八年级英语上册 Unit 6 National disasters Comic stripe & welcome to the unit精品学案 牛津译林版.doc

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1、八年级英语上册 Unit 6 National disasters Comic stripe & welcome to the unit精品学案 牛津译林版主备人总10-1课时上课时间课 题8A unit6 National disasterscomic stripe & welcome to the unit学习目标知识目标单词:natural, accident ,wash ,lightning ,storm, rainstorm , thunder, earthquake词组:Lose the game, a car accident, kill thousands of people,

2、wash the village away 句型:I was sleeping when it started to rain.能力目标了解有关自然灾害的词汇情感目标了解一些自然灾害并学会在灾难面前保护自己。学习重点学习天气和自然灾害的词和词组。学习难点能够掌握自然灾害的英文名称。课 前 自 学一翻译下列重点单词并借助于单词表的音标会读下列单词。1自然的,大自然的 2.事故 3.闪电 4.冲掉 5.地震 6.暴雨 7.雷,雷声 8.台风 9.暴风雪 10.闪电二预习课文并翻译下列重点词组1 自然灾害 2. 一场车祸 3.一次地震4.输掉比赛 5.雷鸣和闪电 6.冲垮村庄7.mop the fl

3、oor 8.crash into the tree9.kill thousands of people 10.台风 11.暴风雪 12.暴风雨三.句型理解1. The floor is all wet . Whos going to _(把它拖洗干净)if you dont Come with me.2. The school football team _(输掉了比赛).3._(一场车祸) killed three men.4. A coach _(猛撞了) a tree last night .5. A flood _(冲走了村庄).6. Lightning _(引起了一场大火) in a

4、 house.7.A young boy _(从树上摔下来) and hurt his legs. 四.熟读漫画Eddie and Hobo 的对话,并回答下列问题。1. Whats the weather like today?2. Whats happened to Hobo?3. What was Hobo doing when it started to rain?4. How does he feel at Eddies home?5. What happened to Hobos house?6. Why doesnt he want to go home alone?五大自然中存

5、在很多自然灾害,我们现在学习这些新词汇吧!预习P93页B部分并完成填写部分。六恶劣的天气可导致哪些自然灾害.请通过讨论或上网查资料后完成下列表格。并完成P93页B部分。Weather conditionNatural disasterHeavy rainHeavy snowStrong windThunder and lightsDry weather七讨论自然灾害和事故的区别。并完成P93的A部分。课 堂 交 流 展 示展示一: 在组内和班内展示课前预习题一,二,三并大声朗读。展示二:有感情的朗读comic stip 部分,展示习题四展示三:Do you know other bad wea

6、ther conditions?请讨论坏天气的新词,核对93页B部分答案后朗读。展示四:恶劣的天气会导致哪些自然灾害呢?请小组展示,其它小组可补充(每种坏天气所引起的自然灾害种类不限)展示五:完成93页的A部分,组内核对答案。课 堂 达 标 检 测(一)根据所给中文及名意完成单词。1- Im afraid of the _(电闪雷鸣). What about you? - Me ,too.2The flood _(冲掉)many houses away last year.3Do you enjoy the _(大自然的)sights in your hometown.4There was a

7、n _(意外的事故)just now, some people died.5There was _(一次地震)in Japan last year.6There will be a _(暴风雨) in a few days in the south.7The school team_(输了) the game last week.8.He _(猛撞) his car into the wall last night.(二)根据英文描述,写出表示天气现象的单词。1People cant go back to their homes .Everything is shaking .Many thi

8、ngs fall down. ( ) 2. The weather is terrible. The wind is very strong .Sometimes it rains. ( ) 3. It rains heavily with a strong wind. People can hear thunder and see lightning , they have to walk in water in the street.( ) 4. It snows heavily with a strong wind. People cant go out. Everything look

9、s white. ( ) 5. The wind is very , very strong. It usually comes from the sea. Sometimes it rains. ( ) (三)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空:1. Many people lost their _(life) in the accident.2. There are many _(nature) disasters in the world.3. The earthquake in TaiWan killed _(thousand) of people.4. There are lots of

10、 _(people) on the playground.5. I was _(sleep) when it started to rain.1. 2010年的特大洪水冲垮了许多房屋和大树。 The big flood in 2010_2. 在四川大地震中,成千上万人遇难。 The Si Chuan earthquake _3. 昨天一个年轻人从树上摔下来,竟然安然无恙。 Yesterday a young man_, but he doesnt hurt badly.4. 上个星期五两个小学生在教室里玩火,将整幢大楼烧了起来。 Two pupils played with fire in t

11、heir classroom last Friday and _.5. 在昨晚的事故中,一辆大客车撞倒了数上。 A coach crashed into a tree_ last night. 学习感悟:课时10-1的答案:(一)1.thunder and lightning 2.washed 3.natural 4.accident 5.an earthquake 6.rainstorm7.lost 8.crashed(二)1.earthquake 2.storm 3.rainstorm 4.snowstorm 5.typhoon(三)1.lives 2.natural 3.thousands4.people 5.sleeping(四) washed a lot of houses and trees away.killed thousands of peoplefell from a treestarted a big fire in the buildingin the accident


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