七年级英语上册 Module 6 An invitation to the cinema学案 外研版.doc

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1、六十五中学 初二英语学案 Module 6 An invitation to the cinema学习目标: 1.学会向别人发出邀请;对邀请做出反应:提出建议 2.学习电子邮件的写作方式,掌握时间地点的表达方法。 过程和方法:1.问题、分层、活动结合。 2.教师引导、小组讨论。 情感态度价值观:在英语交流中,要礼貌,尊重对方。请同学们根据学习目标参照教材完成学案。 Unit 1 Would you like to go to the cinema?一. 写出一星期七天。 1.星期日 2.星期一 3.星期二 4.星期三 5.星期四 6.星期五 7.星期六 二. 翻译下列词组。 1.在上午 2.

2、在下午_ 3.在晚上_ 4. 去电影院_ 5.在星期日 _ 6. 一场足球比赛_ 三. 根据汉语意思填写单词。1. Who is your favourite _(明星)?2. Would you like to go to the _(电影院).3. Their basketball_(队) is very good.4. There is a _(体育馆) in our school.5. Lets go (和一起)Lingling。四. 翻译下列各句1.你愿意去电影院吗?_ you_to the ?2.那是个好主意?_is a _ _ .3.他是我最喜欢的电影明星?_is my _ _

3、_ _.4.让我们晚上去吧! .Unit 2 Lets go to the cinema on Friday一. 根据中文写出英文单词。 1.电影院 2. 邀请(名词) 3.愿意 4.电影 5.体育馆 6.比赛 7.明星_ 8.队伍_ 9.魔术_ 10.表演_ _ 11.和一起_ 12.想法_ _ 二. 根据汉语意思填写单词。 1.There is a _ _ (魔术表演)on Tuesday.2.The_(影剧院) is over there.3.We have a _(钢琴) lesson today.4.There is a good film at New Times_(电影院).5.

4、There is a _(游泳)lesson on Friday.三. 用“be”动词的正确形式填空。1.Where _ the football match?2.Where _ the Taijiquan class?3.When_ the table tennis match?4.How _ you?5.Where_ Daming and Li Ping?四. 连词成句.(注意大小写于标点)1. the, when, show, is, magic _2. the, match, football, is, when_3. you, like, to, to, come, would, h

5、ome, my _4. today, is, swimming, there, lesson, a _5. on, Friday, us, to, let, go, cinema, the _Unit 3 Language in use一. 根据中文写出英文单词。 1.白天 2.地点 3.来 4.价格 5.今天 6.剧院 7.停留_ 8.问_ 9.游戏_ 10.游泳_ 11.计划_ 12.操场_二. 选用“Would you like” 或“Lets”填空. 1._to go to the table tennis match? 2._stay at schoool.3._to play th

6、e piano?4._play football.5._some milk?6._go to the cinema.三. 根据汉语意思填写单词。 1.Would you like to ge to the _(电影院)with Lily.2.Lets go there in the _(下午).3._(星期日)is the first day of a week.4.Lets_(邀请)Tony to my home on Tuesday.5.There is a basketball match on the_(操场).6.Whats the_(价格)of the film?7.We havent got a swimming class on _(星期五).8.Thats a great_(主意).9.Lets play_(足球).10. Lets play_(篮球).


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