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1、2007-2011五年全国各地中考化学试题分类汇编第六单元碳和碳的氧化物(最新五年中考)2007-2011年中考化学试题分类汇编 第六单元碳和碳的氧化物 2011中考化学试题汇编第六单元碳和碳的氧化物 1(2011.娄底市)我国古代一些书法家、画家用墨(用炭黑等制成)书写或绘制的字画能够保存很长时间而不变色,这是因为单质碳具有 ( ) A(可燃性 B(还原性 C(在常温下,化学性质不活泼 D(吸附性 2.(2011.重庆市)下列有关碳和碳的氧化物的说法不正确的是 ( ) A. C可以将CuO 中的Cu 置换出来 B. 在一定条件下CO 能够转变成CO 2C. CO 能使被石蕊染成紫色的干花变红

2、 D. 金刚石、石墨和C都是碳元素的单质 2603.(2011(烟台市)“低碳生活”倡导我们在生活中所耗用的能量、材料要尽量减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放量。下列做法不符合“低碳生活”理念的是 ( ) A.教科书循环使用 B.多用电子邮箱、QQ等即时通讯工具 C.夏天为了更凉快,把室内空调温度设置到很低 D.提倡乘坐公共交通工具、骑自行车或步行等出行方式 4.(2011(湛江市)“节能减排,低碳生活”的主题旨在倡导节约能源和利用清洁能源,减少温室气体二氧化碳的排放。下列措施中符合该主题的是 ( ) A. 焚烧废旧塑料解决“白色污染” B. 多用煤发电少用风力发电 C. 把还未用完的作业本烧掉 D

3、. 减少使用私家车次数、多乘公交车或骑自行车 5.(2011.内江市“低碳生活”是指减少能源消耗、节约资源,从而降低二氧化碳排放的一种时尚生活方式。下列不符合“低碳生活”这一主题的做法是 A. 用布袋代替一次性塑料袋购物 B. 使用节能灯泡,提倡节约用电 C(大力发展风能,减少火力发电 D. 增加私家车用量,提高生活质量 6.(2011.百色市)下列说法中,正确的是 ( ) A. 金刚石、石墨都是由碳原子构成的,都很硬 B. 单质碳具有还原性 C. 用活性碳可除去硬水中的氯化钙杂质 D. 木炭燃烧时吸收大量的热 7(2011(苏州市)实验室制备二氧化碳气体的常用方法是 ( ) A(煅烧石灰石

4、B(点燃木炭 C(用石灰石与稀盐酸反应 D(碳酸分解 8(2011(苏州市)下列有关“固液反应,不需加热”的气体发生装置合理的是 ( )D alternate, picked out aquatic debris weighed (accurate to 0.5 g), quality value is the inclusion of content. 1 step five, sediment impurities extract Laminaria weighing. Then by using a stiff brush or nylon brush to brush the leav

5、es attached to the sand, impurity, so far to no significant sediment, cut off no net addition of kelp, and then brush of impurities such as sand, seaweed and weighing under. Use weighing apparatus measuring range 10 kg (index value must be greater than 5 g) scale.cdAcid, shake carefully 5min, began

6、to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation ap

7、paratus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of

8、 potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and d

9、ilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and9(2011(宿迁市)在实验操作考查中,小明抽到的题目是“二氧化碳的制取、收集和验满”。下图是他的主要实验步骤,其中操作有误的是 ( ) D (10(2011(苏州市)下列有关物质的检验方法和结论都合理的是 ( ) A(加入稀盐酸,有无色气体产生的物质中一定含有碳酸盐 B(用燃着的木条伸入某气体中,火焰熄灭

10、,则该气体一定是二氧化碳 C(经点燃,产生蓝色火焰的气体不一定是一氧化碳 D(尝一下,有咸味的白色固体一定是食盐 11.(2011.百色市)关于一氧化碳和二氧化碳的叙述正确的是 ( ) A. 一氧化碳和二氧化碳均有可燃性 B.室内放一盆水能防止一氧化碳中毒 C. 一氧化碳具有还原性可用于冶炼金属 C.可用烧碱溶液鉴别二氧化碳气体 12.(2011(巢湖市)下列措施不符合世博会“节能、环保、低碳”理念的是 ( ) A(“阳光谷”上采阳光、下蓄雨水,可给世博园区提供照明用电和生活用水 B(主题馆的东、西两墙种植大面积的生态植物,以吸收二氧化碳 C(用煤发电,以保证充足的电力供应 D(在交通、建筑、

