九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Look into Science Lesson 29 DNA—The Story of You学案 (新版)冀教版-(新版)冀教版初中九年级上册英语学案.doc

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九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Look into Science Lesson 29 DNA—The Story of You学案 (新版)冀教版-(新版)冀教版初中九年级上册英语学案.doc_第1页
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1、Lesson29: DNAThe Story of You【学习目标】知识目标:DNA,blueprint,general,complex,twin,repeat,pattern,Identify,related, grandson,granddaughter,instruction;ingeneral一般而言;通常exceptfor除之外berelatedto与相关 billionsof数十亿计的;大量;Butbuildingalivingthingisfarmorecomplexthanbuildingahouse.TolistenandunderstandthepassageaboutD

2、NAToknowmoreaboutDNA.能力目标:To listen and understand the passage about DNA.情感目标: 引导学生发挥想象,引起对科学知识的兴趣,树立自主学习的意识。【重点及难点】In general, a blueprint is a drawing that shows how to put a house together with many different parts.But building a living thing is far more complex than building a house.Except for s

3、ome twins, every living thing has its own unique DNA.From your DNA, scientists can identify not only you, but also people who are related to you.【导学过程】一、自主预习【预习指导】1. 自学教材第29课单词与词组,你可以听录音跟读,根据音标读,或者请教别人读。做到发音标准,弄清词性和汉语意思。2. 自学教材,仔细读课文至少三遍,弄清课文大意。用横线划出文中的重要句子。【自主学习】1. 认读识记本课单词和短语。2. 预习本课课文,完成Exercise

4、1 on page 75。3. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1) Shehadaconfusedideaoflifein_(一般的,普遍的).2)Couldyou_(重复)thatquestionforme?3) Youllgetnowhereifyoufollowhis_(方法).4) Ourcultureismore_(复杂的)thanheknows.5)Wouldyoubeableto_(辨别)themanwhorobbedyou?在自学过程中,你还有哪些疑惑在文中用线画出来,并把它写下来,和你的同伴交流。二、合作探究Task 1. 读课文,work out Lets Do It 1.Task

5、 3. 再读课文,找出重点及疑难点;work out Lets Do It 2/3。Task 4. 小组讨论导学案上的Language Points。Task 5. 分组讨论,完成Lets Do It 4。三、交流展示Languagepoints:(一)_,ablueprintisadrawingthatshowshowtoputahousetogetherwithmanydifferentparts.一般而言,蓝图就是一副图纸,它显示一座房子的构造。ingeneral意思是“一般而言;概括说来(通常置于句首)”。也可以用generallyspeaking来表示。例:Ingeneral/Gen

6、erallyspeaking,womencrymoreeasilythanmen.练习:_(总的来说),yourideaisright.(二) Butbuildingalivingthingis_morecomplexthanbuildingahouse.但创造一个生物比盖房子要复杂得多。far用来修饰形容词和副词的比较级,表示程度,译为“得多”。这样的词语还有much,still,even,no,alittle,abit,alot,rather,any等。例:Theroomis_largerthanthatone.这个房间比那个稍大一点。Heworks_harderthanever.他比以往

7、更加努力学习了。Thismeetingis_(重要得多) thanthatone.(三) _sometwins,everylivingthinghasitsownuniqueDNA.除了同卵双胞胎之外,每个生物都有自己独特的DNA。1. *exceptfor用于表示对主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定,它不表示同类事物之间的关系, 可以用在句首。意思有:“除之外;要不是由于”例:Smithisagoodman,_hisbadtemper.史密斯除了脾气不好外是个好人。Themoviewasgood_theending.这部电影除了结尾之外都好。“除去为了.”例:Motherwouldntgivehi

8、manymoney_booksandstationery.除了买书和文具外,妈妈不给他任何钱。2. *except “除之外”后面可接名词、代词、动词、副词、介词短语或从句等。一般不用于句首。except常用在all,whole,any,every, no等词,及anything,anybody,anyone,everything,everybody,everyone等不定代词之后。例:WehaveanEnglishlessoneveryday_Sunday.Sheateeverythingontheplate_thecarrots.3. *besides “除之外(尚有)”, 包括besid

9、es之后的内容。练习:用except,exceptfor,besides填空:Thecityisgood_theweather.Weallwenttothezoo_LiMing.HealsoknowsJapanese_English.Isoldeverything_mycarandmybooks.(四) relateto/with表示“与有关,使互相关联”。例:Heisrelatedtomyfamily. 他与我的家庭有关系。Thematter_him. 这事与他有关。四、当堂检测. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. I have a g idea of how to decorate (

10、装饰) the house, but the details (细节) havent been decided. 2. I havent got the original (原始的) letter, but I have got a c. 3. I didnt hear your sentence. Could you please r it, Miss Gao? 4. The g gave his grandfather his arm and carefully supported him. 5. Dr. Wang asked me to take the medicine accordi

11、ng to the i. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. It took the scientist half an hour (identify) what it was. 7. It seems that these two events are (relate) to each other. 8. All (live) things depend on the sun for their growth. 9. This kind of skirt is much (expensive) than that one.10. It was (amaze) that the polic

12、emen caught the criminal (罪犯) just an hour later. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 11. Toms homework is quite good (除了) a few spelling mistakes.12. I (能) look after myself when I was five years old.13. The company produces (数以百万计的) cars a year.14. “ (总的来说), German cars are very good,” Danny said. 15. His heart attack

13、 could (与相关的) his car accident last year. 按要求完成句子。16. 热可以和光以同样的方式传播。Heat may travel in manner light does.17. 不仅是我,我妹妹也喜欢打乒乓球。 I my sister enjoys playing ping-pong. 18. 他们还没决定什么时候举行运动会。They havent decided the sports meeting.19. 学习新单词非常重要。 is very important. 20. 我认为你的问题可以立刻解决。I think your problem can

14、be solved .五、作业布置1. Finish the exercise of this lesson.2. Preview Lesson 30.【教学反思】参考答案:一、自主预习 3. 1) general, 2) repeat, 3) instruction, 4) complex, 5) identify三、交流展示Language Points:(一) In general. In general.(二) far; a little; much; much more important(三) Except for. 1. except for except for 2. exce

15、pt, except 3. except except besides except(四) isrelatedto四、当堂检测1. general 2. copy 3. repeat4. grandson 5. instructions 6. to identify 7. related 8. living 9. more expensive10. amazing 11. except for 12. was able to 13. millions of 14. In general 15. be related to16. the same; as 17. Not only; but also 18. when to hold 19. Learning new words20. at once


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