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1、高中艺术生英语学习动机的调查研究河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 高中艺术生英语学习动机的调查研究 姓名:顾淑华 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:学科教学 英语 指导教师:杨武琴 20100405中 文 摘 要 只要被赋予动机,任何人都能学会一门语言(Skehan,1989:49)。动机是影 响学习的重要因素,许多研究者认为它是成功学习语言的主要决定因素之一,它 决定着个体学习者在学习语言过程中的努力程度和参与程度。 新课标中明确指出语言知识)语言能力)学习策略)情感态度等对学生的 学习有着巨大的影响,其中情感态度包括兴趣)动机)自信)意志和合作精神 等,这些都影响着学习效果。如果要问最影响学习的因素是哪

2、一个,几乎所有教 师都会把动机列为榜首。 自二十世纪六十年代以来, 许多研究者就英语学习动机做了大量的研究, 其中最著名的要数 Gardner 和 Lambert 了。二十世纪七十年代以来,外语教学 研究的兴趣已经逐渐从教师的教转向学生的学,这是外语学习和动机的研究转型 的标志之一。动机的研究为培养合格的艺术人才,提高学生的学习动机,促使学 生积极主动的学习外语具有重要的现实意义。 近几年来,关于动机的研究很多,但就高中艺术学生研究的还不多见。在针 对高中艺术生的外语教学中,教师们发现:无论教师多么努力,艺术生们对英语 就是提不起兴趣来。动机低导致了英语学习上的被动,英语对他们来说一直是一 种

3、负担。因此对于教艺术生的教师来说,如何激发学生的英语学习动机,已经成 为一项迫切的任务。 本研究以相关理论和前人的研究成果为基础,深入了解了艺术生学习英语的 现状,并在此基础上提出了一些建议与措施。为了掌握一手的动机资料,本研究 以问卷与访谈为手段,对石家庄六中 200 名高中美术艺术生进行了问卷调查和访 谈。和其他学校的学生相比,艺术学生的外语学习动机有其特殊性和差异性,具 体如下: 1.在面对面的访谈当中,笔者发现: 1)大多数同学持有的都是工具性动机,学习英语的唯一目的就是想通过考 试,继而找到好的工作,所以他们只在乎学习的结果而忽略了学习的过程。 2)一些同学害怕考试带来的失败,他们对

4、英语学习感到无望,甚至选择放 弃。 VII3)一些同学厌倦英语,主要原因是厌倦老师,厌倦他们的不恰当的教学方 法和不不严谨的教学态度。 4)也有一些同学,他们虽然喜欢英语,但他们不得不花费大量的时间在美 术专业上,所以对于他们来说没有足够的时间来学英语。 5)教材难度大也是造成学生英语学习动机低的原因之一。 2.在问卷调查中,笔者发现,影响学生学习动机最强的因素是教师的教学水 平,其次是学生的内在需求,尤其是对学习的热爱,再次是对未来工作的向往形 成的动机,最后是来自同龄人的竞争或赢得对手的尊敬等等。 从调查中笔者了解到艺术生英语学习动机低的原因:缺乏自信心,缺乏明确 的目标,在专业和英语学科

5、时间分配上不合理,学习方法不科学等。 最后,笔者结合调查的结果提出一些建议: 1.课堂上保持幽默;2.对学生要有 高期待;3.建立良好的师生关系;4.给学生及时的反馈;5.激发学生的学习兴趣;6.帮 助学生树立自信,提高自尊;7.帮助学生建立合理的目标;8.改革教学方法;9.选择合 适的教材等。 关键词:高中艺术生 学习动机 英语学习 VIIIAbstract Given motivation, anyone can learn a language. (Skehan, 1989:49) Motivation is an important element that affects stude

6、nts learning experiences and it is considered by many researchers to be one of the main determining factors of success in developing a foreign language. It has been widely accepted that motivation determines the extent of the effort to learn a new language and personal involvement in learning the fo

7、reign language. It is definitely pointed out in the New English Curriculum Standards that linguistic knowledge, language skills, learning strategies, affected attitude all have a great effect on students learning result. Affected attitude includes interest, motivation, self-confidence, perseverance

8、and cooperative spirit. If asked to list the most effective factor effecting language learning, almost all the teachers will choose motivation to be the first important factor. Since 1960s, numerous researchers have done researches on students learning motivation in English as a foreign language, am

