九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Star signs Comics & Welcome to the unit精品学案 牛津译林版.doc

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1、九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Star signs Comics & Welcome to the unit精品学案 牛津译林版课题9A Unit1 Comics & Welcome to the unit学习目标知识目标初步了解12星座的图形。辨别代表不同星座的不同标志;学习代表各个星座的标志的名称。要求了解会读、听。能力目标运用卡通漫画中的句型及短语情感目标渗透文化意识:中国有十二属相,西方有十二星座学习重点运用卡通漫画中的句型及短语学习难点识记星座图案课前自学1. 自学卡通漫画,有感情的朗读、表演Eddie和Hobo的对话。2. 积累十二生肖的词汇,了解星座划分信息1. 2. 3. 4.

2、 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 3.两人一组编对话,询问属相和生日4.自学新知识:Its nice of you to bring me the newspaper. It says ( that )- be familiar with west-western have a lot to eat and drink worry about (not) doing sth. find out 课堂交流展示1. 表演Eddie和Hobo的卡通漫画对话。(集体展示,小组展示,两人展示)2.复习中国的12生肖。(集体展示)3.两人一组编对话,询问属相和生日等信息引出西方的12

3、星座,通过对话能认识到中西方的文化差异,认识星座的符号以及英文说法,对照月份定自己的星座:(两人展示)S1:How old are you?S2:Im .S1:Whats your animal sign?S2:Its.S1:When is your birthday?S2:Its on .S1:?S2:.4.学习新知识:(个人展示,造句)Its nice of you to .It says ( that )-be familiar withwest-western have a lot to eat and drink worry about (not) doing sth.find ou

4、t课堂达标检测一、.翻译下列内容1把报纸拿给我_2有很多吃的和喝的_3担心没有吃早饭_4十二星座_5. 对熟悉 _6.你太好了。_二、根据句意及所给中文写出正确的单词。1. Do you read (报纸)every day? 2. What are your (父母亲)star signs?3. Are you _ (感兴趣)in the star signs?4. I didnt have breakfast this morning, so I feel so _(饿)now.三、句型转换A补全下列每句1对我们而言努力学习很重要。It is very important work har

5、d.2明天别忘了把你的家庭作业带来。Dont forget tomorrow.3当我起床迟了,我总是担心赶不上早班车。When I get up late, I always the early bus.B改写句子1. Its kind of you to bring her the book.(同义句) Its kind of you to bring the book _ _.2. Dont worry about me. Dont _ _ _ me. (同义句)3. Millie has found some pictures. _ Millie_ _ pictures? (一般疑问句)

6、4. The dog feels very tired.(对划线部分提问) _ _ the dog _?四、选词填空help others,sign, a lot, say,1. What does the newspaper _? Is it getting worse and worse?2. Its good for us_ when they are in need.3. - Excuse me, you cant smoke here. The _says No smoking. -Sorry, I didnt see it.4. I still have _ to do, but

7、I am very tired.第1课时一、.翻译下列内容1bring me the newspaper 2have a lot/lots to eat and drink 3worry about not having breakfast 4twelve star signs 5. be familiar with 6.Thats good of you.二、根据句意及所给中文写出正确的单词。1. newspapers 2. parents 3.interested 4. hungry三、句型转换A补全下列每句1for us to2to bring your homework here3worry about not catchingB改写句子1. to her 2. be worried about 3. Has, found, any 4. How, does, feel四、选词填空1. say, 2. to help others 3. sign, 4. a lot,


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