Unit4 Where is my car B let's talk.ppt

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《Unit4 Where is my car B let's talk.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit4 Where is my car B let's talk.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,B Lets talk,Unit 4 Where is my car?,Unit 4 Where is my car?,PEP义务教育教科书英语三年级下册,Whats in it?(里面有什么?),Guessing game,Say it quickly!,Is it _ your desk?,Is it _ your desk?,on,in,under,Is it _ your pencil-box?,Is it _ your pencil-box?,on,in,under,on,under,in,Where is Mikes cap?A Its in the bag.B Its in t

2、he toy box.C Its under the chair.,我们的好朋友 的cap也丢了,他最终找到了吗?看卡通并回答下面的问题吧!(Watch and answer),Learning tips 看卡通时注意带着问题去看,并抓住问题的关键词。,Lets talk,Lets talk,Mum, where is my cap?,Is it in your bag?,No, it isnt.,Is it in your toy box?,Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.,Bye.,Bye! Have a good time!,Lets talk,Answer the qu

3、estion.Where is Mikes cap? Its in the toy box.,一般疑问句:Is it in your bag? 肯定回答:Yes, it is. (是的)否定回答:No, it isnt.(不是),(它在你的包里吗?),Have a good time! 玩得开心!,May Day,Lets talk,Mike: Mum, where is my cap?Mum: Is it in your bag?Mike: No, it isnt.Mum: Is it in your toy box?Mike: Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.Mike: B

4、ye.Mum: Bye! Have a good time!,Mum, where is my cap?,No, it isnt.,Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.Bye!,Is it in your bag?,Is it in your toy box?,Bye! Have a good time!,Learning tips :在跟读时,一定要注意模仿语音语调。注: Read through连读 Rising tone 升调 Falling tone 降调,Learning tips : 请把这些符号标注在课本41页的对话里吧!,Mum, where is my _?,No

5、, it isnt.,Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.Bye!,Is it _ your _?,Is it _ your _?,Bye! Have a good time!,Complete the dialogue.(补全对话),cap,in,bag,in,toy box,A: XXX, where is my_?,A: No, it isnt.,A: Yes, it is. Thanks, XXX. Bye!,B: Is it _ your _?,B: Is it _ your _?,B: Bye! Have a good time!,Make a new dialogue

6、.,bag, cap, desk, chair, toy box, ball, car, map, boat.,In, on, under,Lets play,Lets play,Pair workA: Where is my _?B: Is it _your desk/chair?A: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.,The boy is going to play football, but he cant find his football. Where is it? 小男孩要去踢足球,但是足球不见了。请你 根据图片提示,和同桌编一个对话。,A.,B.,C.,D.,Homework: 自读对话两遍 创编一个新对话,并和小伙伴 们说一说,Goodbye!,


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