五年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1(3)教学案 外研版(三起).doc

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1、外研版(三起)五年级英语下册教学案Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going to go?一、学习目标:(一)能熟练运用Where are you going to go? What are you going to take?When are you going to go? Whos going to go with you? 的句型,并能表演对话。(二)听、说、读、写本课的单词list airport shoe ticket toothbrush(三)教学重点、难点:“四会”单词和会话表演二、预习学案(一)熟记单词 list airport shoe tic

2、ket toothbrush(二)熟记短语 be ready for ,all right , go to the airport, tomorrow morning理解句型Where are you going to go? What are you going to take?When are you going to go? Whos going to go with you?三、课堂导学案(一)课前延伸预习检测 通过预习,你能写出下列单词并会朗读吗?为做准备 好吧 去机场 (二)课内探究1.自主学习阅读课文回答问题(1)Is Daming ready for his trip?(2)W

3、here is Daming going to go?(3)What is Daming going to take?(4)When is Daming going to go to take?(5)Whos going to go to the airport?2. 合作探究 同学们,赶快和你的组员去讨论一下老师给你们的任务吧,然后将答案写下来,时间有限哦,我们比比看哪个小组能将这些任务完成的又快又好。(1)小组交流前置自学成果,教师巡回指导。(建议学生板书)(2)小组交流课文中重点单词、短语及句型的用法。单词:list airport shoe ticket toothbrush短语:be

4、 ready for ,all right , go to the airport, tomorrow morning, in New York, at the airport, tall building句型:Where are you going to go?What are you going to take?When are you going to go?Whos going to go with you?(3)请学生把自己的旅行计划写出来,例如:今年暑假要去哪里?将要带什么东西,如何去等。写完后,用“”对时间、地点、人物、交通方式等进行问答练习。(4)班内以小组为单位展示本节课组内

5、讨论的重点知识点,突破难点,解决疑点。3精讲点拨(1)what ,when,who,how, whereWhat通常对“物”提问,如东西的名称,人的姓名,也可对“几班,几排”等提问。How“怎么样”如果想询问别人的身体状况,how可用提问。When“什么时候”通常询问时间,如:When do you play basketball?Who“谁”通常用以询问人的身份。Where“在哪里”“哪儿”通常用来询问某人或某物在什么地方。(2) Where are you going to go?=Where are you going?如果要表示准备去,就要来这类意思,可以直接用go,come 的现在进

6、行时。如:I am going to Hainan tomorrow.表示“将要、打算”表达主观意志,属于一般将来时。也可以说成是现在进行时“be going +动词不定式”的用法。如:What are you going to take?(3)强调toothbrush 的复数teethbrsh的写法。四、课堂检测(一)连词成句。1. to ,to, go , the , have, I, airport._2. is, holiday, who , on?_3. are, going, go, where, to, you?_4. you, for, trip, tomorrow, read

7、y, your, are?_(二)单项选择( )1._are you going to go?A. What B. Where C. When ( ) 2._are you going to do?A. What B. Where C. When ( ) 3._are you going to go there?A. What B. Where C. When ( ) 4._is going to go with you?A. What B. Where C. When 五、布置作业每人准备一个同学的名字,一个城市名字,时间短语,各种活动以及交通工具的卡片。以小组为单位根据卡片内容编故事。注意时间短语表达的时态。六、板书设计Unit1 Where are you going to go?WhereTo Beijing WhenAt 8 oclockWhatShoes, food, ticket, toothbrush and clothesWhoMiss Yang七、评价与反思1.本节课我掌握了 _。2.我的疑问是:_。3.学习情况:今天我得了 个 。


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