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1、苏州市第二十六中学八年级(下)英语导学稿课 题 Unit 2 TravellingComic strip!课型新授执笔周黎黎审核谢俊学 习目 标Ask Ss to prepare and make them know what they are going to carry when go on a holiday.To introduce well-known attractions in foreign cities and popular places of interestTo activate general knowledge about the world and identif

2、y activities which people do on holiday重 点难 点学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:1.去旅行 5 对某人而言有趣的一天2去划船/购物6 the Great Wall3.某人出去7. Leaning Tower of Pisa4.带某物到某地8. Statue of Liberty二、课堂反馈: 1. Can I go with you?(同义句) Can I _you?2. People can take photos there.(划线部分提问) _ _ people _ here?3. I am going on a trip.(划线部分提问

3、) _ _ you _?三、课后拓展: 4. It _(一定很有趣)5. Let me _(带他出去几个小时吧)6.He is _(整理行装). He wants _(所身携带所有东西)7. We can _(看到美丽的风景).8.It is my _ (three) day in China.9.He spend two hours _(read) English every day.10.It is one of _(famous)park in the world.11. They went to the restaurant as soon as we _(arrive)12. Thi

4、s song sounds so _(beautiful) that I want _(dance) to it.苏州市第二十六中学八年级(下)英语导学稿课 题Unit2 Reading 课型新授执笔周黎黎审核谢俊学 习目 标1To read a letter about a holiday in Japan.2To identify specific details by answering questions.重 点难 点To expand vocabulary to talk about traveling.订正、笔记栏 订正、笔记栏学 习 过 程一、预习检测:1.过得很愉快6. spe

5、nd the whole day2.看上去漂亮7. an indoor theme park3.照相8. later in the afternoon4.给某人买某物9. the best part of the day5.等候几个小时10. jump out of二、课堂反馈: 1. One of them is _(travel) to Tokyo next month.2.Mothers Day is coming. But he _(buy)a present for his mother yet.3.Last week we _(watch) the parade through t

6、he window.4. Look, some _(dance) to the music. Others _(clap) their hands.5. My friend waved to me while I _(walk)along the street.三、课后拓展: I. 1. sandy and her parents went to Hello Kittys house.2.sandy has bought a lovely Hello Kitty purse for her cousin.3. They had lunch in the Hello Kitty house.4.

7、The best part of the day was the parade.5. Hello Kitty wore the red bow on her right ear.II.1.I will show my friend these photos when I come back.I will show these photos _ my friend _ _ _ I come back.2. He was too tired to get up early.He was _ tired _ he could not get up early.3. The dress is very

8、 beautiful. I want to buy it very much.The dress is _ beautiful _ I want to buy it very much.4. I started to do my homework at once after I came back home from school.I started to do my homework _ _ _ I came back home from school.III.1表演者花了数小时游行通过公园。2我最喜欢那个戴着蝴蝶结的玩具熊。3我们变得如此兴奋,以至我们无法停止跟着音乐起舞。4MILLIE的

9、母亲一到家,MILLIE就朝她跑过去。5他边等边看书 苏州市第二十六中学八年级(下)英语导学稿课 题Unit2 Reading 课型新授执笔周黎黎审核谢俊学 习目 标To develop an understanding of suffixes重 点难 点To use appropriate adjectives in context, using the correct suffix to indicate positive or negative meanings 学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:The little girl is _(快活的) and shes always _

10、(充满希望的) about her future.I hope you will have a _(愉快的) holiday.Smoking is _(有害的) to our health.4My life has lost all its meaning. It is _(无意义的).二、课堂反馈: 用后缀-ful. -less填空One day the traffic was heavy on the city roads. The cars were end_. It seemed to be hope_ to walk across the street. It was use_ fo

11、r us to wait and see. So we decided to walk over the footbridge. My daughter was cheer_ in her colour_ dress. She always thought that life was meaning_ and wonder_ . But to her surprise, she found that a 3-year-old boy was begging on the footbridge. He looked so help_ .Why doesnt he go back home? Sh

12、e asked. I didnt know how to answer it.三、课后拓展:我昨晚太累了以致于没完成作业就睡了I was _ that I _ without finishing homework last night.昨天我到家时我妈妈正在煮饭My mother_ _ when I _ yesterday.他一边看电视一边做作业He _ while _ .随身带一张地图似乎是没用的It _-_ take a map with you.不要马虎,你应该万事小心Dont _ . You should _ with everything.苏州市第二十六中学八年级(下)英语导学稿课