11、生活设施等方面广泛应用新能源技术,以减少化石燃料的使用 13.(2011.福州市)下列说法不符合“节能减排、低碳生活” 理念的是 ( ) A.大量植树造林,禁止乱砍滥伐 B.大量使用一次性塑料餐具 C.开发回收利用二氧化碳的新技术 D.开发和利用风能、太阳能等新能源 14.(2011.合肥市)据报道,化学家创造出对CO有较强吸收能力的糖粉状物质“干水”,2其每个颗粒含水95,,外层是SiO。下列说法正确的是 ( ) 2A.干水吸收的CO过程中只发生物理变化 B. 干水和干冰是同一种物质 2C.干水中的分子不再运动 D.干水是一种混合物 15.(2011(南通市)下列有关碳及其氧化物的说法错误的

12、是 ( ) A(C0与C0 可用澄清石灰水区分 B(C0具有还原性,可用于铁的冶炼 2C(C0的过多排放可导致酸雨的产生 D(金刚石和石墨结构中碳原子排列方式不同 2alternate, picked out aquatic debris weighed (accurate to 0.5 g), quality value is the inclusion of content. 1 step five, sediment impurities extract Laminaria weighing. Then by using a stiff brush or nylon brush to b

13、rush the leaves attached to the sand, impurity, so far to no significant sediment, cut off no net addition of kelp, and then brush of impurities such as sand, seaweed and weighing under. Use weighing apparatus measuring range 10 kg (index value must be greater than 5 g) scale.cdAcid, shake carefully

14、 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass di

15、stillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide:

16、 weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved

17、 sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and学而思网校 16.(2011(广州市)下列关于O和CO的说法正确的是 ( ) 22A(都含有氧元素 B(都是氧化物 C(都含有氧气分子 D(都能使带有火星的木条复燃 17.(2011.陕西省)节能减排、低碳出行是我们倡导的生活方式,“低碳”指的是尽量减少二氧化碳的排放。下列有关二氧

18、化碳的说法正确的是 ( ) A. 二氧化碳通人紫色石蕊溶液,溶液变为红色,说明二氧化碳具有酸性 B. 二氧化碳的过度排放会加剧温室效应,因此应禁止使用化石燃料 C. 二氧化碳和一氧化碳的组成元素相同,在一定条件下可以相互转化 D. 进入久未开启的菜窖之前,必须做灯火试验,是因为二氧化碳有毒 18.(2011.南充市)下列有关二氧化碳的检验、制备和用途能达到目的的是 ( ) A. 干冰用于人工降雨 B(二氧化碳气体通入紫色石蕊试液中,溶液变为蓝色 C(用块状石灰石和稀硫酸迅速制备大量二氧化碳 D(将燃着的木条伸入集气瓶,火焰立即熄灭,证明瓶内原有气体就是二氧化碳 19.(2011(广州市)下列说

19、法正确的是 ( ) A(CO能与血液中血红蛋白结合导致中毒 B(CO能溶于水生成酸 2C(用闻气味的方法能够区别CO和CO D( CO可以在O中燃烧 2220.(2011.无锡市)下列做法不符合“低碳环保”理念的是 ( ) A(为了节约用纸,两面使用草稿纸 B(为了QQ能够升级,长期把QQ挂在线上 C(为了节约用水,洗菜、淘米后的水用来浇花 D(为了提高资源利用率,分类回收废弃物 21.(2011(日照市)2010年诺贝尔物理奖授予发现石墨烯的开创性研究者。以石墨为原料,先制备氧化石墨, 再经过热还原制备石墨烯。石墨烯硬度大,导电性能好,有韧性,可弯曲。下列关于金刚石、石墨、C和石墨烯四种单质

20、的叙述错误的是 ( ) 60A(将石墨变成石墨烯发生了化学变化 B(四种物质碳原子的排列方式不同 C(四种物质完全燃烧后的产物都是CO D(石墨烯是一种新型的有机物 222.(2011(襄阳市)金刚石、石墨和C都是由碳元素组成的单质,下列说法正确的是:60( ) A(它们是同一种物质 B(它们碳原子的排列方式不同 C(它们的化学性质不同 D(它们的物理性质不同 23.(2011(南京市)下列有关说法错误的是 ( ) alternate, picked out aquatic debris weighed (accurate to 0.5 g), quality value is the inc

