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1、描写月亮的英文诗歌阅读|描写孩子的英文诗歌 月亮有的,是温柔,是情思,是浪漫,是执着,古往今来,不知征服了多少桀骜不训的情男痴女,演绎了多少凄婉绝美的故事。我整理了描写月亮的英文诗歌,欢迎! 描写月亮的英文诗歌篇一 shall i your beauties with the moon compare? 我能把你的美丽比作月亮吗? by pierre de ronsard :龙萨 shall i your beauties with the moon compare? 我能把你的美丽比作月亮吗? shes faithless, you a single purpose own. 她背信弃义,你

2、却意志坚决。 or to the general sun, who everywhere 或者把你比作平凡的太阳?四处 goes common with his light? you walk alone 挥洒着一样的光芒?你孤独地行走, and you are such that envy must despair 你如此地美丽,至而让嫉妒绝望 of finding in my praise aught to condone, 发觉我的赞扬无以原谅, you have no likeness since theres naught as fair 你如此美丽,世人望尘莫及, yourself

3、 your god, your star, fates overtone. 你是自己的上帝,自己的星宿,命运的回音。 those mad or rash, who make some other woman your rival, 那些疯狂与鲁莽的人啊,让其他的女人与你争辉, hurt themselves when they would hurt you, 在伤害你的时刻,却伤害了他们自己, so far your excellence their dearth outpaces. 你的美丽至今无人企及。 either your body shields some noble demon,

4、你这个尤物啊,遮掩了某些显贵的恶魔, or mortal you image immortal virtue; 你不朽的躯体遮住了你流芳的美德, or pallas you or first among the graces. 你是智慧女神,亦或是美丽女人中的最美女人。 tr. zhang heqing 翻译:张和清 描写月亮的英文诗歌篇二 致月亮 雪莱 诗/黎历 译 你面容苍白是否已厌倦 总在攀登天堂,朝地球凝望, 你穿梭于生辰不同的群星 孤独地流浪 宛若无欢乐的眼睛,不断变幻, 找不到目标值得停留久长? To The Moon by Percy Bysshe Shelley Art tho

5、u pale for weariness Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth, Wandering companionless Among the stars that have a different birth, - And ever changing, like a joyless eye That finds no object worth its constancy? 描写月亮的英文诗歌篇三 The Sun And The Moon 太阳和月亮 THE SUN AND THE MOON 太阳和月亮 The sun is round and very bright, 太阳圆又亮, He shines and gives us light. 光照大地上。 Then he goes to sleep at night 晚上他睡去, And sends his brother, Mr.Moon 派来月亮弟, Who floats on high like a white balloon. 好象银气球, 高高天上游。 看了描写月亮的英文诗歌的人还看了: 1.描写月亮的英语诗歌欣赏 2.描写月亮的英文诗歌欣赏 3.有关月亮的英文诗歌欣赏 4.关于月亮的英语诗句欣赏 5.有关月亮的英语小诗


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