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1、文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载! 学术英语( English for general academic purpose)教 案外国语学院2016年8月14 / 18学术英语( English for general academic purpose)教 案外国语学院2016年8月学术英语课程教案基本信息课程代号934403005课程英文名称Academic English- an integrated course开课单位外国语学院课程类别学科基础课总学时68学时开课根据内蒙古财经大学2015版人才培养方案课程执行大纲内蒙古财经大学外国语学院学术英语教学大纲授课使用教材季佩英主编,学术英语

2、综合,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2014年7月编写(修订)人李艳,师少华,柳桂媛编写时间(2016年8月)修订时间使用时间2016-2017学年第一学期授课专业授课班级15会计3,4; 15税收实验; 15人文地理与城乡规划;15审计2;15公共关系;15金融工程1;15市销;15保险学;15法学3; 15劳动与社会保障;15审计1;15投资学;15财政学1,2; 15人力管理1; 15法学2授课学生人数自然班授课附件本学期课程授课计划(附教学日历)Week 1/2/3Unit 1 Economics1st week-Lead-in & Text ATeaching Objectives:1

3、. Professional KnowledgeGet acquainted with some important economic concepts(e.g. the invisible hand, signaling theory, antitrust law, comparative advantage,etc.)2. ReadingSummarize the main ideas of a text and identify essential supporting pointsUnderstand difficult sentences (e.g., sentences with

4、abstract meaning or ambiguous reference) Analyze complex or controversial issues critically (e.g. monopoly, free market vs. government regulation, etc.)Course Structure (6 periods/unit)(1) Lead-in & Text A (2 periods)(2) Text B&,Text C& exercises (2 periods)(3) Research, lecture or seminar and writi

5、ng practice (2 periods)Teaching key points:1. Know how to draw an outline for the text .2. Know how to identify essential supporting points. 3. Get acquainted with economic concepts.Teaching difficulties: 1. Help Ss to read and think critically.2. Guide Ss to know more economic concepts.Teaching Met

6、hods: Task-based language teaching, Audio-lingual method, situational language teaching, communicative teaching method, class discussions, classroom demonstration activitiesTeaching Procedures:Lead-in and text A1. Lead-in activities(1) Help Ss have a general idea about the concept of economics.(2) Q

7、uestion for Ss to discuss:-How do you celebrate Spring Festival? Write down your activities in the table in the textbook and analyze whose skill and labor are required to make these activities possible. -Share your answers with your partner and discuss the following questions:Whats the power that le

8、ads people to work and cooperate?What do you understand about economic life from the table?2. Text A(1) General Reading :a. Read the text quickly and find out English expressions from the text with the help of the English explanation.b. Write down Chinese equivalent for each underlined word in the f

9、ollowing sentences then find as many synonyms as possible.(2) Reading in depth: Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.Q1. What is he purpose of mentioning Thanksgiving in the first paragraph ?Q2. Why wont we give thanks for the local market.turkey.weekendnewspaper. ?Q3. What con

10、trols grocery to stock up on turkey and Hollywood to release big movies ?Q4. Whose skill and labor are required to bring turkey to the table ?Q5. What does invisible hand lead people to do ?Q6. Can you give other examples to show the effects of invisible hand ?(3) Abilities of thinkinga. Summarize t

11、he main ideas of Text A and draw an outline for it.b. Work in pairs and answer the following questions.-It hardly takes a miracle to explain.Thanksgiving.(para. 3)What does the sentence mean?-The bird had to be slaughteredand priced and displayed. (para.5)Why does the author use so many “and”s in th

12、e sentence rather than use one “and ”before the last term?-The social order of freedomgift from above.(para.9)What does “from above” refer to?-What is “invisible hand” in your opinion?c. Work in groups and discuss the following questions.According to Adam Smith, “the invisible hand” leads innumerabl

13、e people, each working for his own gain, to promote ends that benefit many. However, some people think that the free market only promotes selfishness and greed, where business try every means to work for their own gain. What do you think? Can “the invisible hand ” do anything to deter business malpr

