I drive 3 million is more up to me than it is the car, he said. The c

38、ars parts may be able to take it, but Im not so sure about my own. 66. From the passage we can guess that _. A. its very rare for a car to drive two million miles B. the story has been written to introduce a new car C. there were a car show at the New York Citys Times Square D. no accidents have eve

39、r taken place with Gordons car 7 67. The main cause of the cars long life lies in _. A. Gordons careful service B. Gordons special knowledge of cars C. the excellent quality of the car D. the good quality of the oil he uses 68. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. A

40、ll the parts of Gordons car have been replaced. B. Some of the cars parts can last even longer time. C. Volvo cars are stronger than Japanese ones. D. Science teachers can usually keep their cars longer. 69. Gordon has driven his Volvo _. A. all over the world B. both home and abroad C. mostly aroun

41、d the town he lives in D. on both American continents 70. By the last two sentences Gordon wants to say that _. A. hes no longer as strong as he was young B. his car may survive for no less than ten years C. he worries much about his car D. hell try hard to reach the goal of 3 million miles Passage

42、3 Last summer, 16-year-old Andrea Axtell read an interesting article in the papers: A family had walked aimlessly in an Arizona desert after their car broke down. Family members said they felt as if theyd walked in circles for hours before help arrived. That detail attracted Andreas interest. Withou

43、t a compass or specific landmarks, do people who get lost end up walking in circles? she wondered. And if they do, why? th These simple questions fueled Andreas 10-grade science project. Hungry for answers, she went to the library to conduct background research. Among many facts, she discovered that

44、 several body organs control direction and movement. For example: , Eyes allow people to see their route. , Structures in the middle ear affect a persons sense of balance. , The brain controls whether a persons right side or left side is dominant(主导的), or exerts more control. Studies of runners stri

45、des(步态)show that the dominant foot pushes off with a greater force, which pushes the runner slightly right or left, she explains. 8 Armed with this information, Andrea started an experiment to test whether people who dont know where theyre going end up walking in circles. And several months later, t

46、hat experiment got a prize at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair(ISEF)! 71. The aim of Andreas research is to find _. A. why people walk in circles B. why runners usually run in circles C. whether lost people walk in circles D. how can lost people find their place 72. From where di

47、d Andrea get her idea to do her 10-grade science project? A. From her textbook. B. From a news report. C. From a science report. D. From an experiment. 73. Andrea found from her research that the most important organ controlling direction is _. A. the brain B. the middle ear C. the eyes D. Both eyes and middle ear 74. Andreas research concludes that people who dont know where theyre going are in the habit of walking _. A. leftw


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