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1、7A Unit 4 Food主备人:灌南县实验中学 晏 波执教人: 执教班级: 执教时间: 年 月 日Total of the unit: 10Content: Grammar (1)Period:105Teaching aims and demands:知识目标:掌握频度副词的用法;掌握可数名词和不可数名词的区别,并掌握可数名词的变化规则;能力目标:能正确使用频度副词表达自己的思想;能运用名词的复数变化规则真确进行交际;情感目标:引导学生对中西饮食文化进行对比,摈弃陋习,增强民族自信心和荣誉感。Key and difficult points: How to use the adverbs

2、of frequency; grasp the changing rules of countable nouns.Teaching aids: pictures, diagrams.Teaching methods: 对比法、实物教学法StepsNotesStep 1 Revision Ask some students to say something about his/her diet or lifestyle.Step 2 Presentation 1.Ask the students how often they play football/computer games/cards

3、/go back to their hometown/grandmothers home 2.Choose some sentences like: She doesnt play computer games. (Teach never) He goes to his grandmothers home once a year. (Teach seldom) She watches TV at the weekends. (Teach sometimes) He plays basketball every other day. (Teach often) She comes to scho

4、ol on foot except Saturday. (Teach usually) He rides back home every week. (Teach always) 3.Draw the following pictures for the students to understand the adverbs. never seldom sometimes often usually always 4.Explain the meanings of different adverbs of frequency. Get the students to look at Part A

5、 on Page 64. Give some time for the Ss to understand the words meanings.Step 3 Practice Complete the six sentences in the exercise on Page 64.Step 4 Presentation 1.Write down the following words on the blackboard: an apple milk a carrot food a cake snow Get the students to understand countable and u

6、ncountable nouns. 2. Write down the following words on the blackboard: apple apples egg eggs boy boys story stories glass glasses wish wishes watch watches box boxes radio radios tomato tomatoes knife knives shelf shelves man men foot feet fish fish Chinese Chinese Get the students to find the rules

7、 in the words.Step 5 Exercises Give some countable nouns for the students to change them into the plural forms.Homework Revise what learned in this period. Ask the students to try to find the method of describing the amount of uncountable things. Board work 教学反思: 达标检测 (共50分)EXERCISES (Period 5 of Un

8、it 4, 7A)一、预习检测 写出下列名词的复数形式:(每个0.5分)cup bag car tree day boy cat bed bus dish watch box face orange prize nurse story factory family sheep fish child man woman knife life shelf Japanese American Australian man worker woman doctor mango tomato photo radio tooth foot half zoo 二、当堂反馈 按照要求变换句子:(每个3分)1.T

9、here are some eggs in the basket. (改成单数) There in the basket.2.Sandy seldom plays badminton. (对划线部分提问) Sandy play badminton?3.I eat noodles three times a week. (对划线部分提问) do you eat noodles in a week?4.People like bedrooms because they like sleeping. (对划线部分提问) people like bedrooms?5.This is an apple. (改成复数句) are .三、复习巩固 连词成句:(每个3分)1.lunch, we, a hamburger, have, sometimes, for 2.eat, seldom, days, I, these, sweets 3.tell, never, dancer, to, I, Kitty, a, be 4.for, eat, always, I, some, fruit, supper 5.every, TV, how often, you, watch, do, week


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