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1、4A Unit4 TEST、Listen and number.(听录音,给下列图片标上序号,8%)()()()()班级 姓名 学号听力部分(33%、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词,10%)()1. A. fourB. fourteenC. fruit()2. A. manyB. animalC. any()3. A. makeB. cakeC. skate()4. A. beautifulB. wonderfulC. cool()5. A. footballB. basketballC. table tennis()6. A. treeB. threeC.

2、thirteen()7. A. runB. jumpC. cute()8. A. playB. flyC. my()9. A. boxB. boysC. but()10.A. fatherB. eitherC. sister()()()()三、Listen and judge.(听录音,判断下列句子与你所听到的句子是否一致,5%)()1. I can play football well.()2. Can I have one?()3. I can t play basketball.()4. Can you play table tennis?()5. I can do that.四、lis

3、ten and choose the right answer.( 听录音,选择正确的回答,10%)()1.A. Yes, I can.()2. A. I have three.()3. A. Sure.()4. A. No, I don t.()5. A. I can swim.B. No, she can t.B. I m three.B. Yes, I do.B. No, I can t.B. Yes, I can.C.Yes, he can.C. I can play.C. Yes, I can.C. No, I m notC. No, I can t.笔试部分(67% )、Read

4、and choose.(选出不同类的单词,5%)()1. A. hot()2. A. sixteen()3. A. jump()4. A. lion()5. A. appleB. dogB. nineteenB. tigerB. footballB. fruitC. horseC. stickerC. skateC. basketballC. pineapple、Look and write.(看图写单词,12%)三、Read and choose.(读句子,选择正确的答案,10%)()1. I like monkeys.you?A. How manyB. What about()2.Mike

5、 skate?Yes,.A. Can, he can tB. Do, he do( )3.How many do you have?A. chairB. chairs()4.I can t swim. .A. Great.B. Don t be sad.()5.Look at, Dad.A. IB. me( )6.Mike can play basketball very.A. goodB. great()7.i fly.C. CanC. Can, he canC. the chairC. You re happy.C. myC. wellA. canB. amC. do()8.Can I h

6、ave ?Sure. Here you are.A. seeB. lookC. a look()9.What do you ?I have many stickers.A. haveB. likeC. look()10.Do you have English books?A. anB. someC. any4、 Read and choose.( 根据所给情境,选择正确的句子,10%)()1.你问朋友是否会打乒乓球,你说:A. Can you play football?B. Can you play basketball?C. Can you play table tennis?()2. 鼓

7、励朋友进行尝试时,你会说:A. Have a try.B. Have a cake.C. Have a look.()3. 告诉妈妈刘涛滑冰滑得好,你说:A. Liu Tao can skate well.B. Liu Tao can swim well.C. Liu Tao can run well.()4. 朋友伤心沮丧时,你可以这样安慰他:A. I don t like it.B. I can fly.C. Don t be sad.()5. 老师问你会不会踢足球,你回答:A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I can.C. Yes, I am.5、 Read and match.

8、( 读一读,连线,5%)A. Yes, I can.1 .Look at the cake.2 .Can you jump?B. Hcaow nice!3 .Do you like lions?C. Sure. Here you are.4 .How many toy cars do you have?D. No, I don t.E. Thirteen.5 .Can I have a look?6、 Read and translate.( 根据所给中文,完成句子,10%)1 .你的文具盒里有多少支钢笔?do you have your pencil box?2 . 你有什么? 我有许多书在

9、课桌上。What do you ?I have on the .3 .Mike 会游泳吗?Mike ?7、 Put the words in the correct order.( 连词成句,5%)1. we, can, swim, Mike.2. have, many, How, you, apples, do ?3. look, I, have, Can, a ?4. do, What, have, you ?5. play, She, table, can t, tennis.八、Read and judge.(读对话,判断对错,用,或x表示, 10%)Li Li: It s eight

10、 o clock. It s time for balls.Jun Jun: Can you play basketball?Li Li: No, I can t. But I can play football. Can you play football?Jun Jun: Yes, I can. I have a new football. Lets play.Li Li: Great!()1. It s nine o clock.()2. Li Li can play basketball.()3. Jun Jun can play football.()4. Li Li can t play football.()5. Li Li has a new football.


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