四年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2(3)教学案 外研版.doc

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1、(外研版)四年级英语下册教学案Module 5 SizeUnit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.一、学习目标1. 专有名词的学习:The changjiang River. The Yellow RiverThe Great Wall. The Summer Palace2. 比较级句型:甲+be+形容词比较级+than+乙3. 培养学生仔细观察,比较和描述事物的能力以及小组合作交流的能力。二、预习学案1. Greetings2. Singings a chant.Old old older Amy is older. Amy is older than L

2、inging.Tall tall taller. Amy is taller than Lingling.三、导学案Step 1: 新课呈现T: Do you like travelling?Ss: Yes, we do.T: Showing two pictures of the Changjiang River and the Yellow River. Which is longer, the Changjiang River or the Yellow River?Ss: The Changjing River is longer.Step2: Text book1. Listen t

3、o the tape.2. Listen to the tape again and follow it.Step3: Practice以小组为单位,完成教师在黑板上的问题。Is the Summer Palace older than the Great Wall?Is the Changjiang River longer than Yellow River?合作交流,讨论完成问题。Step4: Summary:以一首优美、动听的小诗结尾,让学生的Step5: Homework写出已学过的形容词的比较级。心情放松起来。四、课堂检测选词填空1. The moon is _(old, older)than the Great Wall.2. Beijing is _(bigger, big)than Shanghai.3. Im_(strong, stronger)than Tom.五、板书设计Unit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.Words:tall. old. young. highSentences:Is 2 shorter than 1? Yes, it is.Is Xiaogang than you? No, he isnt.


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