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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。初一基础入门及stater unit1unit3 常见单词及口语一写一手好的英文字,为你加分26个字母书写格式字母的分类: 元音字母(5个):a e i o u 字 母 ( )个 辅音字母(21个)26个字母书写考点:26个字母小写字母书写只占两格的是_48个国际音标带领你走进英语王国:元 音12个单元音 长元音a:i: u: 短元音i u e 8个双元音 ai eii i e u auu 清辅音p tkfsttrts 浊辅音b dgv z3d3 dr dz辅 音 3个鼻音mn 3个似拼音hrl 2个半元音wj对应单词发音练习:长元音 /:/ c

2、ar k: 小汽车 father f: 爸爸 /:/ purple p:pl 紫色的 bird b:d 鸟 i: i:t eat 吃 bi: bee 蜜蜂 si:see 看见 meet mi:t 遇见; /:/ four f: 四 morning m:ni早上 /u:/ ruler ru:l 尺子 two tu: 二 短元音 / duck dk 鸭子 bus bs 公共汽车 / ruler ru:l 尺子 eraser ireiz 橡皮 i big big 大的 iz is 是 / dog d 狗 body bdi 身体 /u/ book buk 书 foot fut 脚 gud good 好

3、的 book buk书 / cat kt 猫 /e/ leg le 腿 双元音 ei say sei说 awaywei 离开 ai iceais冰块 Iai我 sidesaid侧面 i oil il油 noiseniz噪声 au cowkau母牛 bowbau低头 endowindau捐钱 nownau现在 i fearfi害怕 deardi珍贵的 hearhi听到 eari 耳朵 bearb熊 wear w穿戴 pearp梨 u sureu确信的 insureinu保证哪些字母里包含元音e ?哪些字母里包含元音a?哪些字母的读音里含有 ?哪些字母的读音里含有e ?哪些字母的读音里含有u ?

4、哪些字母的读音里含有a:?所以我们可以得出哪些字母含有元音的发音?有: ”a, e, f, h, i, l, m, n, o, r, s, x”元音的作用及考法之一是a、an 的用法 先了解a、an 的用法是加在在可数名词单数前,表示”一个.”单词开头含有元音发音的需要用an 如 an apple an orange对应练习:( )1.A little boy wrote_U and_ n on the wall. A. a; an B. an; a C. an; an D. a; a ( ) 2. This is _ interesting ntrst, book and it is als

5、o _ useful ju:sflone. A. an; an B. an; the C. ah; a D. a; a 常考知识点:2.用 a、an 来填:_cup _ map_key _ruler_uncle 3.从A、B、C、D中选出含有相同音素的选项。( )1Aa f Bb p Cd j Di r( )2Ab i Bd r Cg p Dj p( )3Ah l Be u Ch m Dn x( )4Am w Bs r Cc f Df l( )5Ah z Bs v Cv h Df s4. 选出含有所给音标读音相同的字母1、 ( )H A. F B.G C. O D. A2、 ( )B A. I

6、 B. J C.C D.K3、 ( )M A. L B. K C.E D.O4、 ( )A A. N B. J C.G D.D5、 ( )Q A. K B. U C.D D.B6、 ( )X A.F B. Y C.I D.U7、 ( ) S A.Z B.H C.k D.V8、 ( ) W A.U B.G C.T D.p9、 ( )N A.F B.E C.I D.T10、 ( ) P A.L B.T C.J D.OStarter unit1-unit3 主要知识点:翻译下列句子. 1. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 ? 2. 这是什么? ? 3. 这个用英语怎么说? ? 4.那个用英语怎么说? _?

7、5. 它是一把钥匙。 . 6. 请拼写。 . 7. 它是什么颜色?它是黄色的。 . 8. 早上好。_. 9. 你叫什么名字? _.一、单项选择.( )1. - Good afternoon, Mary.- _. A. Good morning B. Good evening C. Good afternoon D. Hello( )2. -_.- My name is Alice. A . Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Whats your name? D. Hello( )3. How _ you? A. is B. are C. am D. be( )

8、4. -How are you, Mrs Green?- _. A. Fine, thank you. B. Good morning. C. How are you? D. Hello( )5. 当别人对你说:“Sit down, please.(请坐)”时,你应该说_. A. Sorry B. Good morning C. Hi D. Thank you( )6 .Whats this _ English? A. on B. in C. at D. for( )7. - Whats this?- Its _ orange. A. a B. an C. / D. am( )8. - Wha

9、ts this? - Its a _. A. egg B. orange C. map D. apple( )9. -_.- Its a key. A. Whats this? B. What color is it? C. Spell it. D. How are you?( )10. -_- Its yellow. A . Whats this? B. What color is it? C. Spell it. D. How are you?二、从栏中找出与栏相对的答语.( )1. Good morning. A. Goodbye.( )2. Goodbye. B. Nice to me

10、et you, too.( )3. How are you? C. Its a map.( )4. Whats this in English? D. Good morning.( )5. Spell it, please. E. Hello!( )6. Good afternoon. F. M-A-P.( )7. Hello! G.Fine, thank you.( )8 .Whats your name? H. Good evening.( )9 Good evening. I .My name is Alice.( )10. Nice to meet you. J .Good after

11、noon.三、把下列句子按正确顺序排列起来,只写字母标号.(1). .Im OK. B. Hi, cindy. How are you? C. Im fine, thanks. How are you? D. Hi, Dale.正确顺序是:_(2). A. Its a ruler. B. What color is it? C. Whats this in English? D. Its green.正确顺序是:_(3). A .P-E-N. B .Whats this? C. Spell it, please. D .Its a pen.正确顺序是:_回家课后练习:一、从下列每一项中找出一个

12、元音字母。( )1. A.BbB.MmC.IiD.Tt( )2. A.Rr B.OoC.DdD.Jj( )3. A.UuB.VvC.LlD.Aa( )4. A.KkB.QqC.YyD.Aa( )5. A.Ee B.CcC.PpD.Zz二、单项选择( )1. Hello! What this? A. are B. is C. it D.the( )2. Good morning! ! A. Fine B. Thank you C. Good morning D.Bye( )3. Whats this in English? . A. Its map B. Its OK C. Its blue D

13、.Im fine( )4. are you , Mr Chen ? Im fine. A. How B. What C. Hows D.Whats( )5. Good morning. I Roy. A. am B. is C. are D.s( )6. How are you? . A. Its a C B. Thank you C. Im OK D.Its blue( )7. in English? A. What this B. Thats this C. How are you D.Whats this( )8. This is orange. A. a B. an C. / D.th

14、is( )9. JACKET, please. JACKET. A. This B. Spell C. What D.Whats( )10. What color is it? Its _. A. red B.a green C. blue D. green and black三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子.1 .The pen is _(红色的).2. What _(颜色) is it?3. My jacket is _(黑色的).4. _ _ (晚上好),Mrs. Black!5. Im fine, _ _(谢谢).6. -Whats this (用英语). -Its (一床被子).7. My pen is (黄蓝相间).8. Its (一把尺子).四、句子配对 ( )1Whats this in English? AGood morning! ( )2Good morning! BIts green ( )3What color is that orange? CFine,thank you ( )4How are you? DIts an orange ( )5Hello! Frank. EHello! Eric. 五情景交际6 / 6


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