9、ong whom Gardner and Lambert are the most famous ones. Since the 1970s, the interest in foreign language teaching has changed from teachers teaching into students learning. The research on foreign language learning motivation is just one of the important signs of this turn. In order to train qualifi

10、ed arts personnel for our country, it is very important and significant for art students to improve the motivation and activeness in their foreign language learning. Recent years in China, there have appeared researches on students learning motivation, but English learning motivation of senior art s

11、tudents is seldom discussed. In the process of teaching English, teachers are always hunted by the following problems: No matter how hard they try, there is not much response from art students. They are very passive in learning English, and of course they have no interest in learning, so for them le

12、arning English has become a big burden. Their learning motivation in English is low. Therefore it has become an urgent task for senior middle-school teachers to initiate students English learning motivation. IVOn the basis of theories and researches in the field, with a combination of questionnaire

13、and interview, the author carried out an investigation to make some deep study of art students and some proper measures have been put forward for further development. The research makes an investigation of the learning motivation among 200 students majored in painting in No6.Middle School in Shi Jia

14、zhuang city by questionnaires and semi-open interviews in order to get the true picture of the arts students learning motivation. According to the investigation, the author finds that: 1. In the face-to-face interview with the students, the author finds that: 1) Most students obviously own instrumen

15、tal motivation, with the only purpose of passing exams and getting good jobs by learning foreign language, so they care less about learning process, they only care about learning result. 2) Some students are afraid of exam failures, so they are hopeless towards English and some of them even choose t

16、o give it up. 3) Some students are tired of English because they are bored with their English teacher, especially their improper teaching methods and teaching attitude. 4) There are also some students who spend much of their time on their major in painting, so they have not enough time in learning E

17、nglish even they like it. 5) The difficult teaching material is one of the main reasons why art students have lower motivation. From the interview the author knows the reason why art students have lower motivation: lack of self-confidence, lack of clear objective, improper distribution of time and e

18、nergy between arts study and language learning, improper learning strategies and so on. 2. The results of the questionnaires show that the quality of teaching is the strongest motivator; the second strongest is the love of learning for its own sake (intrinsic motivation), value of good grades toward

19、s job ranks third. The lowest motivators were competition with peers in the same course, peer respect, and uncaring instructor attitude. Finally the author makes some suggestions by combining the survey result. The Vteaching strategies are as follows: 1.using humor in the classroom; 2.showing high e

20、xpectations to the students; 3. building up a good relationship between teachers and students; 4.giving possible feedback to students timely; 5.motivating their interests; 6.Helping students build up self-confidence and self-esteem; 7. helping students set up proper goals; 8. reforming teaching meth

21、ods; 9. choosing suitable teaching materials, etc. Key words: senior art students learning motivation English learning VI学位论文原创性声明 本人所提交的学位论文A Study on English Learning Motivation of Senior Art Students,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的原创性成果。 除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰 写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中标

22、明。 本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 论文作者(签名): 指导教师确认(签名): 2010 年 月 日 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解河北师范大学有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构 送交学位论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权河北师范大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩 印或其它复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在 年解密后适用本授权书) 论文作者(签名): 指导教师(签名): 2010 年 6 月 13 日 年 月 日 IIIChapter One Introduction Dont give your

23、students fish, but teach them how to fish, this famous saying is also true in language teaching. But how do English teachers make the students become more interested and motivated in English learning, especially art students? And how do they maintain their interests and motivation when English is no

24、t seem as important as their major arts other than to pass the entrance examinations? Whats more, leaning English is rather difficult and boring for them. This thesis, based on personal observation, focuses on some aspects of motivation, as well as how teachers of English in art schools can apply it

25、 to art students. The aim of this thesis is to discuss how motivation in the classroom can help art students develop their potentials and make them learn English effectively. 1.1 Background of the Study English learning is a complex process, and English learners have to learn its pronunciation, voca

26、bulary and grammar, but also its rich culture. Some learners can learn it easily and quickly, while others not. There are many factors that affect English learning, such as learners motivation, aptitude, character, intelligence, and other components. According to Jakobvits research, he claims that t

27、he main factor influencing English learning, motivation takes up33%, talent33%, intelligence20%, others14%. From this, conclusions can be drawn that motivation plays an important part in language learning. But it is not easy for Chinese students to learn English, especially for art students. There a

28、re two reasons why senior students major in art. One is that they are interested in art, and they love it and want to devote themselves to art study. But the other reason is that some of them cant be admitted by other schools because of their low marks. So they choose art, because the required grade

