秋七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil(第4课时)Section B(2a-2c)学案 (新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标版初中七年级上册英语学案.doc

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秋七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil(第4课时)Section B(2a-2c)学案 (新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标版初中七年级上册英语学案.doc_第1页
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秋七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil(第4课时)Section B(2a-2c)学案 (新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标版初中七年级上册英语学案.doc_第2页
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秋七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil(第4课时)Section B(2a-2c)学案 (新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标版初中七年级上册英语学案.doc_第3页
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秋七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil(第4课时)Section B(2a-2c)学案 (新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标版初中七年级上册英语学案.doc_第4页
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《秋七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil(第4课时)Section B(2a-2c)学案 (新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标版初中七年级上册英语学案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《秋七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil(第4课时)Section B(2a-2c)学案 (新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标版初中七年级上册英语学案.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Is this your pencil第四课时Section B (2a2c)【学习目标】1掌握单词和短语。2读懂一些简单的寻物启事和失物招领。3能领会两种启事的写法。【学习重点】1重点单词:library,find,askfor等。2理解寻物启事、失物招领的文章。【学习难点】辨别寻物启事和失物招领启事的区别。学习提示What will you do if you pick up/lose things?Task 1学习提示Preview the words,phrases and sentences on P17.Students mark the new words and

2、Chinese meanings in the text and remember.【学法指导】askask是动词,意为“询问;请求;要求”。其常见用法有:(1)ask sb.询问某人。例如:You can ask me some questions.你们可以问我一些问题。(2)ask sb.for sth.向某人要某物。例如:He asks his uncle for a book.他向他叔叔要了一本书。(3)ask sb.to do sth.让某人去做某事。例如:Tom asks me to help him.汤姆让我帮助他。Task 2学习提示1Fast reading.(1)Ss re

3、ad the notice quickly to know the main idea and finish the tasks in 2b.(2)Ss try to translate the difficult sentences.情景导入生成问题T:Have you ever picked up others things or lost anything?What are they?S1:I lost a backpack.S2:I picked up a pen.T:Good.What will you do with these things?How did you return

4、or find them?Have a discussion with your partner.T:If you lost something,what should you do?You can answer it in English or Chinese.自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read new words and phrases.1I can read.(我会读)预习下列单词,争取自己能正确拼读。拼读成功后再在课文中把单词标记出来。in,at,library,find,found,some,askfor,emailat,lost,lose,callat,must2I c

5、an write.(我会写)翻译下列短语。(1)电脑游戏computer_game(2)在学校图书馆里in_the_school_library(3)向要/索取askfor(4)几把钥匙some_keys(5)用发邮件给我email_me_at(6)打(电话)找我call_me_at(7)学生证school_ID_cardTask 2Lets read 2b and understand it.1Fast reading.(快速阅读)(1)快速阅读2b,圈出丢失的东西。a_computer_game,some_keys,watch,school_ID_card(2)请尝试翻译以下课文中的句子。

6、(特别注意斜体部分的单词)A computer game is in the school library.在学校图书馆里有一个电脑游戏。Some keys are in Classroom 7E.在7E教室里有几把钥匙。2.Intensive reading.Ss read the notice carefully and circle the lost things.Task 3学习提示Read the notice carefully again,find out who lost/picked up things.【备注】Are they yours?它们是你的吗?Email me a

7、t maryg2.用这个邮箱maryg2找我。Call me at 685 6034.拨打电话685_6034找我。你还有不太懂的句子吗?请把它们写下来,并在组内讨论时翻译成中文。2Intensive reading.(精读)1Is the watch Johns?No,it_isnt.2Is the school ID card Toms? Yes,it_is.3Whats Toms phone number? Its 6856034.Task 3Lets finish 2c.交流展示生成新知Show in groups.(Time:six minutes)First, the studen

8、ts read the words and phrases in groups.Then,read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups.First,translate the sentences in groups.Then,underline and mark what you dont know and mark them.Class show.(Time:sixteen minutes)1I can read.Read together,pay attention to the pronunciation of “li

9、brary” and “email” and so on;Consolidate the words learning by word games.2I can write.Students translate the phrases into English by answering quickly;Read together.1Fast reading.Read the notice quickly,answer the lost things;Find the sentences in the text and translate them.2Intensive reading.Check the answers by answering quickly.当堂演练达成目标根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1Her ruler is lost(丢失的)2I see my teacher in the library(图书馆)3Here are some(一些)English books.4Call (打电话) Tony at 3628562.5I lost my school_ID_card(学生证)课后反思查漏补缺收获:_困惑:_


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