七年级英语下册 unit2 Where'sthepostofficeSectionB学案 人教新目标版.doc

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1、Unit2 Wheres the post office ?SectionB(1a3b) 第三课时学习目标 1. 重点词汇: hotel, bank, park, street, pay phone, new, clean, quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busy,2.重点句子: Is there a big supermarket near here ? Turn left on First Avenue and enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks. there is a small house with

2、 an interesting garden. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.自主学习1. 写出反义词old_ clean_ quiet_ big_ 2.英汉互译 1 )一个清洁的公园 _- 2)一个新旅馆 _ 3)一条安静的街道 _ 4)一个大超市_ 5)一个有趣的公园_6)公园之旅的开始_7)agoodplacetohavefun_ 8)take a walk_合作探究 1。复习几组反义词,展示教学挂图 Section B 1a 的内容,学生用刚刚复习过的几组反义词对挂图进行描述;完成 1a 的要求。2.将1a运用于句型 Is ther

3、e a big supermarket near here ? 中做替换练或者现实情况进行会话练习。3.听录音,检验对 1a 的掌握。4.根据以下问题,默读Section B 3a 后再回答:1)Where is the park ?2)Is there an old hotel or a small hotel ?3)Where is it ?4)Is there a big house next to the hotel ?5.让学生默读3 b, 完成短文中的空格;老师检查其答案,学生齐读当堂检测一、单选题( )1. Is there a library? _. A. Yes, there

4、 is B. Yes, it is C. it isnt( )2. I have a house _a small beautiful garden. A. on B. to C. with( )3.Please look around. What can you see your right?A. inB. on C. at( )4.The park is across the supermarket. A. inB. onC. from( )5.We can buy some in the food market. A. breadB. baseballsC. clothes( )6. t

5、here a bank along the street? A. IsB. AreC. Am( )7.The pay phone is the post office and the library.A. inB. betweenC. near( )8.The girl next _ Nancy is talking to her in English.A. at B. inC. to( )9.Where is _ post office?A. aB. theC. an ( )10.Go _ the street and then turn right _ Bridge Street.A. a

6、long; on B. down; at C. straight; on 二选词填空。 to through beginning from is left with to enjoyWelcome the Garden District. Turn on Fist Avenue and the citys quiet streets and small parks. Take a walk the park on Center Avenue. Across the park an old hotel. Next the hotel is a small house an interesting

7、 garden. This is the of the garden tour.颍阳一中 七年级英语下册学案 编制:张晓娟 审核 : 编号 Class:_ Name :_Group:_ 等级_Unit2 Wheres the post office ?SectionB(Self-check) 第四课时学习目标: 1.熟练掌握本节课单词。2.能够正确的问路、指路。自主学习: 翻译下列短语1 到达 _ 2 去的路 _ 3乘出租车_4 经过一个银行 _ 5在你的左边_ 6一次愉快的旅行_当堂检测 ( )1. Welcome _ our new house.A at B to C for D from

8、( )2 New Years Day is the _ of the year.A begin B beginner C beginning D beginning( )3 Go straight_ this street and turn left.A from B to C down D on ( )4 Theyre arriving _ Tokyo next Sunday.A at B from C / D in( )5 Take a walk _ the park A across B cross C through D to( )6 Let me tell you the way _

9、 the airport.A to B on C in D at( )7 I hope you _ a good time. A to have B have C has D having( )8 You can buy some food _ youre hungry.A. and B. if C. but D. so( )9 The boys enjoy _ soccer ball very much.A. to play B. plays C. playing D. play( )10 Our classroom is Class 2. A. on the right B. on the

10、 right of C. in the right D. in the right of( )11. There _ some broccoli, two eggs and some apples for lunch. A. are B. is C. have D. has( )12. Is there _ in the box?A. some orange B. any oranges C. some oranges D. any orange根据对话内容及首字母,完成对话。A: E_ me, Is there a hotel in the n_ ?B: Yes, just go s_ and t_ left, Its d_ the new street o_ the right. Its next t_ a bank.A: Is it n_ here?B: Yes. Its about ten minutes(分钟) w_ .A: T_ very much.根据下面的介绍,描述怎样从迎宾宾馆到张先生们的家.从迎宾宾馆乘三路公共汽车,在左边经过一家邮局,然后沿着中心大街走,再经过红旗路、胜利路。当你见到一家电子游戏厅时,向右拐。再沿天桥街走,张先生的家就在你的左边。词汇: 张先生Mr. Zhang 三路公共汽车No. 3 Bus_


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