七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit精品学案 牛津译林版.doc

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1、七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit精品学案 牛津译林版课题7A Unit 4 Food (comic strip & Welcome to the Unit)学习目标知识目标学习了解不同种类食物的名称能力目标能讨论自己喜欢与不喜欢的食物;学习如何表达个人喜好情感目标培养学生对同一事物要有不同看法学习重点如何鼓励学生自由表达自己对不同食物的喜好学习难点如何引导学生讨论自己喜欢与不喜欢的食物;表达个人喜好课前自学一、 自主学习:阅读P58对话1.回答:What is Eddies favourite activity?_2.听

2、P58对话,判断正误:(1) Its time for breakfast ( )(2)Eddie wants to have a hamburger ( )(3) Eddie often exercises ( )(4) Hobo is always hungry ( )(5) Eddie walks to his bowl many times a day ( )3.思考:Do you think walking to the bowl many times a day is a kind of exerxcise? _二、 自主学习P59的内容1.小组合作:what food do yo

3、u know? write down ( in english):_2.组内交流,就你们已列的食物进行互相交流(注意like ,love ,dislike ,hate的使用):Eg: A: What food do you like? B: I like.A: Do you like B: No, I dislike/Yes, I like/loveWhat about you?A: I like its healthy. I dont like What about you? B: I hate/I love3收集这些知识点的讲解并把你收集的信息记下来:need_never_time_exe

4、rcise_ walk to my bowl(同义句)_Its lunchtime(同义句)_;4准备食物的图片或实物。课堂交流展示一、学习comic strip部分1、听录音,判断比赛(小组代表到各自黑板上写答案),然后核对答案同时纠正错句T/F:(1)Its time for breakfast ( ) (2)Eddie wants to have a hamburger( ) (3)Eddie often exercises ( ) (4)Hobo is always hungry( ) (5)Eddie walks to his bowl many times2、对话朗读,理解句意。3

5、、讨论学习,现在我又知道语言点: _4、对话角色扮演比赛(可以添加修改原对话内容)。5、讨论:Do you think walking to the bowl many times a day is a kind of exerxcise? _ 二、学习 Welcome to the Unit部分1、说出尽可能多的有关食物的单词,并若有图片或实物可以同时展现2、完成P59 Part A 的表格。3、学习P59 Part B部分Millie 和Daniel的对话。然后完成下面练习(一空一词):Millie likes _,_ and _. She dislikes_.Daniel likes _

6、.He dislikes_. He hates_.4、分组比赛,编演对话“自主学习二.2”5、讨论:如何成为一个健康的人?总结:Healthy eating + healthy lifestyle + happy every day = healthy you课堂达标检测一、给这些食物分类.hamburger, chicken , fish , apples, orange, vegetables, cakes,eggs, mooncakes , milk , carrots , chocolate , tomatoes, pork , beef, riceVegetables:_Fruit:

7、_Meat:_Drink:_others:_二、翻译下列句子.(一空一词).1.你喜欢什么食物? What_ _ _ _?2.我不喜欢打篮球,你呢? I_like_ _. _ _ _?3.是上学的时候了. Its _ _school.4. 我们把课文读了三遍. We read the text_ _.5.他从来都不需要许多能量。He _ _a lot of _.学习感悟:7A Unit 4 Food (comic strip & Welcome to the Unit)课前自学一、 自主学习:阅读P58对话1.walk to his bowl many times a day2. 课堂交流展示

8、二、 学习 Welcome to the Unit部分3. bananas ,carrots , fish, eggs , hamburgers , carrots , eggs课堂达标检测一、 给这些食物分类.Vegetables: carrots ,tomatoes ,vegetables Fruit: apples, orange Meat: chicken , fish ,pork , beefDrink: milk others:hamburger, cakes,eggs, mooncakes , chocolate , rice二、翻译下列句子.(一空一词).1.food do you like 2. dont playing basketball what about you3. time for 4. three times 5. never needs ,energy


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