八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online travel Check out精品学案 牛津译林版.doc

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1、八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online travel Check out精品学案 牛津译林版课题8B Unit 3 Check out学习目标知识目标1回顾和巩固本单元关于电脑的词汇2回顾和巩固被动语态的用法能力目标1. 掌握教育类光盘或软件的基本用途。2. 能理解并熟练使用被动语态情感目标激励学生在今后的学习生活使用教英语类光盘或软件的欲望学习重点能理解并熟练使用被动语态学习难点能理解并熟练使用被动语态课前自学1复习关于电脑的词汇以及其基本用途,2. 用正确的时态和语态完成下列句子1. A number trees _ (plant) every year. 2. An English

2、book _ (read) by me yesterday. 3. The old people _ (speak) to politely. 4. The classroom _ (not clean) yesterday. 5. _ you _ (ask) to join Millies birthday party? 6. The teachers _ (listen) carefully by the students.课堂交流展示1. 小组交流,描述以下教学类光盘或软件的相关内容;. Around the world in eight hours (Revise Reading) S

3、aving Princess Laura & Travel in space (Consolidate the passive voice)“Daily English (Revise Integrated skills)2. 学生核对自学2的答案,并讲解被动语态的用法 3. 完成57页A部分的练习,全班核对答案,并讲集体朗读。4. 课前将课本第57页B部分的6个句子分别写在6张卡片上。每次请一名同学抽取一张并大声朗读出句子,其他学生猜测是电脑的哪个部件。答对者可有机会抽取下一张。5. 学生独立完成课本B部分的练习,集体核对答案。6. 组内互相提问电脑各部件的用处,每组选代表在班级展示。7.

4、呈现一篇关于一个教育游戏光盘的文章,让学生分组完成它的资料卡(profile)课堂达标检测一、阅读下列信息,回答问题,并完成短文。 Name of game: Come on the trip in China.Number of levels: 5Main character: Peter Smith.Age: 14 years oldGoal: travelling around China to learn a lot about knowledge of geographySetting: Different cities in China.Designed in: 2003Desig

5、ner: Wang XiaomaoProducer: Xinhua Educational CD-ROM Co.Sold in: Bookstores all over China.A. Questions:1. What is the game called?_ _2. What is the main character called? _3. What is the goal of the game? _4. Where is the game set? _5. When was the game designed? _6. By whom was the game designed?

6、_7. By which company was the game produced? _8. Where is the game sold? _B. Fill in blanks:My favourite computer game is called “_”. Its an _ game _ five levels. Peter Smith is _ of the game. He is 14 years old. The game _ in different cities in China. The goal of the game is travelling around China

7、 to learn _. The game _ in 2003 and it _ by Wang Xiaomao. It _ Xinhua Educational CD-ROM Co. This game _ in bookstores all over China.学习感悟:第十课时 一A略 BCome on the trip in China / computer / with / the main character/ is set a lot about knowledge of geography / was designed / was designed / was produced / is sold


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