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1、西峡 重阳一中 谢寒英,Unit4 Topic3,SectionC,Teaching aims and demands,Learn more knowledge about Mars.Improve students reading ability.Foster students active attitude towards science and explore in the field of science Positively.,It is reported that China plans to take part in an international flight to expl

2、ore Mars.,What do you know about Mars ?,What does it look like?,这是两张火星图片,你可以选择不同尺寸观看。,卫星图片处理而成的火星地形图,下面两张图片是火星东西两半球的景象,太阳,Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilometers.,The temperature on Mars is between -140 and 20 ,-140 :,minus one hundred and forty degrees Celsius,minus o

3、ne hundred and forty degrees centigrade,one hundred and forty degrees centigrade below,-数字 :minus +数字+degrees Celsius/degrees centigrade 数字+degrees Celsius/degrees centigrade+below,Mars is a quarter as big as the earth.,这幢新楼比那幢旧楼大四倍。,The new building is _ as big as the old one,The earth is four time

4、s as big as Mars,The old building is _as big as the new one.,four times,a quarter,Can you tell which planet is Mars?,It is bright red in the night sky,Can you tell which planet is Mars?,It looks like a red and orange ball,During spring and summer,strong storms can cover the whole surface of Mars.,Th

5、e gravity on the surface of Mars is about _ as strong as it is on the earth,one third,A person _weighs only 30 kilos on Mars.,who weighs 90 kilos on the earth,重力,引力,地心引力,Why cant we live on Mars?,The air on Mars has only 0.13% oxygen.,氧气,zero point one three/thirteen percent,It takes a spaceship fro

6、m earth about _to reach Mars when the two planets are closest each other.,eight months,How long does it take a spaceship from earth to reach Mars?,1 Whats reported ?2 What does Mars look like ?3 Whats the weather like on Mars?,据报道:It is reported that ,据说:,It is said that,据报道那个人死于车祸,It is reported th

7、at the man died in a car accident.,Its diameter is 53% as long as that of the earth.,它的直径是地球直径的百分之十三。,a quarter as big as:相当于的四分之一大,Toms room is a quarter as big as the room.,汤姆的房间是这个房间的四分之一.,two times as long as 像两倍一样长.,Sangu Bridge is two times as long as Chengdong Bridge.,三姑桥是城东桥的两倍,one third as

8、strong as 相当.的三分之一强度,flight,fly,flew,flown,at /from the distance of :相隔,在五英哩远的地方,你会看到那座大房子,You can see the big house at(或from) a distance of five miles.,这幅画从远处看很美。,The picture looks beautiful at (或 from) a distance.,Read 1a again and finish 1b,Read 1a again and find out information about Mars.,Color

9、 :_,Shape:_,Climate:_ _,Distance from the sun:_,Its red and orange,It looks like a ball.,During spring and summer, strong storms can cover the whole surface of Mars.The temperature on Mars is between -140 and 20 ,Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilomaters.,Retell the pass

10、age according to the key words,Mars,fourth,named,diameter,a distance of,tell,because,bright red,ball,storms,gravity,temperature ,oxtgen,eight months,cloest,searching for,Mars,the_planet of the solar system,goes around the sun at a _of about 228 million kilometers.Its_is 53%as wide as that of the ear

11、th.it looks like a_and _ball.It is very beautiful. But during _and _,strong_can cover the whole_of Mars.The gravity on the surface of it is about _as _as_it is on earth.,Listen to the tape,answer the following questions.,Who is this email from and to? How long did it take them to get there? Did ever

12、ything go well during the journey?,1.Theres a _(|风暴) coming on .Wed better go home .2. Put the stone _ _ _ _相隔)20metres from the door.3_ _(三分之一)of the leaves of the tree have turned yellow. 4.-Is Mars bigger than the earth ? -No.Its about _the earth.A as big as B as bigger as C the same big as D a q

13、uarter as big as 5. What time will you _Nanning ? -At 6 oclock next morning . A reach to B get C arrive D reach,storm,at a distance of,One third,D,D,What did you learn in this class?,Its reported that,倍数的表示:倍数+as+形容词或副词原级+as,at a distance of 相隔。,Homework. Suppose you are an astronaut and have just come back from Mars.Please write a report about the living conditions in the spacsship and the information about Mars,including its color,shape,climate,distance from the sun.,


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