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1、大学三级 (B) 分类模拟 213( 总分: 25.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、Reading Comprehension ( 总题数: 0,分数: 0.00)二、1( 总题数: 1,分数: 5.00)Chicago is a great town. I love it. We have two baseball teams here, the Cubs and the White Sox.I like the Cubs. The White Sox are boring and theyre losers, too. I never go to their games.But th

2、eres a lot more to Chicago than baseball. Look around, were in the city now. This is Michigan Avenue. Theres the John Hancodk Center.That building is 100 storey high! Thats too high, if you ask me, if there is a fire on the 85th or 90th floor, how are the firemen going to put it out? Theres no chanc

3、e. Look over there.Theres a large building. Its the Sears Tower. That building is 110 storey high! Do you see those round buildings? Those buildings are the Marine City Apartments (flats). Those buildings have60 floors each. Thousands of people are in each one. Imagine that, all those people in two

4、buildings, its terrible to have so many neighbors. Theres the Merchandise Mart. Thats another big building. Do you know whats in the building? There are stores, restaurants, a bank, a post office, a radio station and a TV station. Its too crowded. Well, here we are. Remember, ask any cab driver abou

5、t Chicago. We know everything about this town. (分数: 5.00 )(1).Why does the speaker never go to the White Soxs games? (分数: 1.00 )A. Because they dont play well.VB. Because he doesnt like baseball.C. Because they usually play in other cities.D. Because theres a lot more to Chicago than baseball.解析:(2)

6、.It seems to the speaker that .(分数: 1.00 )A. the Sears Tower is not high enoughB. the Marina City Apartments are crowedVC. the Merchandise Mart is crowdedD. there are many other buildings in Chicago解析:(3).Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?(分数: 1.00 )A. Its great fun

7、to live in big cities like Chicago.B. There are many stores and restaurants in the Merchandise Mart.C. Its not a good thing to have too many neighbors.VD. There are very many tall buildings in Chicago.解析:(4).Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?(分数: 1.00 )A. They ar

8、e going along Michigan Avenue.B. The speaker likes to go to the Cubs games.C. Firemen can put out any fire in high buildings.VD. Cab drivers know almost everything about the town.解析:(5).We know from the passage that the speaker is probably .(分数: 1.00 )A. a visitorB. a tour guideC. a taxi driverVD. a

9、 bus conductor解析:三、2( 总题数: 1,分数: 5.00)Visiting to an authentic(正宗的 ) Mexican restaurant is a good way to discover the richness ofMexican cuisine. To begin, you may order some tasty appetizers like cheese quesadillas. For the next course, you cant miss a chicken chimichanga, which has a delicious, mi

10、ld flavor. Another choice is a beef enchilada. Covered with spicy tomato sauce and topped with cheese, it will set your taste buds dancing.To complete your Mexican meal, try a scoop of fried ice cream. Besides cooling you down, it willleave you wondering how the cook managed to deep fry the ice crea

11、m without melting it. (分数: 5.00 )(1). is the best title for this article. (分数: 1.00 )A. The Most Popular Dishes in Mexican CuisineB. A Guide to Preparing Mexican CuisineC. The Puzzling History of Mexican CuisineD. An Introduction to Mexican CuisineV解析: 解析 主旨推断题。题目询问文章最佳标题。通读全文,发现本文主要是对墨西哥美食的介绍,其 中包括

12、了墨西哥美食的部分历史、品尝墨西哥美食的基本步骤等。所以总结起来,文章的最佳标题应该选 择选项D(墨西哥美食入门)。选项A(最受欢迎的墨西哥美食)文中并没有提到;选项B(制作墨西哥美食指南),虽然文中提及了品尝墨西 哥美食的顺序,但并没有具体涉及如何做墨西哥菜;选项C(墨西哥美食历史解密),虽然文中提及了墨西哥美食的历史,但是文章第二段却并没有介绍墨西哥的美食历史。因此这三项均应予以排除。(2).In ancient times, was the most important food for Indians of the area that is now Mexico.(分数: 1.00 )

13、A. chickenB. beefC. beansD. cornV解析: 解析 事实细节题。题目询问居住在现在的墨西哥地区的古代印第安人的主食是什么。根据文章首 段首句可以判断出corn(玉米)是当时印第安人的主食。因此,选项D为正确答案。干扰项为选项B,仔细阅读首段末句可以发现牛肉其实是西班牙人入侵之后才引进的,故选项B不正确。(3).During the 16th century, what happened in the area that is now Mexico?(分数: 1.00 )A. The native people lost their independence.VB.

14、The Spanish adopted the local cuisine.C. The farmers began to raise other crops.D. The Indians began to trade with Spain.解析: 解析 推理判断题。题目询问 16 世纪,当地发生了什么。文章首段最后两句提到,“西班牙人将 墨西哥变为了殖民地”,而选项A则是该表述的同义表达,因此选项A为正确答案。选项B(西班牙人采用了当地的美食。)与西班牙人引进了一些新的食物,如小麦、猪肉、牛肉和奶制品等 的事实相悖;选项 C(当地农民开始种植其他作物。)发生在公元前700年之后,而非16世纪

15、;选项D(当地 印第安人和西班牙开始通商。 ) 在文中并没有提及,因此,这三项均不正确。(4).According to the passage, has a spicy flavor.(分数: 1.00)A. chicken chimichangaB. cheese quesadillasC. beef enchiladaVD. beef解析: 解析 细节推理题。题目询问何种食物有辛辣的味道。根据第二段最后两句话中的covered withspicy tomato sauce ,可以推断出 beef enchilada( 辣椒牛肉馅玉米卷饼 )涂有辛辣的番茄酱。因此选项 C 为正确答案。选项