13、题Unit 2 Grammar课型新授执笔周黎黎审核谢俊学 习目 标1. To recognize and use the present perfect tense2. use the tense to finish exercises重 点难 点Correctly use the tense to do exercises学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、 预习检测:1. “_ you _ (have) lunch ?” “Yes.” “When _ you _ (have) it?”“I _ (have) it at 12:00.”2. “_ you _ (write) a letter t

14、o your aunt yet?”“Yes, I _. I _ (write) one last week.”3. “_ he _ (finish) his homework?” “Not yet.”4. “_ they ever _ (be) abroad?” “Yes, just once.”5. He _ never _ (go) to the science museum.6. _ you ever _ (drink) coke?二、 课堂反馈: 1.He left Fuzhou just now.He _ _ _ _ Fuzhou for five minutes. 2.The me

15、eting finished at six.The meeting _ _ _ for six hours.3.I bought a pen two hours ago.I _ _ a pen for _ _.4. 他们已经打扫了教室吗?5. 我们已经认识有二十年了。6. 打那以后,她一直住在这。7. “你曾经到过那里吗?” “不,我从来没到过那里三、课后拓展:12.他们已去了美国五年了。13.自从他搬到福州,他就住这儿了。14.他们已经结婚10年。15.我妹妹成为一个大学生已经三年。16.这会已开了多长时间了?17.这门已经关了两天了。18.我入团2年了。苏州市第二十六中学八年级(下)英语导

16、学稿课 题Unit 2 Intergrated skills 课型新授执笔周黎黎审核谢俊学 习目 标To develop the students abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.重 点难 点To understand and respond to the factual information presented in the radio programme.订正、笔记栏 订正、笔记栏学 习 过 程一、预习检测:用所给词的适当形式填空1. One of the biggest theme _(park) is in

17、Suzhou.2. Kitty likes _(buy) souvenirs, so she will go to Shanghai for a holiday.3. Shanghai is a good place for people _(go) _(shop) in any season.4. This shop is so big that I got _(lose) in it.5. This park is so _(interest) that no one feels _(bore) there.6. My mother _(cook) when I came home yes

18、terday afternoon.7. What is the _ (mean) of this sentence?8. Its _(harm) for us to stay in the office for a long time. Wed better go for a walk.9. My father isnt at home. He _(go) to Shanghai.10.He _(go) to Shenzhen last summer. He got _(lost) in the theme park.二、课堂反馈: 改错1. Read English everyday is

19、very important to all of us students.2. The old woman was so poor to buy herself a pair of shoes.3. My teacher says that she will show those photos me as soon as she comes out.4. Can I have some information about the air tickets for these five cities as well?5. Is it one of the most beautiful theme

20、park in Shenzhen?6.What were you doing in that time?7.There may have many tourists this afternoon.8. Spring is good time to visiting Xinjiang.三、课后拓展: 翻译下列句子1夏天,我们可以去青岛游泳。_2任何季节你都可以去三亚。_3那个商店里可能会有很多纪念品。_4夏天是游泳最好的季节。_苏州市第二十六中学八年级(下)英语导学稿课 题Unit 2 Main task &Check out课型新授执笔周黎黎审核谢俊学 习目 标1. To select, or

21、ganize and present informaiton2. To identify and sort key information required to talk about personal experiences重 点难 点1.To describe and explain places, experiences and feelings学 学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:1 .There may _ a football match tomorrow.A. is B. be C. have D. /2- Whats Millie doing these days? -

22、She is _ holiday.A. on B. at C. for D. in3-Why dont you go to visit the Great Wall with us?- Because I _ there many times.A. have been B. have been to C. went D. were going4What are you going to do this weekend? I yet. A.havet decided B. wont decide C.have decided D. didnt decide5 dont know if it to

23、morrow. If it , I will stay at home. A.will rain, rains B. rains, will rain C.will rain,will rain6.Mr Huang to Kunming. Hell come back in two weeks. A.goes B. went C. has gone D.go 二、课堂反馈:1. Theres a man _ (stand) at the starting line.2. Has Mille _ (fly) to Tokyo yet? Not yet.3. The_ (lose) boy _ (not find) so far.4. Nobody _ (tell) me that before.5. If it _ (rain) tomorrow, I _ (not go) to the theme park.6. My friend _ (come) to Harbin seven years ago. He _ (be) here for seven years. 三、课后拓展:1们花了整整两天的时间游玩苏州园林。2天你遇见我时,我正在为朋友买些生日卡片。 3.他爷爷过世3年了。4.电视剧上映了半个小时了。5我叔叔离开家乡十年了。


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