九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading(2)精品学案 牛津译林版.doc

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1、九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading(2)精品学案 牛津译林版课题9A unit 3 Reading 2学习目标知识目标学会表达自己的烦恼和感受。能力目标向别人询问建议。情感目标学会自己解决实际生活中的一些问题。学习重点词汇和短语。学习难点谈论问题和向别人求助。课前自学你对这篇课文了解多少?请你自我检测一下。Millie is a G 9 student, she has lots of h and he likes p volleyball and Pingpong. However, she has a lot of homework to do

2、every day, so she finds its hard for her to keep b between her study and hobbies. She has so m homework to do so she cant find any time f her hobbies. She really feels b about that. She really wants to ask someone to t her how to a balance between the two.Simon is c about football. He likes p footba

3、ll at school or in the park after school. Sometimes they even s out late. His parents are very s with him and they ask him to come h early. Simon feels very s . He thinks, s time on hobbies can help him r and make life i . Can someone o him some v suggestions?二、请以My problem为题向大家表达一下你的心声。 _ _ _课堂交流展示

4、一、预习作业你完成得怎么样呢?你能否把你的答案读给大家听一听。让大家来听一下,记下你们认为他她读得不准的或不对的单词,并帮助他/她更正。二、组间交流:各小组将本组认为难以理解的句型写在黑板上,其它组的同学阅读这些句型,并帮助他们理解这个句型。三、小组合作,每一组完成一篇Our problem。让一位组员口述。(10分钟)四、请大家完成课本46页Part B. 两人一组完成并核对答案。五、我们已经学习了关于Millie和Simon的信,你对他们的问题了解了吗?请你在他们各自问题后打“”,不属于他的问题项后打“”。并请你在文中找出对应的句子。六、现在Sigmund Friend给Millie和Si

5、mon回信了,但信中有一些单词丢了,你能帮他们补起来吗?完成后读给你的同桌听一听,比一比,看谁对的多。A部分我对了_个,B部分我对了_个。七、你能从Sigmund Friend的信中找出他给出的建议吗?(至少五条) 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _八、请大家以第一人称写出自己的问题和烦恼,并写出解决方法。 _课堂达标检测一、学习完本课时一些重点词汇和句型,相信下面的题目你一定能轻松应对,但要细心哦!1. We really dont know how _(work) out the problem.2. _(write) poems is one of my favorite _(ho

6、bby).3. Dont turn on the TV, I have a lot of work _(do) today.4. My father _(give) up _(smoke) already.5. A: Who taught you _(play) this computer game? B: I _(teach) _(I).6. I cant _(solve) the problem, please give me some _(advice).7. Dont always feel _(stress), try _(relax) yourself.二、翻译下列句子。1、我有个

7、问题,而且我不知道如何应对它。_2、有时我想拒绝做如此多的作业,但通常我还是接受它。_3、我常常怀疑,这样如此努力学习值不值得。_4、我一直期待一个没有家庭作业的假期。_5、你能给我一些建议吗?_6、我有时感到有压力而且生气。_7、我希望能得到父母的支持。_总33课时一、1. to work 2. Writing , hobbies 3. to do 4. has given, smoking 5. to play , taught,myself 6. solve advice 7. stressed, to relax .二、1. I have a problem and I dont kn

8、ow how to deal with it .2. Sometimes, I would like to refuse to do so much work, but usually I still accept it. 3. I often doubt weather it is worth working so hard.4. I am looking forward to a holiday without homework.5. Can you offer me some suggestions? 6. I feel stressed and angry from time to time . 7. I wish I could have my parents support.


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