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1、小学四年级英语试卷教材:义务教育课程标准实验教科书pep四年级下册出版:人 民教育出版社一、听音圈出你听到的单词1。分)(3) fan light(6) warm hot(9) boots apple(1)garde n gym six two(7) socks , pants(2) lunch , dinner(5) red yellow(8) cheap pretty(10) goat potato二、听音1 、,写出下列单词的汉语意思106、7、&9、10、二、听音,选出答案10分)1、A Water the flowers2、A Sing and dance4、A Take off y

2、our shirt5、A It 1 sold6、A Let f play football7、A It 1 ten yuan3、A It * sine8、A Ride a horse9 A Yes , they areB: play footballB: Eat some riceB: Itsix o clockg.小. your shirtB: It warmB: Let go homeB: It to shortB: Milk a cawB: No it isn !tB: No , they aren !t“/(10 分)(2)食堂)卫生间O(4)穿上)脱下()(6)西瓜 )黄瓜()10、

3、A: Yes , it is四、听音,选词意,在括号里打第一()第二()(3)体育课()绘画室()十六()六十()(7)狗()猫()(8)那()那些()(3) 29 32!/ )- 4 7(5) 55 61)”6) 74、87(8) 13 30(9) 15、3(10) 138 119()()()、英汉连线(1潮部分aom rabbitmusic class lamp go to bedjacket jea ns onion how much0洋葱音 乐课操 场羊羔 绘画室 兔子上 床睡觉 夹克衫 多少牛 仔裤三、按从大到小的顺序排列数词10分)two thirteenone eleven th

4、ree ten four twelvefive six eight fiftee n四、按要求涂色(10分)nine seve n twentypinkredorange yellow bluegree n purplewhite black brownB : It 1 1 the first floor.B : let 1 Slay football.Is it cold?Is this a teacher dssk:B : It stem yuan.B : No, is.How much is it?B :it isn t.五、句子连线(10z、1、A : It w arm today2、

5、 Where is the can tee n?B : No, they aren 11.B : It 1 stwo o clock.B :, you can.B : No jt! snot.B: If s white.What time is it? A7、 Are they ducks? A: Is that your Tshirt?9、 What colour is it?10、A : Can 1 wear my shirt?(2) lunch (3)fan (7)pants (8)cheap (2)washroom听力材料一、 garden(6) hot二、(1 )computer(5

6、)short (6)cool (10)duck 三、(1) Go to the garden.(2) Time for music.(3) What time is it?(4) Hello! Sa hra.Wash(4)six (5)yellow (9)apple (10)potato (3)English class (4)nine (7)green (8)snow (9)bigwater the flowers.Sing and dance.It 1 ssix o1 clock., your short, swarm, splay football. It sten yuan.(5) I

7、t *ins Beijing. It(6) It * wsarm. Let 1(7) How much is it?(8) Hi, Mike, Ride a horse.(9) Are they sheep? Yes, they are.(10) Is this a library? Yes, it is.四、(1) first (2)canteen (3)P E class (4)put on (5)sixteen (6)water melom (7)dog (8)that (9)windy(10)shorts五、fourtwelve(3)thirty-two forty-three(5)sixty-one (6)seventy-four (7)nineteen(8)thirty (9)three (10)one one nine


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