九年级英语:Chapter 6 Food for thought学案(深圳牛津版).doc

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《九年级英语:Chapter 6 Food for thought学案(深圳牛津版).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语:Chapter 6 Food for thought学案(深圳牛津版).doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Chapter 6 Food for thought学案设计 一学习目标:1. 学会朗读单词、课文,能抓住本文的大意。2. 学会预测、跳读、找读等阅读技巧。3. 学会从上下文、标点符号等信息猜测新词的词义。比一比,看谁是学习的大赢家!二阅读前活动这些单词可以帮助你理解课文哦!vegetarian .vediterin n. appetite pitait n. 食欲, 胃口vitamin vitmin n. 维他命 pesticide pestisaid n. 杀虫剂tiny taini adj. 小的 astronautstrn:t n. 宇航员看标题、介绍和图片信息,完成: Title:

2、_ Who:_What are they probably talking about? _Where:_看标题、图片信息的作用:_三阅读中活动:活动1:Skimming跳读,找出本文大意。 Listen to the passage and get the main idea. 1. Number each paragraph(标段落). There are _ paragraphs.2. Whats the main idea of the passage? _ 活动2:Scanning 找读,找出文中的细节。(1) Read the first Part (P1-7): Do the T

3、 or F exercises and tell the reasons.1. Debbie wants to order a lot of meat. ( ) 2. Simon doesnt like to eat meat. ( )3. Simon thinks it better to use land to grow food for cattle than people. ( )(2) Read the second Part (P8-14) and answer the questions.1.If the animals get sick, what will people do

4、? _2. Are vegetables always safe for us to eat? _3. Why do we need meat? _4. Why does Simon say so many bad points of meat to Debbie in P10? _活动3:Read the passage again and order the sentences 根据文章内容排序.( ) a. Simon says he became a vegetarian after seeing a TV programme.( ) b. Debbie and Simon are h

5、aving lunch at a restaurant.( ) c. Simon advises changing the subject to end the arguments.( ) d. Debbie says that we need meat and vegetables may be dangerous to eat.( ) e. Simon explains the reason why the animals get sick easily and tries to persuade Debbie to change her view.活动4:Guessing the wor

6、ds. 猜单词(四人小组活动)(1) Read the passage again and find out the meaning of the new words.( )1. No more bits of dead animals for me. (P2) A. lifeless B. living C. delicious你从哪里知道答案:_( )2. Youre always influenced by these programmes, Simon. (P5) A. asked B. laughed C. affected 你从哪里知道答案:_( )3. And the anima

7、ls we eat have to spend their lives living in tiny spaces. (P8) A. underground B. cages C. sky你从哪里知道答案:_( )4. Animals that are kept this way can easily get sick, so they have to be given drugs. (P10) A. rice B. grass C. medicine你从哪里知道答案:_谈谈你猜词的技巧:_(2)你还有别的猜词方法吗?试一试! Ive become a vegetarian a person

8、who does not eat meat.(P2) 中文意思是:_ 谈谈你猜词的技巧:_ 猜一猜: Overgrowth is common in adolescents people between the ages of 13 and 17. 中文意思是:_一起来朗读新单词! steak steik n. 牛排 sausage s:sid n. 香肠, 腊肠bit bit n. 一点儿, 少量 dead ded adj. 死的influence influns vt. 影响, 感化 industry indstri n. 工业,cattle ktl n. 牛, 家畜, 畜牲(复数) sp

9、ace speis n. 空间, 空地drug drg n. 药物四、阅读后活动Acquisitions学习心得: What is better for our body? Read the passage loudly and find the words that show advantages(有利的方面) and disadvantages (不利的方面)of eating vegetables and meat. 比一比,找一找VegetablesMeatAdvantagesDisadvantages你的选择是:_五、学习总结:Main idea: _Reading skills:

10、_Words guessing skills: _Acquisition(心得体会): _六、作业:1. Find out the paraphrases. 少量 被影响 没有胃口 由于 换话题 不再 代替 花时间做某事2. Read the passage until you can read it fluently and fill the blanks.按课文内容填空:Debbie and Simon are having lunch in a restaurant. Debbie wants to order a lot of meat, but Simon just wants to

11、 eat _. He says he has become a _ since he saw a TV programme. Simon tells that the animals living in tiny _ get sick easily so they are given _. The drugs may even still in the meat when they are killed. But Debbie has different ideas. She thinks that meat are rich in _ and _. And many people are ill because there are _ on vegetables. At last, they _ the subject to end the argument.


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