七年级英语下册 Unit12 section b 学案人教版.doc

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1、 七年级英语下 Unit12 学案 教学目标:1.词汇:by, wash, later, the Childrens Palace, no talking, be in bed, on school nights, too many/much2.句型:a. I have to be in the bed by ten oclockb. I have never have any funcNo +doing/名词=dont +V原3.学会谈论校规、家规、及其他学生熟悉场合的规定。教学重点: 1.祈使句的运用。2.正确描述熟悉场合的规定。教学过程:一、 一、温故知新Look at the pict

2、ures. What rules are these students breaking? (违反)For example: Dont run in the hallways.二、 二、学习新知识点 too many+可数名词复数 hang out闲逛, 和朋友在一起 too much +不可数名词 later make his bed (铺床) after school by+时间 be in bed =go to bed wash make dinner help sb do sth go to +地点+to do sth句型:I have to be in bed by ten oclo

3、ck.I never have any fun. on school nights. hang out闲逛, 和朋友在一起三、 合作交流 What are Liu Xings family rules? What does he have to do at home?Do it like this: A: What does he have to do at home?get up early at 5:30 every morninghelp mom make dinner.go to the Childrens Palace to learn Englishwash clothes on

4、weekendsclean the roombe in bed by 9:30make the beddo his homework after schoolB: He has to四、 听力理解What are the rules for Emily and Dave?RulesEmilyDave4Dont watch TV after school1Dont go out on school nights2Do your homework after school.3Practice your guitar every day.五、随堂学练考同学们,通过做笔头练习,检查一下自己掌握的情况。

5、加油! Come on!(一)、写单词1.Dont forget to _(洗)hands before meals.2. Two days _(以后),he found his lost bike.3.-Mum, can I go out to play this evening? -Of course. But you must come back _(不迟于)9:50.4. Did you go to _ _ _(少年宫)last weekend?5. You must not break the_ (规定) (二)、单选1.There is _ food in the fridge.A

6、. too many B. too much C. Much too D. many too 2.There are _ trees in our school.A. too B. many too C. too many D. much 3. - June looks unhappy, whats wrong? - She cant watch TV _ school nights.A. in B. at C. on D.4. Dont _bed _10 oclock. A. go; at B. in; by C. be in; by D. go in; at 5. Do you have

7、to finish your homework _ 10:00?A. for B. on C. in D. by(三)、句型转换1.Peter must go to bed by eleven(改为同义句)(1)Peter must _ _ bed by eleven.(2) Peter _ _ go to bed by eleven.六、阅读理解 Please read the letter and list the rules in Zhao Peis house.1get up at 6 oclock2345678七、小练笔write down the family rules for

8、you1. cant go to the net bar_2._3._4._cant go to the net bar(网吧)get up early on school mornings.help in the housestudy hard at all the subjects.do your homework after schoolClean your roomwash your hands before mealsgo to bed by 10:00 on school nights5._6._ For example:Dont play outside too late.Can

9、t talk on the phone for too longCan/cant watch TV on. Can/cant play computer on wash clothes by yourself.visit your friends at weekendscan go outside on Saturday nights八、小组合作交流(当一名小记者,去采访同学们对家规的感受)Discuss:1. Who made so many rules for you ?2. Why did they make them?3. What do you think of them ?提示:你

10、在表达中可能用到的词汇 want us to be good love study well grow up (长大) dont like /cant stand /don mind hope to do things in our way(希望以自己的方式做事) should respect each other(应互相尊敬)九、学习新知识点这些标志用英语怎么说 No talking!=Dont talk loudly 十、定规矩the rules for the dining hall1. the rules for the public places (公共场合)

11、the rules for Computer Lab1. 十一、随堂学练考同学们,通过做笔头练习,检查一下自己掌握的情况。加油! Come on!1.在上学的晚上_ 2.太多规定_3.卧床_ 4.放学后_5.做晚饭_ 6.洗衣服_7. 少年宫_ 8.不迟于10点_(五)、句型转换1.No photos here.(改为同义句)_ _any photos here.2.Dont talk loudly. (改为同义句)_ _.3.Dont take photos. (改为同义句)_ _.(六)、完成对话A: Do you have a library at school?B: Y

12、es, we do. And we have _ for school library.A: What are they?B: We have to keep _in the library. We have put our umbrella _ the library. We cant talk, _or _the music in it.课后作业一. 词组互译: 1. 在课上_ 2. 禁止谈话_ 3. 穿校服_ 4. 在外面吃东西 5. 在走廊上_ 6. arrive late for class_ 7. on school nights _ 8. wash my clothes _ 9.

13、 take the dog for a walk_ 10. too many rules _二. 选择填空:( )1. Stop _. Listen _ me, please. A. talk, to B. to talk, at C. talking, to D. talking, at ( )2. We cant go _ the classroom without the teacher. A. in B. to C. into D. to in ( )3. _ we eat in the cafeteria? Yes, we _. A. Do, do B. Can, do C. Do,

14、 can D. Can, can ( )4. We have _ school uniforms in school. A. wear B. to wear C. wears D. wearing ( )5. Tom has to wear sneakers _ gym class. A. to B. by C. for D. with( )6. Dont _ loudly in the classroom. A. talk B. talks C. talking D. to talk ( )7. We _ hang out after school, but our parents dont

15、 agree with us. A. can B. cant C. want D. want to ( )8. _ you like watching TV at night? A. Do B. Dont C. Can D. Cant( )9. Tom, you _ finish your homework today. Tomorrow well be busy out. A. have to B. has to C. can D. cant( )10. There are _ rules here and there. A. too B. many too C. too many D. m

16、uch ( )11. Ann _ get home at five in the afternoon. A. have B. has C. have to D. has to ( )12. _ TV too much is bad. A. Watch B. Watches C. Watching D. Watched三. 连词成句:1. he, be, bed, has, in, by, oclock, to ,ten. _2. students, classroom, the, eat, in, cant, the. _3. Tom, of, the, does, think, rules,

17、 what?_四. 选词填空outside, listen to, dont, without, arrive, eat 1. We can _ in the cafeteria. 2. They cant have lunch _. 3. Students cant _ late to class. 4. _ wear a hat in class. 5. We can _ music in the music room. 五. 任务型阅读(A) Dear students, The following rules are for lives and work in Belleybys Sc

18、hool. Please read them carefully. 1. Stand up when a teacher or a visitor goes into the room. 2. You must be in the classroom or other study places during lesson time. 3. Arrive in time for the start of each lesson with the things you need so that you are ready to start work. 4. Wear smart, clean cl

19、othing. Hair must be clean and tidy; extreme colors and styles are not allowed. Long hair must be tied back neatly. 5. Do not leave school if you are not allowed. 6. Food and drink must not be taken out from the dining room. 7. All medicines must be given by the school doctor. 8. Radios and personal

20、 computers may only be used in dormitory houses where the house rules allow. They are not allowed in classes or in the library. 1. Can the students go outside the school on Wednesday? 2. What are the students asked to go to class on time for? 3. Where must the students have their lunch and supper? 4. Where can the students use their personal computers? 5. What should the students do when a teacher or a visitor goes into the room?七. 写作 : 在你们家,父母给你制定的规定公平吗?你有过快乐的时光吗?写出你要遵守的规定,并以书信的形式描述出来 Yours rules 1 2 3 4 5Dear_ , _


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