21、lusion of content. 1 step five, sediment impurities extract Laminaria weighing. Then by using a stiff brush or nylon brush to brush the leaves attached to the sand, impurity, so far to no significant sediment, cut off no net addition of kelp, and then brush of impurities such as sand, seaweed and we

22、ighing under. Use weighing apparatus measuring range 10 kg (index value must be greater than 5 g) scale.cdAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separ

23、atory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloro

24、acetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spect

25、rophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake andA.香烟的烟气中含有一氧化碳

26、 B.空气中二氧化碳增加可能导致酸雨增多 C. 白色污染的消除办法是将废弃塑料就地焚烧 D.二氧化碳、甲烷都是能产生温室效应的气体 24(2011.桂林市)下列关于一氧化碳和二氧化碳的说法正确的是 ( ) A(都比空气重 B(都可以用碳和氧气反应得到 C(都有还原性 D(都能和澄清石灰水发生反应 25.(2011.黄石市)“归纳与比较”是化学学习的主要方法,下列关于CO与CO的不同 2 点比较错误的是 ( ) A. 组成:一个二氧化碳分子比一个一氧化碳分子多一个氧原子 B. 性质:CO能溶于水,水溶液呈酸性;CO难溶于水,但能燃烧 2C. 用途:CO可用于光合作用、灭火等;CO可作气体燃料,还

27、可用于人工降雨 2D. 危害:CO会造成“温室效应”;CO易与血液中的血红蛋白结合引起中毒 226.(2011.广安市)科学研究发现:金星大气层的成分之一是三氧化二碳(CO),实验证明23三氧化二碳的化学性质与一氧化碳相似。下列关于三氧化二碳的说法中,不正确的是 ( ) A. CO能使澄清石灰水变浑浊 23B.CO在O中充分燃烧的产物为CO 2232C.CO在一定条件下能还原氧化铁 23D.CO中碳的化合价为,3价 2327.(2011.临沂市)下列分析判断正确的是 ( ) A(酸能够使紫色石蕊溶液变红,二氧化碳能使紫色石蕊溶液变红色,所以二氧化碳是酸 B(铁、铜都是金属单质,都能够置换出盐酸

28、、稀硫酸中的氢 C(氧化物中含有氧元素,但是含有氧元素的化合物不一定是氧化物 D(点燃的木条伸入某无色气体中会熄灭,证明该无色气体一定是二氧化碳。 28.(2011.桂林市)实验室制取二氧化碳可以选用的发生装置是 ( ) A B C D 29.(2011(苏州市)下列有关盛放某些气体的集气瓶,其摆放情况正确的是 ( )B alternate, picked out aquatic debris weighed (accurate to 0.5 g), quality value is the inclusion of content. 1 step five, sediment impurit

29、ies extract Laminaria weighing. Then by using a stiff brush or nylon brush to brush the leaves attached to the sand, impurity, so far to no significant sediment, cut off no net addition of kelp, and then brush of impurities such as sand, seaweed and weighing under. Use weighing apparatus measuring r

30、ange 10 kg (index value must be greater than 5 g) scale.cdAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and

31、 then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three ac

32、id 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g0 4

33、, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and学而思网校 30.(2011.咸宁市) 16.保护环境,提倡低碳生活,是我们应共同关注的社会问题。 (1)近几十年来大气中二

34、氧化碳含量在不断上升。目前有些城市的出租车已改用压缩天然气(CNG)作燃料,以减少对空气污染。天然气完全燃烧的化学方程式为 。 (2)请你举一例在日常生活中符合“低碳生活”的做法 。 (1) CH+2OCO+ 2HO 4222(2)双面使用纸张(及时关灯.步行或骑自行车上学等其他合理答案也可) 31.(2011.天津市)(6分)现有木炭、一氧化碳、氧化铜、氧化碳、稀硫酸五种物质,它们之间发生反应,可用“ A + B ? C + D ” 表示。 (1)若A为单质,A与B在高温下反应,可观察到固体粉末由黑色逐渐变红,则B是 ,其反应类型为 。 (2)若A为气体化合物,A与B在高温下反应,可观察到固

