山东省日照经济开发区七年级英语 Unit 4 I want to be an actor Period 1 SectionA 1a—4 导学案 人教新目标版.doc

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《山东省日照经济开发区七年级英语 Unit 4 I want to be an actor Period 1 SectionA 1a—4 导学案 人教新目标版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省日照经济开发区七年级英语 Unit 4 I want to be an actor Period 1 SectionA 1a—4 导学案 人教新目标版.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、山东省日照经济开发区中学七年级英语 Unit 4 I want to be an actor Period 1 SectionA 1a4 导学案 人教新目标版一、自学指导学习目标:1)词汇:doctor, reporter, policeman, waiter, bank clerk, shop assistant , hospital ,now ,star ,policewoman ,dangerous ,sometimes ,station , newspaper ,talk2)句型: 1)-What do you do?/What are you?/whats your job? -I

2、am a reporter.2)-What does she do?/What is she?/Whats her job? -She is a teacher.3)-What do you want to be? -I want to be an actor.4)-What does he/she want to be? -He /She wants to be a bank clerk.5)-Where does she/he /your sister work?- She /He works in/at二、自主探究 1).预习P19-20单词,试做1a.2).根据汉语写出下列单词和短语

3、1.商店_ 2.助手_ 3.店员_ 4.医生_5.记者_ 6.男警察_ 7.女警察_8. 服务员_9.一名银行职员_ 10.在医院_11.担任主角_12.现在_13.安娜的母亲_14一名演员_15想当_3)预读3a,理解3a中的重点句子的意思当堂清 一、根据首字母填空。1.My mother is a bank c . 2. Kay is twelve years old. He is a s_.3. Frank wants to be a p_. 4.I work for a shop. Im a shop a_.5. You are ill. Youd better see a d_.6.

4、 John is a famous a_. He plays in several movies.7.I often take a bus to school, but s_ I take a taxi.8. We buy things with m_. 9.Policemens work is kind of d_.10.My sister works in a hospital. She is a n_.11.My father is a r_. He works in a TV s_.二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. They are great _ (policeman) . 2. M

5、y uncle is a _ (wait). 3. My sister wants to be a _ (report). 4. She _ (work) in a hospital.5. He shows _( I ) a photo of his family. 6 The tiger is very _ (danger).7._ (thief) dont like police. 8. The waiter is very _(friend) to us.9.Please _(give)me some broccoli. 10.He likes _ (talk) to people.11

6、.He often _(get) money from his parents三、句型转换。1. My brother is an actor. ( 对划线部分提问) (1) _ _ your brother do ? (2) _ your brothers _ ? (3) _ your brother ? 2. Lucy works in the school. (对划线部分提问)_ does Lucy _ ? 3. I want to be a teacher. (对划线部分提问)_ _you want to _? 4. My uncle works in that restaurant.

7、 (改为一般疑问句) _ your uncle _ in that restaurant? 四、翻译句子1你是干什么的?我是一名记者。_2.安娜的妈妈是干什么的?她是一个售货员。_3.她是干什么的?她是一名医生。_4.他想当什么?他想当一名银行职员。_5.你想当什么? 我想当一名女警察。_五、用适当的介词填1. We work and study _ the day and sleep _ night. 2.I work in a bank. I often work _ people and money. 3.Ann doesnt like talking _ people because

8、she is shy.4.I think his work is kind _ boring.5.Do you go out _ dinners with Gina every night? 六、师生感悟与反思:课题:Unit 4 I want to be an actor. Period 2(第二课时):Section B 1a-4、主备人:戴雪 审稿人:郑霞 使用人:七年级全体师生自学指导:学习目标:1. Master the key words and expressions. 2. Prepare the listening material in 2a and 2b.重点词汇、短语:

9、exciting, busy, difficult, dangerous, fun, boring重点句型: Hes a policeman. Its an exciting job. I want to be a rerorter, because its an interesting job. 自主探究 1. 将图片与单词对应完成1a2.快速阅读3a,找出所读的招聘广告中各种职业的特点,并补全招聘广告3再读3a,小组间讨论划出课文中的重点短语,并试着总结写招聘广告的要点,小组代表展示答案。达标检测 一、翻译短语1.努力工作_ 2. 和交谈_ 3. 为而工作_4.做为而工作_ 5. 参加学校

10、表演_ 6. 打某人的电话_7 编写故事_8喜欢工作晚点_9.和其他年轻人一起工作_二、根据首字母写单词。1. Dont play soccer in the street. Its d_. 2. She thinks Beijing Opera is very b_. 3. Kids like comedies because they think theyre i_. 4. Action movies always make us feel e_.5. My mother is always b_ on Sundays. 6. The math problem is too d_ for

