四年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2(2)教学案 外研版.doc

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1、(外研版)四年级英语下册教学案Module 5 SizeUnit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.一、学习目标1. 巩固复习上一单元学习的形容词以及形容词比较级:tall-taller short-shorter strong-stronger old-older2. 学会并能口头运用Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.3. 学习并能识别运用短语:Mount Qomolangma、Mount Tai、The Great Wall、The Summer Palace4. 结合实际,让学生学会比较和描述两个事物。二、预习学案1. Gree

2、tings. Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Im fine, thank you. And you?2. Chant: Tall tall taller, Amys taller than Lingling.Old old older, Amys older than Lingling.Short short shorter, Sams shorter than Daming.Young young younger, Sams younger than Daming.上课时,我先通过和学生的互动,再通过一首chant引出了上节

3、课的内容。真正达到了复习旧知、引出新知。三、导学案1. Lead-inT: Do you like travelling? Today, Ill take you to visit some beautiful and famous places. There are four stops in our trip. First, lets go to No.1 stop: close your eyes please! No.1 stop: the Changjiang River and the Yellow RiverT: CAI shows the picture of the Chan

4、gjiang River. T: What is it? Ss: the Changjiang River.PPT shows the picture of the Yellow River.T: And this isSs: the Yellow River. 问同学们知道两条河的长度么?再告诉学生长江长6397km, 黄河长 5464km. 让学生比较Which is longer?引导学生说出句子:The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River.单词:long longer 分组读 比较级和原级 排火车 小组竞赛No.2 stop

5、:Mount Qomolangma, Mount Tai(出示课件)I want to travel around the world one day, climb Mount Qomolangma and Mount Tai is my dream.(展示两幅图,分别教学)大多数学生可能对泰山的了解比较多一点,再和学生说:Mount Tai, it is in our Shandong province.并问学生 Have you ever been there? 同学们可能对Mount Qomolangma(分音节读)不是很了解,可以给学生们讲一下,It is the highest mo

6、untain in our earth!问学生 Which is higher, Mount Tai or Mount Qomolangma?引导学生说出Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai.学习单词 High high higher No.3 Stop: the Great Wall, the Summer PalaceSs: 长城!T: Yes, its the Great Wall! the Great Wall ( 手势表示 great , wall ) 长城是人们智慧的结晶 (wall, wall, the Great Wall)PPT

7、shows the picture of the Summer Palace. Ss: 颐和园!T: Yes, you are right. Its the Summer Palace. “summer” means 夏天,palace 宫殿,So the Summer Palace How beautiful they are!介绍:长城和頣和园在我国历史悠久,长城距今已有2000多年的历史,頣和园距今也有200多年的历史了。因此我们可以说:The Great Wall is older than the Summer Palace.学习单词 old old older(拍桌子拍手)No.4

8、 Stop: Beijing, TianjinPPT shows the picture of Beijing.T: Our last stop is here, guess! Whats it?Ss: Beijing!PPT shows the picture of Tianjin.T: Do you know this city? Ss: Tianjin.向学生展示北京和天津的轮廓,让学生自己比较,然后问学生Which is bigger?引导学生说出 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.(告诉学生big的比较级是双写g加er,这点需要学生知道)2. Text-l

9、earnListen to the tape(1)Listen and answerIs Mount Qomolangma higher than Mount Tai? Is Beijing bigger than Tianin?(2)Listen and repeat前面对课文的学习已经比较扎实,所以在这一环节主要练习一下学生们的听力。3. Practise(1)呈现两个单元学过的形容词和比较级,齐读,分组读举手读,读得越多越好,做得好的给予奖励。(2)Pairwork 让学生利用身边的文具.课本或者是教室里的物品或者是手掌。衣服运用所学的句型进行比较,(贴近学生的生活实际)对于做的好的小组

10、给与奖励。例如:pencil My pencil is longer than your pencil.对于不会用英语表达的物品可以用A B 代替或告诉学生怎样用英语表达。课本活动2 教师带领学生比较四组图画,同桌之间做对话。(3)Groupwork 三人一组,学生1: is taller than 学生2:Istaller than.学生3:Yes, he is.看哪个小组做的最好,并给与评价与奖励。(4)Competition 教师幻灯出示一组组图画,学生举手抢答,说出句子,及时奖励。(如:北京市和天津市 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.)(5)Chant:

11、longlonger, The Changjiang River is longer than The Yellow River.Highhigher, Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai.Old- older, The Great Wall is older than The Summer Palace.Big - bigger, Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.此活动旨在培养学生的兴趣,既复习了前面所学知识(比较级),又巩固了本课的学习内容。(6)Poem 课本活动三先让学生比较课本中两个学生的差异,再学习诗歌,可以告诉学生诗歌中押韵的地方,再听录音学习诗歌。4. SummaryWhat have you learned?四、课堂检测写出下列单词的对应比较级big- small- shorter-strong- young- tall-五、课后作业收集更多的形容词,并设这试着写出它们的比较级形式。六、板书设计Module5 Unit2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin is longer than is higher than . is older than is bigger than 七、课后反思


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