六年级英语 电话英语900句 询问情况素材.doc

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1、Lesson 24 询问情况450 Which station do I go to from?我应该从哪个站上车?451And when is the next train?请问下班火车几点开?452Theres a train every hour on the hour.每小时整点有一班火车。453You mean at 1 oclock,2 oclock,3 oclock and so on?你的意思是说一点、两点、三点都有吗?454YesIts the Inter City Service.是的,是城市间的班车。455 And theres another one every twe

2、nty-eight minutes past the hour.而且每小时的第二十八分钟还有另外一班火车。456How long does the journey take?旅程(到布莱顿)需多长时间?457 Im calling to get some information on the education in Britain.我打电话来想打听一下英国的教育状况。458At what age do children start school in Britain?在英国儿童几岁上学?459Do boys and girls go to school together?男孩子和女孩子同校上

3、学吗?460Do some children go on to University?有些孩子一直读到大学吗?461What examinations do they take first,then?那么他们上大学首先要通过哪些考试?462Can they live on it?助学金能维持他们的生活吗?463Most people take a summer job or work for the post office at Christmas to earn a bit of extra money.大多数人靠夏天打工或圣诞节期间到邮局干活再挣些钱。464 Id like to know

4、 what you are showing this week?请问这星期演些什么电影?465 Well,starting today we have Cold Feet and Star Wars.从今天起我们放映冰冷的脚和星球大战。466Whos in it?谁演的?467Im sorry, but you misunderstood.很抱歉,您弄错了。468I didnt realize it was a double feature.我原先不知道这是双片连映。469Could you tell me when the first one starts?你能否告诉我第一部片子几点开始放映?


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