11、me三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.His father and uncle are _(policeman). 2、Does he like _ (play) the piano very much.3、The _ _(child) in the picture are from the USA.4、I dont know he is a _ (write).5、The writer is good at _(write) stories for kids.6.ZhaoWei is a popular _(act).7.Do you like _ (meet) people?四、单项选择(

12、)1. _ works late and stands in the restaurant.A. waiter B. Waiter C. A worker D. Worker( )2. Do you like _?A. talking people B. talking to people C. work late D. to working late( )3. - What _ you _? - Im a reporter.A. does, do B. are, do C. do, do D. are, does( )4. What _ he _ be?A. does, wants B. d

13、oes, wants to C. does, want D. does, want to( )5. People give me their money _ get their money _ meA. or, to B. and, to C. or, from D. and, from( )6. Sometimes I work _ the day and sometimes _ nightA. on, at B. at, on C. at, in D. in, at( )7. Does she work _?A. in hospital B. in a hospital C. on hos

14、pital D. on a hospital( )8. - _ your brother work? - In a bankA. Where do B. What do C. Where does D. What does( )9. Its very _ to work _ actorsA. interesting, with B. smart, for C. friendly, with D. shy, for( )10. - What does your father do?- Hes _ cook, its _ busy work. A. a, a B. a, / C. /, a D.

15、/, /五、根据3a或3b内容在空格处填入恰当的词语。1. I want a _ but exciting job. I want to work _ actors, policemen and _ interesting _. I want to be an _. Call the Evening _ at 555-3256. 2. He likes to _ late. He _ to meet people. He wants to _ a job _ a waiter. He wants to _ Alans Restaurant _ 5553937. 3. Jim likes to

16、talk _ people. He likes to _ stories. He wants to _ for a magazine. He wants to be a _ . 四、写一则招聘广告。六、师生感悟与反思: 课题:Unit 4 I want to be an actor. Period 3(第三课时)必记短语:1.有点危险kind of dangerous 2. 在白天during/in the day 3. 在住院 in hospital4. 作为一名记者而工作 work as a reporter 5在医院 in the /a hospital6. 努力工作 work hard

17、. 7忙于做某事 be busy doing sth. = be busy with sth. 8.喜欢写故事 like writing stories 9.外出吃饭 go out to dinners 10在晚上 at night11.一项繁忙但令人兴奋的工作 a busy but exciting job 12.参演校园剧 be in the school play 13. 和某人谈论某事 talk about sth. with sb. 14为杂志社工作work for a magazine 15 给某人某物 give sb.sth.=give sth. to sb. 16和其他年轻人工

18、作work with other young people 一、汉译英1. 和打交道_ 2.给某人某物 _ 3. 从得到_ 4. 穿制服_ 5. 在白天 _ 6. 在夜晚_7. 对说_ 8. 会见某人_ 9. 向某人提问_ 10. 忙于_ 11. 外出 _ 12. 工作到很晚_13. 在医院_、根据句意,用所给的单词的适当形式填空1. The small boy wants to be a _ (report). 2._ (thief) dont like the police.3 How many _(policeman) are there in the police station?4.

19、 He _(give) me an English-Chinese dictionary5.-What _ your pen pal _ (do)? -Hes a student6. I want _(work) in a post office. 7. She enjoys _(sing) very much.8. Do you like _(play) volleyball after school?9 I am busy _ (watch) TV now, dont let me do my homework, please.910 These old people often _ (s

20、ee) Beijing Opera on weekends.二、句型转换 2. She is a doctor. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she _ ? 3. She wants to be a police officer. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she want to _ ?4、What do you do?.(同义句)_5、He wants to be a bank clerk.(改为否定句)_5、I think he is at school today. (改为否定句) _6、What is he?(改为同义句)_7.He likes to sing and dance.(

21、改为一般疑问句)_三、根据句意完成句子。1. 我想踢足球。_ 2. 她想要她的儿子去上学。_3、你的表哥是干什么的?是警察。_4、我的工作很有趣但充满了危险。_ 5、人们把他们的钱给我或从我这里取钱。_6 有时我在白天工作,有时在夜晚。_7、我喜欢和人们谈话。_8、人们出去吃饭时我很忙。_9、我穿着白色工作服协助医生工作。_10、我每天都和有趣的人接触,而且向他们提问题_.四、完形填空This is my family. There are four people in my 1 _. 2_ my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is

22、 a 3_ . He cooks nice _4_ . He likes playing chess. My mother is a teacher. She likes 5_ books. They two work in school. They like tea very much, 6_they dont like milk 7_. My names Li Yang. I like playing 8_football. My sister, Lin Ting 9_ music. She wants to 10_a singer( )1. A. room B. home C. hous

