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1、,Lets enjoy!,Lets play a game,过去式抢答,is,fall,eat,do,give,wear,was,fell,ate,gave,wore,did,go,went,stay,stayed,Unit 8 A Trip to Hong Kong,义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级上册Module 4 Past Experiences,Lets enjoy a video and tell me what city it is.,(设计意图:利用视频,通过头脑风暴,激发学生对香港的印象及兴趣,提出本节的任务谈论“A trip to Hong Kong”。点击播放链接视频

2、。视频共长3分多钟,老师可以适当调整播放时间。),England,island,Hong Kong is an island.,It is my first time to the island.,Lets talk.,(设计意图:以师生对话导入同位说,对香港的印象,复习描述城市的模块,以旧带新,为课文学习铺垫。),Last year,I went to the Disneyland.,What can you see at Disneyland?,Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck,What can you do at Disneyland?,play lots of diff

3、erent games,Pay attention to these verbs:,were,said,sat,took,felt,look,sad,kept,says,(设计意图:检测上一环节的听读,为学生解难,根据动词的原形和运用发音规则学习五个动词的过去式。),Go, went, went on a trip.Take, took, took a photo.Say, said, said a word.Feel, felt, felt better.Sit, sat, sat with me.Have, had, had lunch together.,Lets chant.,(设计意

4、图:通过儿歌复习U8多学的动词过去式短语。),Jiamin had a seven-day holiday. So last weekend Jiamin and his mother, Ben went on a trip to Hong Kong.,(设计意图:情景引入,引出家民到香港旅游,并介绍家民喜欢写QQ日志分享游记的背景,为听读课文作铺垫。点击资源包中的语言003播放声音,出现家民说的话。),Dear Diary, Last weekend my mother, Ben and I went on a trip to Hong Kong. We travelled there by

5、 train and stayed with my cousin. Ben said he was very excited because it was his first trip to the island. On our first day my cousin took us to Disneyland. We took a photo with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and played lots of different games. We had hamburgers and chips for lunch. I think I ate a l

6、ittle too much because later I felt ill. Ben sat with me until I felt better. He was so kind. The next day we went shopping. When we were on the street, we met Xiaoling and her mum. I was very surprised because I didnt know they came to Hong Kong, too.We all had lunch together and talked about our t

7、rip.,A Trip to Hong Kong,从家民的QQ日志的情景引入,让学生先从听觉上感知语篇。,1. ( ) They went on a trip to Hong Kong by bus.2. ( ) Jiamin was excited because it was his first visit to the island.3. ( ) They went to Disneyland on the first day.4. ( ) Ben ate too much and later he felt ill.5. ( ) Jiamin was surprised because

8、 he knew Xiaoling and her mum came to Hong Kong.,F,T,F,F,1.Listen to the diary, then decide true (T) or false (F).,by train,Ben,Jiamin,F,didnt know,(点击喇叭按钮链接课文的录音,让学生先听觉感知语篇并判断。通过句子判断让学生了解日志的大意,并运用PHONIC学习新词,在游戏、短语、句子中巩固新词,让学生寓教于乐。点击生词,可链接生词的教学PPT。),The girl was surprised because her mum bought her

9、a beautiful dress.,surprised,price,3) Where did they stay in Hong Kong?,A trip to Hong Kong,1) Who went to Hong Kong last weekend?,2) How did they go to Hong Kong?,6) What did they do in Hong Kong?,4) Who did Jiamin and Ben meet in HongKong?,2.Lets read the diary in groups, then answer the questions

10、:,5) How did Ben feel in Hong Kong?,Jiamin, his mother and Ben.,They went to Hong Kong by train.,They stayed with Bens cousin.,He was excited because it was his first visit to Hong Kong.,They met Xiaoling and her mum.,(设计意图:提出小组任务,合作完成回答问题。通过提问,了解学生对课文的掌握情况。点击Q6,链接,对Q6的what的重点讲解,强调描述过去用过去式,对过去式的短语游戏

11、巩固,让沉闷的篇章学习增添乐趣,再次激发学生的浓厚兴趣。),went to the Disneyland.,took a photo with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.,played lots of different games.,had hamburgers and chips for lunch.,ate a little too much and felt ill.,went shopping.,met Xiaoling and her mum.,had lunch together and talked about the trip.,They+动词

12、过去式,3) Where did they stay in Hong Kong?,A trip to Hong Kong,1) Who went to Hong Kong last weekend?,2) How did they go to Hong Kong?,6) What did they do in Hong Kong?,4) Who did Jiamin and Ben meet in HongKong?,Lets look at Jiamins Diary:,5) How did Ben feel in Hong Kong?,Jiamin, his mother and Ben.

13、,They went to Hong Kong by train.,They stayed with Bens cousin.,He was excited because it was his first visit to Hong Kong.,They met Xiaoling and her mum.,(引导学生观察思维图,把旅游日记所涉及的几个框架问题提取出来,帮助学生理解课文,也为后面的连贯说话和写话作铺垫。),went to the Disneyland,take a phote with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck,played lots of di

14、fferent games,ate a little too much,go shopping,had lunch together,talked about the trip,meet Xiaoling and her mum,Lets play: Clap hands with your partner and read loudly when you see the past tense.,(设计意图:复习巩固动词短语,并区别动词过去式的短语。游戏规则:大声读动词短语,看到含有动词过去式的短语需要同为拍掌并大声读出来。第一二个需要单击鼠标出来,做示范,接下来的是自动弹出来的。),Wher

15、e,When,How,Who,What did they do?,Lets try to retell Jiamins diary in groups.,The next day, they went,On the first day, they,A trip to Hong Kong,How did they feel?,Ben was excited because,Jiamin was surprised because,(设计意图:通过句型图片提示帮学生回忆课文,再与学生讨论日记写了哪些方面,从而梳理出结构图,帮学生后面的说与写铺垫。),Last weekend Jiamin, his mother and Ben went on a trip to by,1.听读本课单词、课文3次,并抄写本课单词;2.预习Fun with language。,


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