四年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 2(1)教学案 外研版.doc

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1、(外研版)四年级英语下册教学案Module 6 MusicUnit 2 Lingling is better than Daming一、学习目标1. 知识目标:(1)词汇:pop music、Chinese music、 erhu、zither、 guitar、 drums. (2)句型:a. Lingling is better /worse than Daming.b. Sam and Amy like the guitar.c. They can play the erhu.2. 能力目标:培养学生进行评价和比较的能力。3. 情感目标:a. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣和爱好。b. 培养学生欣

2、赏美、评价美的能力。c. 通过创设情境,培养学生大胆开口说英语的能力。d. 通过小组合作,培养学生的团结协作能力和团队精神。 二、预习学案乐器:erhu、zither、 guitar、 drums.三、导学案热身复习:我会写:good better bad worse自主学习:1. 听本课录音内容2遍,划出生词,试着读一读。2. 找出课文中出现的乐器,并试着模仿弹奏。3. 再次听录音,试着把句子翻译成汉语。并把不理解的句子划出来。合作交流:1. 小组内讨论解决自主学习中遇到的问题,然后全班交流,教师评析。2. 小组内找出含有形容词比较级的句子,并背诵。3. 用课文中出现的形容词比较级造句子。4

3、. 课本剧表演。四、课堂检测(火眼金睛)找出下列句子的错误并改正1. They can play violin very well.2. Amy is good than her mother.3. What music do you like?I like classic music.4. Xiaoming and Amy can play football. But Amy is worse than Xiaoming.五、课后作业:1. 给朋友或家人讲述你在本单元学习中对音乐的认识。2. 能用自己的话复述本单元的课本内容。3. 熟练的吟唱I am the music man.六、板书设计

4、Module 6 Unit 2 Lingling is better than Daminggood better bad worseplay the erhu、play the zither、play the guitar、play the drums1. They can play violin very well.2. Amy is good than her mother.3. What music do you like?I like classic music.4. Xiaoming and Amy can play football. But Amy is worse than Xiaoming.七、教后反思


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