16、A为mild flavor(味道醇厚),故排除;造项 B属于tasty appetizers( 开胃菜);选项D(牛肉)的味道文中没有提及。(5).According to the passage, flied ice cream has NOT the function of.(分数:1.00)A. cooling you downB. reminding you of how the cook managed to deep fry the ice cream without melting itC. setting your taste buds dancingVD. symbolizi

17、ng the completion of your Mexican meal解析:解析细节推理题。题目询问烤冰激凌不具有下面何种功能。参照文章末段,fried ice cream 具有选项A、B和D的功能。根据排除法,选项C为正确答案。根据第二段末句,可以推断出是 beef enchilada 具有选项C的功能,而非fried ice cream所具有的功能四、3(总题数:1,分数:5.00)California Coast Universitys home study programs can help you earn a recognized Bachelors, Masters, or

18、 Doctoral degree without mandatory (扌旨定)classroom or seminar attendancerequirements. Students may receive additional academic credit towards their degree for work experience, specialized training, military schools, seminars, vocational training, and credentials. Degree programs are developed with th

19、e busy professional in mind. Register and enroll at any time, complete any remaining requirements as rapidly as your time and ability permit, at home, or while travelling.Many of our graduates have completed their programs in 9 to 12 months. For a personal evaluation of your total occupational and a

20、cademic accomplishments, and information on our programs inBusiness Administration, Engineering, Psychology, or Education, please write or phone our Admission Office.1. California Coast Universitys home study program can help you earn education degrees without1 or 2 .2. Students might receive 3 towa

21、rds their degree for work experience, specialized training, military schools, etc.3. CCU students can register at any time and complete requirements as soon 4 .4. Many graduates complete their programs in 5 year.(分数: 5.00 )解析: mandatory classroom解析从文章第一句“ California Coast Universitys home study prog

22、rams can help you earn a recognized Bachelors, Masters, or Doctoral degree without mandatory classroom or.”可以得到答案。解析:seminar attendance requirements 解析 从文章第一句“ California Coast Universitys home study programs can help you earn a recognized Bachelors, Masters, or Doctoral degree without mandatory cla

23、ssroom or seminar attendance requirements(研讨会的出勤要求 ).”可以得至U答案。解析:additional academic credit解析从第二句“ Students mayreceive additional academic credit towards their degree for work experience,.”可以得至 U答案。解析:as possible 解析 从第四句“ Register and enroll at any time, complete any remainingrequirements as rapidly

24、 as your time and ability permit,.”得知在该大学学习,只要你时间和能力允许,就能尽快完成学业。故空格中填入as possible ,因为as soon as possible表示尽可能快地”,与题意相符。解析: One解析 从第二段第一句“ Many of our graduates have completed their programs in 9 or 12 months. ”可以得到答案。五、4(总题数:1,分数:5.00)A. -4th ring RdB. -Foggy AreaC. -Ticket changingD. -Emergency veh

25、icle laneE. -Ticket officeF. -Two way trafficG. -Dangerous AreaH. -Non-motor vehicleI. -Side RdJ. -Group tour entranceK. -Guide signL. -RoundaboutM. -CrosswalkN. -Crossroad (分数: 5.00 )(1). 1应急车道2 环岛(分数: 1.00)解析:D、L(2). 1多雾地段2 危险路段(分数:1.00 )解析:B、G(3). 1四环路 2辅路(分数: 1.00 )解析:A、I(4). 1双向交通2 指路标志(分数:1.00

26、 )解析:F、K(5). 1换票处 2售票处(分数: 1.00)解析:C、E六、5( 总题数:1,分数: 5.00)The process of renting a car is sometimes expensive, time-consuming and full of hidden fees and surprising requirements. Shopping for the best price and ensuring you understand the rules and regulations before and after you use the car will h

27、elp.Reserving a Rental Car. You should check travel websites such as Kayak, Hotwire, Expedia andPriceline as well as agency websites. You can rent a car in any size, from compact to SUV. Add features that you will need with your rental car. These might include a GPS system or car seats for the kids.

28、 Make your reservation by phone if you do not want to use an online system.Picking up the Rental Car. Provide the reservation number as well as your drivers license and credit card. Different car rental companies have various policies on whether debit cards can be used. Review your rental contract.

29、Make sure all the information is correct. Remember to check the car carefully before you leave the car lot.Returning the Rental Car. Somerental car contracts give you the option of returning the car without a full tank of gas, but you will be charged extra. Bring the car back to the rental agency at

30、 the agreed upon date and time. Do not be late; some agencies will charge you for another full day if you bring the car back even 30 minutes later than you said you would(分数: 5.00 )(1) .What would be helpful before and after you use the rental car?Shopping for the best price and ensuring you underst

31、and the 1.(分数: 1.00 )解析: rules and regulations(2) .Where can we get the information of reserving a rental car?You should check travel websites as well as 1.(分数: 1.00 )解析: agency websites(3) .What should be provided to pick up the rental car?You should provide the reservation number, 1 and credit card.(分数: 1.00 )解析: drivers license(4) .Why should the rental contract be reviewed?To make sure 1 is correct.(分数: 1.00 )解析: all the information(5) .When should the car be returned?The rental car should be returned back at 1 time and place.(分数: 1.00 )解析: the agreed upon


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