八年级英语下册 Unit 2 What should I doSection B 1a-2csectionB学案(无答案)人教新目标版.doc

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《八年级英语下册 Unit 2 What should I doSection B 1a-2csectionB学案(无答案)人教新目标版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 Unit 2 What should I doSection B 1a-2csectionB学案(无答案)人教新目标版.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、杨林中学“两段四问”教学案 八年级英语课题:Unit 2 What should I do? Section B 1a-2c第4课时学习目标A 类词汇:original the same as in style haircutB 类 听力理解与练习 课文理解C 类句型 They are comfortable。They are in style。 They are inexpensive。They are the same as my friends clothes。He has the same haircut as I do。教师导学学生练习学生问教材【目标:10分钟】1、学生自主学习1a

2、 评价一下什么对你来说是重要的1、写出下列句子 他们是舒适的 他们很时髦 他们不贵(便宜) 他有与我一样的发型 学生问学生【目标:10分钟】2、学生自主学习2a,然后在老师的帮助下理解听力2、练习课文对话3、.听录音完成2a和2b. 4.利用所学内容要求学生分组合作完成2c 部分。5.听写本节的重点内容学生问老师【目标:10分钟】3、学生自主学习2b 听磁带后完成表格4、完成2c 小组合作完成对话 6、tell sb to do sth 7、wear the same clothes。 老师问学生【目标:10分钟】一、填空。1.The boys enjoyed _(them)in the zo

3、o last Sunday.2.I saw a boy _(cry) when I crossed the street.3.They are learning how _(use)the computer.4.I feel under _(press).5.Llet”s _(try)our best_(make)our world more beautiful.6.Parents should give us more_(free).7.They spend a long time_(argue)about it.8.There are all _(kind)of animals in th

4、e zoo.9.You should speak English as much as_(possible).二、连词成句。1.you why to dont talk him it about ._2.argue you with should not best friend your ._3.call lets up Jane her play and to tennis invite._4.you could me give advice some._5.is my the cousin age same me as._三、单项选择( )1. My parents want _ at h

5、ome every night.A .stay B. to stay C.stays D.staying( )2. -_?- My clothes are out of style.A Whats matter B Whats the wrong C Whats the matter ( )3.I dont want to talk about it _ the phone.A at B on C for D in( )4. His parents are arguing_ money. A about B with C to D at ( )5.Maybe you should _. A call up him B call him up C to call on him D calling him in( )6.- What do you think of the lecture()of LiYangs Crazy English?-I think its _ ,but someone thinks its much too _.A wonderful eough;bored B enough wonderful ;boringC wonderful enough;boring D enough wonderful ;bored 学习反思【目标:5分钟】


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