23、e D. family( )2. A. Their B. There C. Theyre D. They( )3. A. cooker B. cook C. farm D. teach( )4. A. dishes B. meal C. lunches D. suppers( )5. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to reading( )6. A. and B. but C. so D. at all( )7. A. too B. also C. sometimes D. at all( )8. A. / B. the C. to D. a( )9. A. l

24、ike B. liking C. likes D. is lik( )10. A. is B. are C. be D. am五、书面表达.I have a friend,His name is,He is.years old,He wants to be,His father is,He wants to be,His mother is,She wants to be 六、师生感悟与反思:课题:Unit 4 I want to be an actor. Period 4(第四课时)主备人:戴雪 审稿人:郑霞 使用人:七年级全体师生第四单元小结 一、词汇 A)根据句意及提示填词。1. The

25、re is something interesting news in todays n_.2 My aunt is a p_. She works in a police station.3. His mother is a doctor, She works in a h_.4.She often w_a white uniform.5.I often play sports in the afternoon, but s_ I do it in the morning. 6.Its d_to play soccer in the street. 7.I often go swimming

26、 in s_. 8.Mr Wang has two c _.9. I want to work for a _(杂志) 10.He is poor(穷) . He has little_(钱)。 B)用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. They are _ (wait). Their jobs are hard. 2. My fathers job is very _ (danger). 3. I like writing _ _ (story) for a magazine? 4. The little dog is very _ (friend). 5. Do you want _ _ (wo

27、rk) for a magazine? 6. June 1st is _ _(children) Day.7. Sometimes he _(go) to school late. 8.What does _(Ann)mother do?9.We want a music teacher _ (teach) guitar.10.Can you give_( I )some broccoli?二、单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. Where _ Jim study? He _ in No.1 middle school. A. is.studys B. do.study C. does, stu

28、dies D. does, studying ( ) 2. Bill doesnt like cooking _ cleaning. A. And B. or C. but D. so ( ) 3.- What does your father do? -_? A. He works on a farm B. He is working now C. He works in a hospital D. He is a writer. ( ) 4. Look! They _ hard _ the hospital. A. Work.in B. working.on C. is working.a

29、t D. are working. in( ) 5. The Chinese people _ hard working. I like _. A. is.it B. is.him C. are.they D. are.them ( ) 6. Thieves _ _ police officers. A. dont like B. doesnt like C. dont likes D. doesnt likes 7.We are an international school _kids _ 5-12.A. for, for B. for, to C. for, of D. of, for(

30、 ) -8. Does she like apples or bananas? -_? A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesnt C. She likes bananas D. Apples and bananas ( ) 9. He likes _ and _ . A. singing .dance B. sing .dancing C. to sing .dancing D. singing .dancing 10.My brother is busy _ his homework. A. do B. to do C. does D. with11.-What

31、do you ant to _?- I want to _ an actor. A .be, be B. do, be C. are, are D. do, do12.My grandma likes_ people.A. talk B. talk with C. to talk D. talking with13.He is a policeman. He works in a _.A bank B. restaurant C. TV station D. police station15-Whats your sisters job?- _A. She is from Beijing. B

32、. Shes a nurse. C. Shes Kate. D. She does homework.四、完型填空(20分) Alice _1_ from England. She _2_ English. Her father _3_ work in china. So now she_4_ in china, she _5_ china very much. The Chinese people _6_ very friendly to her. Now, she _7_ to school five days a week. She _8_ her classmates English

33、and they teach her Chinese. She _9_ Chinese is very hard. But she likes Chinese very much. She _10_ speak a little Chinese now. ( ) 1. A. come B. is C. go D. want ( ) 2. A. teaches B. studies C. speaks D. likes ( ) 3. A. finds B. does C. thinks D. knows ( ) 4. A. comes B. plays C. goes D. is ( ) 5.

34、A. likes B. wants C. would like D. helps ( ) 6. A. is B. are C. do D. look ( ) 7. A. studies B. goes C. works D. stays ( ) 8. A. gives B. reads C. helps D. teaches ( ) 9. A. thinks B. wants C. listens to D. catches ( ) 10. A. cant B. can C. must D. would 五、完成句子1.我妈妈与钱和人打交道。 My mother _ _ people and money.2.人们从我这儿把钱取走。 People _ their money _ me.3.服务生在晚上和周末很忙。 Waiters are very busy _ _ and _ _. 4.我们为你提供一份当老师的工作。We have a job _ you _ a teacher.5.我认为她是一份危险的工作I think its _ _ _.六、书面表达:写一篇招聘教师的广告。条件如下:1. 能吃苦耐劳2.喜欢孩子3.会英语和法语4.会唱歌、跳舞或弹奏一种乐器。你的电话是0532-56321 联系人: Mr White_六、师生感悟与反思:


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