29、s are low. So students of this kind lack self-confidence, they often feel disappointed in studying English. The low marks convince them to think that their attempting to change the situation is useless. So they are bored with English lessons. Sometimes they are absent from class and indifferent to a

30、ll the activities in an English course. They lack motivation to learn anything. So the problem of teaching art 1school students effectively always hunts English teachers. 1.2 Significance of the Study In the past few decades, English teachers have adopted a variety of language teaching methodologies

31、. Such as Audio-lingual Language Method, Grammar Translation Method, Community Language Learning, Total Physical Response, and Task-based Learning. However, every method has its own advantages and disadvantages. When they are used properly, they will be good to the students, but if they are used mec

32、hanically, the teaching will be less efficient. Regardless of these methods, motivation plays the important role in foreign language teaching. No matter what methods educators carry out, the purpose is to stimulate the students motivation in English learning. If a student is motivated enough, she or

33、 he can overcome any difficulties s/he meets in study. Lack of motivation is perhaps the biggest obstacle of art students faced by teachers. Compared with science students, art students often have lower motivation in English. The motivation type of art students is the same as non-art students, that

34、is, the main motivation is instrumental motivation. However, there are great differences between art students and non-art students on motivational intensity, with the motivational intensity of art students much lower than that of science students, therefore the motivation of art students needs to be

35、 stimulated. So the problem for many teachers in art schools is how to develop genuine interest among arts students to continue to learn and use English once the examination is over. 1.3 The Importance of the Study It is definitely pointed out in the New English Curriculum Standards that linguistic

36、knowledge, language skills, learning strategies, affected attitude all have a great effect on students learning result. Affected attitude includes interest, motivation, self-confidence, perseverance and cooperative spirit. If asked to list the most effective factor effecting language learning, almos

37、t all the teachers will choose motivation to be the first important factor 2Motivation is one of the main factors that effect language learning, and this is why teachers of foreign language have always tried to find new approaches or strategies to adopt them in the classroom. Motivation provides the

38、 primary impetus to initiate learning foreign language and later the driving force to keep the long and often tedious learning process. Without sufficient motivation, even persons with high abilities cannot reach long-term goals. At the same time, high motivation can make up for considerable deficie

39、ncies both in ones language aptitude and learning conditions. The process of learning English is just like a man eating something. If he has no desire to eat, and others just force him to, he is sure not to eat it. Even if he has eaten it, how can he absorb it? This is the same with the English lear

40、ning. If the teacher and the parents force the student to learn and he himself has no desire or interest for it, he cant learn it well, and also he cant absorb it. Without a personal desire to learn, real learning cant take place.( Wang Dong, 1996). So as a teacher, the most important thing is how t

41、o increase students motivation especially the arts students low motivation. 3Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Definitions of Learning Motivation Motivation is defined in a variety of ways by different researchers, but they seem to agree that motivation refers to the forces that act on (outside) or

42、within (biological or intrinsic) an organism to initiate and direct behavior. The word derives from the Latin movere to move. In plain language, motivation is what gets you going, keeps you doing, and determines where you are going to do and Zoltan Dornyei (2005:8) describes it like this: The choice

43、 of a particular action, The persistence with it, The effort expended on it. In other words, motivation is described as Why people decide to do something, How long they are willing to sustain the activity, How hard they are going to pursue it. Up to now, former researchers have given a variety of re

44、asonable complex explanations and different people have used it in different ways. Wen Qiufang describes that the English motivation can be understood to be the reason and purpose of learning English (1996:174). He and Zhaoxiong and Mei Deming consider motivation as the learners overall goal. Johnso

45、n believes that motivation or orientation(1999:280) is a drive directed towards a goal (1999:146). Ellis R (1994:715) refers to motivation as effort which learners put into learning a second language as a result of their need or desire to learn it. Someone defines motivation by combining the two fac

46、tors goal and effort together. For instance, According to Keller J M (1983:389), motivation can be described as the choices that people make as to what experiences or goals they will approach or avoid, and the degree of effort they will exert in that respect. Williams &Burden make the definition of

47、motivation from the constructivist 4perspective. Motivation may be regarded as a state a cognitive and emotion arousal, which leads to a conscious decision to act. And it gives rise to a period of sustained intellectual and/or physical effort in order to attain a previously set goal (or goals). (Wil

48、liams &Burden 1997:120) Gardner (1985) makes the definition of motivation as the extent to which an individual works or strives to learn the language because of having a desire to do so and the satisfaction got in this activity. Gardner points out that motivation is the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language p


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