35、体粉末由红色逐渐变黑,则B是 。 (3)若A溶液PH,7,A与B在常温下反应,可观察到溶液由无色变为黄色,则A与B反应的化学方程式为 ,其反应类型为 (1)氧化铜 置换反应 (2)氧化铁 (3) 3HSO+ FeO,Fe(SO)+3HO 复分解反应 24 23243232.(2011(泸州市)在大自然中,CO与O能相互转换,以保持空气成分相对稳定。 22(1)空气中氧气的体积分数约为 ;大气中二氧化碳含量增多会导致 效应。 (2)植物通过光合作用,可将二氧化碳转化为氧气,光合作用的化学方程式为:6CO,2光6X,CHO,6O,则X的化学式为 。 61262,叶绿体(1)21% 温室 (2) H

36、O 233.(2011.广安市)(3分)右图是自然界碳的循环示意图,请据图分析后回答: ?自然界CO的来源途径有 (任2写一点); ?任何物质都有两面性,CO对人类的正面影响是促进植物2光合作用等,不利影响有 (任写一点); alternate, picked out aquatic debris weighed (accurate to 0.5 g), quality value is the inclusion of content. 1 step five, sediment impurities extract Laminaria weighing. Then by using a s

37、tiff brush or nylon brush to brush the leaves attached to the sand, impurity, so far to no significant sediment, cut off no net addition of kelp, and then brush of impurities such as sand, seaweed and weighing under. Use weighing apparatus measuring range 10 kg (index value must be greater than 5 g)

38、 scale.cdAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulf

39、ate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol sol

40、utions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g

41、sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and?人类降低空气中CO含量的研究有两个方向:一是减少CO排放,二是增加CO消222耗,请写出一条你能做到的消耗CO的方式或途径 。 2(1) 化石燃料燃烧(或动植物呼吸等,合理即可) (2)温室效应(或温室效应的具体表现等均

42、可) (3)植树造林(种草等均可) 34.(7分)Cu可以形成化台价为+2和+1的化合物。其中+1价化合物称为亚铜化合物。 (1)写出下列物质的化学式:氢氧化铜_,氧化亚铜_ (2)高温时,氧化铜可被木炭还原为铜,反应的化学方程式是_ (3)氧化亚铜是一种红色粉末。加热时,氧化亚铜能与氧气发生化合反应,反应的化学方程式是_;利用这一性质可检验氮气中是否含有氧气(装置如图所示),判断氮中含有氧气的现象是_。 CuO? Cu(OH)2? C,2CuO高温2Cu,CO,2? 红色粉末变成黑色 2CuO,O,4CuO2235.(2011.河南省)(3)甲、乙、丙、丁是初中化学常见的化合物,甲和乙中含有

43、碳元素,丙能做干燥剂。它们之间有如右图所示的转化关系(部分物质和反应条件已略去)。则甲的化学式为 ;丙转化为丁的化学力。程式为 。 (1)CO (2)C (3)CaCO CaO+HO,Ca(OH) 232 236.(2011.宜宾市)某化学课外兴趣小组探究氢气还原氧化铜的反应,有如下实验装置: (1)上述A装置可用于实验室制取氢气和二氧化碳,请分别写出实验室制取氢气和二氧化碳alternate, picked out aquatic debris weighed (accurate to 0.5 g), quality value is the inclusion of content. 1

44、step five, sediment impurities extract Laminaria weighing. Then by using a stiff brush or nylon brush to brush the leaves attached to the sand, impurity, so far to no significant sediment, cut off no net addition of kelp, and then brush of impurities such as sand, seaweed and weighing under. Use wei

45、ghing apparatus measuring range 10 kg (index value must be greater than 5 g) scale.cdAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed

46、three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution:

47、 weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precisi

48、on weighing about 0.025g0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and学而思网校 的化学方程式 ; ; 上述可用于收集二氧化碳装置是 (用装置字母序号填空)。 (2)请你参与探究氢气还原氧化铜得到的红色固体的成分,完成下列各题: 已知信息:?(氢气还原氧化铜除生成铜外还可能生成氧化亚铜(CuO);?(Cu和CuO均22为不溶于水的红色固体;?(CuO+HSO,CuSO+Cu+HO 22442提出问题:红色固体含有什么物质, ?猜想假设: 假设一:红色固体只含Cu;假设


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