14、actice3. Assignments:-preview Text B &C, and get ready to answer questions in class.-make yourself familiar with the researching task on page 13 and get ready to do the research in group in the third class period.4. Reflection:5. Others:2nd week-Text B&,Text C& exercises Teaching Objectives:1.Know w

15、hat is specialized vocabulary and acquire some specialized vocabulary for economics.2. Understand the functions of parenthetical statements 3.Comprehend stylistic differences between formal and informal English and acquire some formal expressions Course Structure (6 periods/unit)1. Lead-in & Text A

16、(2 periods)2. Text B&,Text C& exercises (2 periods)3. Research, lecture or seminar and writing practice (2 periods)Teaching key points:1. Know what is case study, and know more economic terms and cases .2.Acquire some specialized vocabulary for economics. 3.Use parenthetical statements properly. Tea

17、ching difficulties: 1. How to make their own research well.2. How to use formal English wisely in academic writing. Teaching Methods: Task-based language teaching, Audio-lingual method, situational language teaching, communicative teaching method, class discussions, classroom demonstration activitie

18、s,Lecture MethodTeaching Procedures:1. Text B (1) Imagine the following situations: -Your girl/boy friend gives you cash as birthday gift, will you accept it?-Your employer substitute merchandise for you paycheck,will you accept the cash or object?What are your opinions toward these two situations i

19、f you were the boy/girl friend or the employee?(2) Read “Gifts as signals”and find out what economics is behind these situations.(3) Signaling theory is useful for describing behavior when two parties have access to different information. Typically, the signal sender chooses whether and how to commu

20、nicate certain information, while the receiver chooses how to interpret the signal. Signaling theory tackles a fundamental problem of communication and applies in various areas.(4) Work in group of 4-5 and discuss the following questions:-Why does the mans girlfriend break off their relationship whe

21、n she gives her cash as a birthday gift? Analyze why in this case the cash gift is considered offensive but in some other cases it is well accepted?-Read more about the signaling theory and then try to find out the other examples in your life where signaling theory can be applied.-After reading the

22、two passages “美国政府起诉微软公司违反联邦反垄断法”,“微软遭遇反垄断败诉前后”and “The Microsoft Case”, find out answers for the following questions :Q1: Interpret “antitrust”in your own words.Q2: Do you think Microsoft s behavior is reasonable or not? why?(5) A case study refers to an intensive study of a person,group,phenomenon

23、,etc., and is often used as an instructive example to derive underlining concepts and foster analytical development.(6) ResearchingMany years have passed since the U.S. filled its antitrust case against Microsoft in 1998, but echoes of the case continue to reverberate(回响). Search and read more artic

24、les to the case, think about the following questions and then discuss with your classmates.-Do you think the government regulation in this case will impede the technological progress in the industry?-Is the regulation a knid of intrusion, which is incompatible with the law of the “ invisible hand”?2

25、. Text CTranslate Adam Smithwords in Paragraph 1 from English into Chinese. 每一个精明的一家之主都知道,如果买一样东西所花的钱比在家里自己生产所花的成本要小,那就永远不要尝试在家里生产。裁缝不会去做自己的鞋子,而向鞋匠购买;鞋匠不会去做自己的衣服,而雇裁缝来做;农民不会去做鞋也不想缝衣,宁愿雇用不同的工匠来做。他们都会为了自身的利益而采取某种方式来利用整个产业,在这种方式里,他们会比邻居更有优势,并用自己生产的一部分产品或者相同的东西,即以一部分产品的价格来购买他们所需要的其它任何物品。3. Excercises(1)

26、 specialized vocabulary -Give a brief introduction to the concept of specialized vocabulary. -Check Ss answers to Task 1/Language building-up/Text A -Additional activity: Ask Ss to translate the following economic terms, which appears in Texts B and C, from Chinese in to English. -Additional classro

27、om activity:Translate the following economic terms, which appear in Texts B and C, from Chinese into English. 信号传递理论 市场支配力 商品 反垄断法 垄断 相对优势 股票经纪人 税收(制度)(2) Signpost language -Check Ss answers to Task 2/ Language building-up/Text A -Discuss with Ss the effects of parenthetical statements -Additional a

28、ctivity: Ask Ss to find parenthetical statement in Text B. (3)Formal English -Give a brief introduction to differences between formal and informal English-Check Ss answers to Task 3/Language building-up/Text A 4. Assignments:(1) Prepare the researching task and do presentation in next class.(2) Fini

29、sh doing more exercises if they are not done in class.5. Reflection:6. Others:3rd week-Research, lecture or seminar and writing practice Teaching Objectives:1. Listening-Make predictions about the content of a lecture2. Speaking-Ask for information and clarification in a polite and effective wayLear

30、n to do interviews and report the findings in an oral presentation3. Writing-Understand what kind of topic is suitable and manageable for a term paperCourse Structure (6 periods/unit)1. Lead-in & Text A (2 periods)2. Text B&,Text C& exercises (2 periods)3. Research, lecture or seminar and writing pr

31、actice (2 periods)Teaching key points:1. Get familiar with listening to lectures and learn how to make notes .2. Guide Ss to do their researching task well. 3. Help Ss to know how to choose a topic and narrow the topic down.Teaching difficulties: 1. Give Ss advice on their researching tasks. 2. Guid

32、e Ss to choose a suitable topic. Teaching Methods: Task-based language teaching, Audio-lingual method, situational language teaching, communicative teaching method, class discussions, classroom demonstration activities,Lecture MethodTeaching Procedures:1. Researching taskSs are supposed to make pres

33、entation in group to introduce their researching.2.Lecture-Prediction:One important skill for listening comprehension is prediction.对话预测在听Short Conversation时,可以按照下例wh-问题进行预测:(1)Who are the two speakers?(2)What is the possible relationship between them?(3)When did they have the conversation?(4)Where

34、did the conversation take place?(5)Why do they have the conversation?(6)What did they plan to do?语篇预测在Longer Conversation的听力过程中,可以按照按下列问题展开预测:(1)What is the topic of the passage?(2)Who is the speaker?(3)What facts did the speaker offer?(4)What facts did the speaker fail to offer?依靠开篇句预测听力的第一句话通常会透露整

35、篇的主题,所以同学们要善于抓住听力材料的首句信息。例如:Americans have a popular saying“Time is money。”从这一句开篇句我们可以预测的信息范围:(1)这是一篇关于时间的话题。(2)涉及的对象是美国人例如:The role of women in todays society is changing. 从这一句开篇句我们可以预测的信息范围:(1)这是一篇关于女性角色的话题。(2)涉及的对象是女性角色和社会之间的关系。 (3)也有很大可能会谈到女性角色如何变化,为何变化等。-You will listen to a lecture about compa

36、rative advantage. Before listening, writing down what you expect to hear.-Task 2: listen to the lecture again and complete the following sentences according to what you have heard.3. Seminar and presentationAsking for information and clarification in a more polite way.4. Writing(1) learn how to choo

37、se a topic-Choose a topic that really intrigues you.-Narrow it down.-Avoid a topic that has very limited relevant source materials.-Remember that an initial topic may not be the topic you end up writing.Or we can understand in this way:-what subjects are you interested in?-What interests you most ab

38、out a particular subject?-Is there anything you wonder about or are puzzled about with regard to that subject? Is it significant?Manageability be manageable for youAvoid a too broad topic-Periodical index-pick a broad subject, then to choose a second narrower topic within this broad topic-Availabili

39、ty of resources the research materials should be available-Where to find a topic research mainly from scholars works(usually in the notes)2. Finish task 1 and task 2 on page 19 . 5. Assignments:1. Preview unit 2.2. Decide the topic of their term paper.6. Reflection:7. Others: (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)


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